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Everything posted by Bastilla_Skywalker

  1. it's very funny isn't it? need a laugh? listen to this and boost your immunity system *wink wink*
  2. Hello Everyone !!!! I picked up some sound files from the source below. I thought they might be interesting to share. I don't know if theses have been posted already but if they have please accept my humble apologies.they are surpose to be very funny I believe.Any way listen to them and and tell me what you guys think... Everyone listen to this now!! This is between The exile and Bao-dur!!!! http://web.telia.com/~u42704646/Kotor/ And for Atton !!! http://web.telia.com/~u42704603/Atton.html source I got them from here... you can get them here if the two links above don't work for you. http://kotorfanmedia.com/forums/viewtopic....cd62e89d630f4e0 enjoy Bastila Skywalker :cool:
  3. Jar Jar of course! hes a curse to star wars altogether! hes the dumbest and stupidist character GL could ever come up with. I really hope to see Jar Jar Binks die with Anakin Skywalker plundging his lightsaber into his heart *laughs evily*
  4. Kotor III as it said thosands of times that the two crews should combine together for the story of KOTOR III. but unfortunly I heard some where that Obsidian is going to do KOTOR III but it wont be a sequal.Of course this is just arumpur I heard.
  5. what the hell how the hell are we english speaking people surpose to read that? we non german speakers could be missing out on some interesting info about KOTOR III, can some who can speak german translate it into english please.
  6. people come up with marvllous ideas. looks like I ain't the only one who wants the two crews combined for KOTOR III.
  7. Hello well theses days KOTOR III seems to be a popular subject in a lot of ways. I have seen many threads about the story line and Ideas from other people. I couldn't agree more that KOTOR III should have the two KOTOR crews in it but in this thread I just want everyones ones opinion on how KOTOR III should start and finish.any ideas everyone?
  8. simply brilliant! this is how KOTOR III should be some of the KOTOR crew and KOTOR II crew together.exellent! this better be how it turns out in KOTOR III.
  9. Congratulations To Aurora !! YAY *claps* Aurora you rock! and you deserve the attention for you great work.Keep up the exellent work! (w00t)
  10. Bastila,Carth and Revan are the ones that got me into KOTOR in the first place.they inspired me all along.I loved the bit when my most three favourite characters got tortured together by Sual Karath and it was funny.I also loved the bit where Carth demanded an explantion to Bastila about Revans true Identity,it was so heart warming.I always looked forward to when the Leviathian catches my favourite three characters.The revelation bit by Darth malak is very cool as well as the three of you stand together alone to face darth malak,its just pure brilliance what bioware did how bioware got me to fall in love with theses three admired characters is well beyond me. There are two very cool lines said about the three characters (Bastila,Carth,Revan alone) "The admiral would be watching the three of us for You,me or Carth to succed" can be said by Bastila shan about her,Revan and Carth.,or somthing like that. "even with the the three of you together can not stand against my power" said by Darth Malak about Revan,Carth and Bastila. the threesome qoutes are the coolest and cutest. The three of them are just so funny how they would pick on the other character.I like the male Revan story better then the female Revan.I also like the romance plot between the male Revan and Bastila better then the female Revan romance.and with the male Revan with the love plot to Bastila, and Carth is just the tag a long lol. one quote I also can't forget what Carth says is" "you know left out of the loop,you know strung along" carth says that at the Jedi academy about been left out lol. I just think bioware did a great job on those three. I do like the other characters. but Bastila,Carth and Revan stand out the best.
  11. Hello I am a Bastila/Carth/Revan trio fan mainly.actually for one thing I am a fan of the male Revan story which is more preferable to me.Any way it was the three characters of Revan/Carth/Bastila that actually really inspired me to love Kotor.Any thing to do with them three trio mainly I love.The three of those characters are the main characters that got the best plot altogether on the Leviathian.I was just wondering if there are any other Carth/Bastila/Revan fans out there and that I ain't the only trio fan out there.I loved how on the Leviathian how Bastila hid the truth from Carth about Revans real Identitiy and he finally finds out on the Leviathians bridge and he demands a explanation by Bastila.then the next bit before that is exellent indeed how the three of them together get tortured together! (oh how sweet!)by Sual Karath,gees its so funny and touching.Then finally when the three of them finally meet Malak on the Leviathian is when things start to get really interesting and this is my fvourite bit of any thnig in gaming history! the revelation of Revans true Identity and guess whos there to learn it all? yep thats right Bastila/Revan/Carth.They were very well written. I also was just wondering if there are any other trio fans of Bastila/Carth/Revan out there who would like to share their favourite moments with the coolest video game trio in the galaxy.either it can be with female/male Revan,it can be about fan fiction,fan art or any thing about the trio. So how did Revan/Carth/Bastila inspire you? Cheero -Bastila Skywalker
  12. Hello Well it was all explained in a way in Kotor II about theses True Sith and that Revan went off to fight theses weird sith or what ever they are.Now I can tell you what our ultimate enemy should be for Kotor III, and that shoud be The true sith.It would help explain who theses enemies are and why they are more dangerous then the "fake" sith we have been fighting in most star wars game games lol.Now all a long as you all probably know,yes I know,we have been fighting "fake sith" all along.now in kotor III it would be good if the truth sith could exlpain their "Origin" and why they are such a threat to the galaxy.I think the true sith should appear in Kotor III now do you think that The True Sith should Be In Kotor III? arn't anyone sick of theses mysterious true sith and not knowing much about them?
  13. People do say that there is going to be a kotor III.I agree that there should be a kotor III.I think the story should center around Revan and the exile and their two crews.Ther should be a new Jedi but he/she is plunged in to a battle and must go on a mission to find out what happened to the two well known leaders-Revan and the exile.also the new crew should get to meet the the cameos of the other crews.I dare not say that who ever makes kotor III better not make kotor III around another time period.the kotor time period should be centered around Revan and exile ant theirs crews. this is what john morgon had to say Obsidian Entertainment is indeed working on a third project. All I can really say is that it's in a state of pre-production at the moment and it is not a Bioware license. read here if you want proof: http://forums.obsidianent.com/index.php?sh...08entry302708 or here http://gamebanshee.com/news/static/EEEEFFlyuZNyAUjdZj.php i have a feeling that Kotor III might have nothing to do with the Revan or exile times line in a way.It better do!
  14. Its such a pitty that we didn't get to see Atton and diciple fight it out if you were female exile and if you were male Visas Marr and Handmaiden fight.it would've been very cool. but unfortunly thats doesn't happen in the real version but hopefully that will change soon.
  15. Aurora will restore Kotor II how it should be think we should put Aurora on the Kotor III project hey? :D
  16. Hello I was just wondering.Did you guys think of Revan and the Exile as the greatest leaders of the Kotorian time? or did you hate them as leaders? what are your opinions on their leadership skills any Ideas? Cheero -Bastila Skywalker
  17. for people having trouble veiwing my fan art of Revan may veiw the picture here with no problem at all. http://jedistarwars.95mb.com/fanart.htm feel free to have a look if you are having trouble viewing the male Revan picture I drew.
  18. I am shore you are doing a marvllous job Aurora! keep up the brilliant work Aurora and restore Kotor II how it should be :) I say everyone support Aurora and her marvllous work! spread the word! and restore Kotor II how it should be!! I will be a supporter for Aurora's restoration project!
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