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Everything posted by Commissar

  1. Funny thats what the othert religions used to say before christianity came along. Not the jesus part obviously. Compared to the sum total of human history christianty is just the latest fad. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> He's having fun with you. Sort of like how people always buy my conspiracy theory thing. I can post that again in a week and people will have forgotten I'm not serious. Just let it go.
  2. I've been back for all of three days, and I can tell you that there's no way this ain't an alt. I suspect Hildegaard, quite honestly. He seems combative, and enjoys coming out of nowhere with walls of text.
  3. Don't believe I am, either.
  4. Methinks the lady doth protest too much. Taks, you're a Mason, aren't you? Or, God forbid, a Rotarian.
  5. Those puppies look like statesmen. Seriously. Look at the pose, look at their miens. They have this austere, august sort of look to them. I think the jowls help, because jowls can't help but draw one's mind to Sir Winston. But really, they look like they're giving the Secret Speech or something. Far too serious-looking for puppies, in my opinion.
  6. man, commissar, give me a break... i love conspiracy theories but rational thought must prevade. of course, knowing you, stirring the pot is not out of the question! i'm more concerned with the influence of the trilateral commission and the bilderbergs... none of which has anything to do with the masons or the 33rd parallel (er, nothing credible). hehe. taks <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Your name from now on is 'Bass.' 'Cause you hit hook, line, and sinker.
  7. Taks, I can't tell you how disappointed I am in you.
  8. I never said I was an ex-CIA agent. I sort of feel like one, though, making transatlantic calls to Danish contractors I've never met. Edit: Nor am I a forum stranger, mendicant.
  9. Thanks guys.
  10. Don't fool yourself into thinking you know what's going on in this world. The first duty of power is to perpetuate itself, and we don't even know who the actual powerful people are. Truman started the whole American tradition of secrecy after WWII, with Project Paperclip, in which the CIA put captured Nazi scientists to work on America's nuclear arsenal, the space program, and all this "otherworldly" technology they'd come across. (And you know what I mean.) Then they got Truman to create the super-secret Majestic 12 committee to oversee Project Paperclip, not to mention other weird stuff the government wanted hidden. They ran the whole thing, and they've been running it for years, but nobody knows who "they" are. But I'm pretty sure they're all Freemasons. The whole Kennedy thing is so huge because it's at the center of so many other covert shadow-government operations. Kennedy himself was the smallest part of it, because it was actually a power play between Dulles' CIA, the anti-Castro military, LBJ, the Giancana Mafia, and a bunch of other dirty players. Oswald was a patsy, sure, but he put a gun on Jack. Of course, so did other test-mules from Dulles' MK-Ultra LSD-mind-control experiments. Zapruder was in on it, too: He was a KGB mole from way back. And the whole thing had ripple effects, like Jonestown, which was an assassin training camp that got found out. As for the Warren Commission, that thing was a joke
  11. Commissar


    Since I know we've got one or two Danes on this particular board, I figured I'd send a shout out for a little help. Doing some research on the Danish defense industry, just background stuff. Curious if you guys could point me in any helpful directions. Only defense firm I've been able to get anything solid on thus far is Terma, but then again, I haven't really looked very hard. Tired, and don't particularly want to do this. So help me out and I'll give you a thousand dollars.* *Disclaimer: I will not actually give anyone a thousand dollars.
  12. What about Christians bombing abortion clinics?
  13. I don't think anyone's ever said that there simply innocent interrogations going on at Abu Ghraib. I think we've said that several people crossed a line there, and are henceforth going to be spending a significant amount of their lives in a United States military prison.
  14. You mean the guys headed to Leavenworth for the next twenty years?
  15. You are, in point of fact, mistaken. Soldiers do not give up their citizenship when enlisting or accepting a commission; they have all the rights of a normal citizen. They have many responsibilities. Your handicapped wheelchair-bomb example is horrible, and no, anyone who did fire under such circumstances would be subject to a court martial. If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask.
  16. Except that I could name a dozen instances in which a barrage of rocks is also accompanied by the tossing of some form of explosive device, be it a Molotov ****tail or something far more sophisticated.
  17. I remember my father won two hundred bucks off me during the Nagano Olympics for just that very reason. He bet me that someone would win gold in, I think, women's downhill. I didn't realize that there was a considerable tape delay, and he'd heard the results somewhere hours earlier, and foolishly made the bet. Learned my lesson about televised sporting events then and there.
  18. Three Six Mafia - I'm So High.
  19. I watch all I can get, frankly. I've just always liked watching winter sports, dunno why. Grew on me considerably back when we were always in Europe in January, and whatever hotel we were at would always have Eurosport, and Eurosport would always be showing a variety of winter stuff. I even watch the figure skating. I know I can't really claim to have testicles anymore for admitting that, but it's the truth.
  20. Thank Christ. I was just looking for a way to get into a joint here in town, and said to myself, "Gosh, maybe the guys at Obsidian have some suggestions."
  21. That and Full Metal Jacket and Platoon are great Viet Nam war movies. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Apocalypse Now surpasses the other two by a large margin, in my opinion. One of my all-time favorite movies. Did you know that Martin Sheen's brother did most of the narration of the film?
  22. Saw The Matador. Very good.
  23. Again, we have the right to ridicule these "protesters" (if you can call them that, flag burning, gun wielding maniacs). The very same people who makes death threats, which you conveniently failed to comment on. How is your boycott going, by the way? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> The real irony here is that like less than a month ago you were harping on me for an us vs. them attitude.
  24. Google wants market share in China, so it has to play by Chinese rules. Why do we accept it? Well, I hate to quote the West Wing, but I'm afraid I'll have to, since I agree with the standpoint voiced therein: The Chinese are going to have political prisoners sewing soccer balls together with their teeth whether we sell them cheeseburgers or not, so why not sell them cheeseburgers? There's the concurrent theory that the more exposed a problem nation like China is to worldwide trade, the less possible it is for an oppressive regime to remain oppressive.
  25. Can I tape songs off of the radio on my fancy tapedeck?
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