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Everything posted by Arouet

  1. When they do crazy ivans, they always go to starboard in the bottom half of the hour.
  2. Do you have insider informations from SJW circles? Tumblr and other social media where they usually operate? Noone who circulated any outrage to the limerick has said anything about this. Really, nobody cares.
  3. Seeing this thread is the first time any outrage has been pointed out to me because noone in the SJW circles gives a **** about that quest. Don't let that stop the teeth gnashing though.
  4. Tranny and f@ggot have been thrown around. If you don't like me saying this is bigotry, too bad, because it is.
  5. Hi I'm also Trans and Erika was right. Shhhhh! You're supposed to be their shield!
  6. There's no track to get back on. Noone is debating censorship anymore, just whether they can call someone a fake girl **** or not.
  7. I'm going to link to this thread if anyone from the outside questions what was really driving this whole saga.
  8. Link? fixed: http://i.imgur.com/2k5C7dV.jpg it might seem to be silly jokes, but it's all like that, and not jokingly Even if I bought into the way it's been framed it is obviously hyperbole to call her a sociopathic monster (and dehumanising). Him. Eric. Don't you get it? They get to decide what her name and gender is. Her identity is their property. aroulet continues to ignore This Aroulet person is really after the fight aspect of this right now spamming quite a few threads. I wonder what obsidian thoughts are on this they have been quite silent since their post earlier though. shes an ardent defender of gays and faggotry You're either the famous Men's Rights activist Sargon of Akkad or a follower of his, judging by your words and your avatar. But no, this is really about a bunch of outraged gamers watching their favorite company being censored. Totes not a bunch of bigots swarming the forums.
  9. Link? fixed: http://i.imgur.com/2k5C7dV.jpg it might seem to be silly jokes, but it's all like that, and not jokingly Even if I bought into the way it's been framed it is obviously hyperbole to call her a sociopathic monster (and dehumanising). Go see his twitter then if you believe he's completely normal and that's all framed. SHE What the everloving fµck is wrong with you? Do you get off on being a hateful bigot or are you just so lacking in empathy that you cannot fathom how damaging it is to trans* people to be repeatedly labelled with the wrong gender? Are you completely and utterly incapable of giving a sh!t about others? If the answer to any of those questions was "no", the outrage wouldn't have happened.
  10. You're the only one in this thread who agrees with Serdan, Ichthyic, and me on that first point.
  11. Link? fixed: http://i.imgur.com/2k5C7dV.jpg it might seem to be silly jokes, but it's all like that, and not jokingly Even if I bought into the way it's been framed it is obviously hyperbole to call her a sociopathic monster (and dehumanising). Him. Eric. Don't you get it? They get to decide what her name and gender is. Her identity is their property.
  12. What the hell is a "deadname" . Some new DJ?? I just noticed your avatar is a relief of Sargon II of Akkad. Hmmmmm....couldn't possibly be any connection to a very famous MRA of the same handle, could it?
  13. He's mentally ill because Gender Dysphoria is in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Milo? Is that you?
  14. So, Erika is: 1. Actually a gay man, because you said so 2. Actually named Eric, even though she herself said that was not her deadname, because you said so 3. Mentally ill because a) she taunted gamergaters slurring her with the KIllAllMen thing, and because b)she's really a man and of course that makes her crazy Nope, this is pure bigotry. Close the damn thread.
  15. Could have saved us a lot of trouble just saying that you were a transphobe instead of dressing it up in that whole freedom of speech cloak. Please avoid calling people "transphobe" for reacting negatively to "kill all men". Are you going to keep pretending or are you going to admit that this is what it is? That's not hatred of all transsexuals. It's hatred of a single transsexual, which is very warranted. Hating a gay person does not make you homophobic, unless you hate all gay people. So it's his (and your) right to decide if someone is really transgender, as opposed to "passing". Again, do you want to keep pretending or admit what it is? Also, hatred is ok. Uh-huh.
  16. Could have saved us a lot of trouble just saying that you were a transphobe instead of dressing it up in that whole freedom of speech cloak. Please avoid calling people "transphobe" for reacting negatively to "kill all men". Are you going to keep pretending or are you going to admit that this is what it is?
  17. Especially because I've seen the Kill All men dude's picture. If you just showed that to someone there's no way they'd think he was female. Not even in a "can't pass" way, there's no sign he's even trying to look female. And there it is: the response to any criticism of transphobia immediately justifies such criticism.
  18. I especially love how the "reasonable" anti-censorship folks aren't even trying to call any of this out. No, this was never about freedom of speech.
  19. Could have saved us a lot of trouble just saying that you were a transphobe instead of dressing it up in that whole freedom of speech cloak.
  20. Her, bigot. And she posted it. On twitter. Someday I'm going to meet a slightly intelligent bigot. It has to happen eventually, right?
  21. Oh just lock them all immediately for a day. I don't think we're losing anything while the main inquiry is if an an effeminate dev is a sign of a homosexual conspiracy. I'm going to bed, and tomorrow I'll decide if I want to continue Xenogears or restart with a new char on PoE. You guys have fun. So long as nobody figures out we're using fluoridation to sap and impurify all of your precious bodily fluids, it's all good.
  22. I'm from KiA and I'd still thank you not to throw us all in the same bag, especially since as I recall, you've dodged any attempts to debate with me or others these past few pages aswell. As far as I'm concerned, you condone yourself not much better than many of the people I'm currently highly frustrated with. It might help if your posts involved a little more objective discussion and a little less smug sense of satisfaction when you think you've just tossed out an epic "burn." NOTE: KiA will ban you for repeatedly "misgendering" or referring to trans by their "deadnames". I know GG is a popular boogeyman, but at least get your jabs right. You're right, Kia is totally full of sane people.
  23. Look at Kvedulf's last two posts. Forgive me if humor is the only thing keeping me sane against people who think an effeminite dev in a video is a sign of a homosexual conspiracy. And if there is one, I want in.
  24. I'm from KiA and I'd still thank you not to throw us all in the same bag, especially since as I recall, you've dodged any attempts to debate with me or others these past few pages aswell. As far as I'm concerned, you condone yourself not much better than many of the people I'm currently highly frustrated with. It might help if your posts involved a little more objective discussion and a little less smug sense of satisfaction when you think you've just tossed out an epic "burn." It might help if there was a little less deadnaming in this thread.
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