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Everything posted by thelee

  1. could you do this drag and drop in combat? because that would affect game balance. if you could use any arbitrary consumable from your inventory, that is much more powerful than only being allowed to use 4-6 consumables. quickslots are a constraint. In BG/BG2, quickslots were a convenience (moreso in traditional BG where opening the inventory didn't pause the game), since the only reason you would need to put an item in a quickslot was if it was not a self-buff (e.g. targeted or a summoning item).
  2. wouldn't it be because the finishing blow was done technically by the blightheart corrode damage and not the killing bolt? every where else lashes are considered separate attacks (with separate PEN rolls)
  3. it seems to me it's clear that you're saying I refuse to "They or we must leave the island, and we shall not be moved [so you must make them go away]" that's why #2 is also an option - you're agreeing to the remaining part of "they or we"
  4. Every single part of that island is accessible. Before you write really gripey posts you really should try to be more thorough.
  5. Can't check this atm. But when I was using Hunter's Claw with dual-warhammers, I was getting: +1 accuracy per ability usage. +1, +2, +3, etc. can semi-verify: was able to attack at range with blunderbuss after boeroer's last post, and it only gives you one stack per weapon attack. you can verify this in combat log with multiple blunderbuss hits - your character sheet only gains one stack, and in the combat log each accuracy calculation uses the same amount of hunter's claw stacks, it doesn't increase throughout the attack. you definitely can get up to two if you connect two separate attacks via dual-wielding.
  6. well goddang it, not a moment after a posted that, i tried it again and it's working. it must have just a really sensitive and extremely wide collision area and i really must have been constantly bumping into something.
  7. The thing travels like 5m if that before giving up the ghost. I keep thinking that it must be running into something, but after many attempts, I'm convinced that it's not traveling the full 21m, and not even a fraction of that. Dropbox link to save before a fight where I tried to use it, and an output_log: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/r2kyujrcuo450hb/AADqW3VhR7sxOGwFCwBQzXPPa?dl=0
  8. Might want to use the game feature i'm referring to before assuming it didn't add practicality or ease of use. Though I am just now realizing you can only have one drug effect active at a time in POE2....wtf is that? Not liking that change. POE1: Prebuff before difficult fight, click and drag over (within inventory of course) all drug/food item buffs you want and be done. How exactly is that not practical compared to tediously unequipping anything you had in your quickslots, searching through stash for drug item, equipping drug item into quickslot, exiting out of menus, mousing over bag, finding drug item, using drug item, waiting for animation to finish, going back into inventory, removing drug item to stash/inventory, putting items you originally had in quickslots back. vs drag and drop onto character model to use ?????????????????????????? combat use only items are obviously excluded i was saying that it was arguably not practical or ease of use if it was completely non-discoverable. sorry if it wasn't clear. there are similar such features in Deadfire that I'm like "WHY ISN'T THIS BROADCAST MORE??" like the ability to copy items from one weapon slot to another. and, i actually did do a lot of unequipping and re-equipping of consumables in quickslots in PoE1. fortunately combat times were faster and drug and food durations longer so i didn't have to do this a lot. i'll bet this is deadfire moving further along poe's continual push against pre-buffing. you can't even eat food anymore, they are just rest bonuses. drugs are pretty much the only long-duration consumable, and they aren't even that long duration anymore (due to slower combat times and memory makes me think they have shorter base durations as well). in such a world, there's not much in the way of multiples you could actually consume regularly making such a feature much less worh the time to implement.
  9. I tried this based on you saying something like this earlier, and I could not get this interaction to work. The ranged weapon is ignored for the full attack.
  10. without vanishing strike you don't get the full benefit of dual-wielding right? stealth/invisibility would break on first hit (unless there's some other interaction i'm missing). so a big 2h weapon would do better.
  11. that's real odd, in my experience, as soon as you leave combat you should get a special "end of challenge loot box" and be warped out of the crucible (no chance to even loot the enemies, you just get it all in that loot box). are you using any special items or mods that might interact with combat win conditions or something?
  12. I've literally 1000+ hours on PoE1 and I've never known you could do this. I'm not typical, but I would hesitate to call such a feature "practical" or "ease of use" (I can't think of many other RPGs where this interaction exists... maybe some of the newer Ultimas?) I don't remember how it worked in PoE1 anymore, but in Deadfire many consumables are blocked as "combat only." I don't know how such a UI feature (in addition to being non-discoverable) would interact with this reality. BG and BG2 let you right-click and arbitrarily consume consumables from anywhere in the inventory, but BG/BG2 didn't care about in-combat distinctions for most things.
  13. was this with vanishing strike? otherwise i don't see how dual-wielding is great here. for screenshots, do "more reply options", make sure your screenshots are jpgs, and then attach file, and then add to post. that's how i do them.
  14. for what it's worth, since I discovered that hunter's claw is extremely broken you can just teach maia Hunter's Claw and then the upgrade that boosts defenses, and just patiently build up 100+ stacks and go take out dorudugan with virtual immunity to all its attacks and pretty much 100% crit rate.
  15. The double duration is definitely a bug, I don't recall seeing it in earlier versions. (edit - wall of thorns is definitely a player-accessible spell, by the way) FWIW the walls do have proper PEN values and even benefit from things like Tenacious IIRC (ISTR using wall of force and seeing correct values in combat log as recently as like 4.1). I think it's a matter of some data not being forwarded from the hazard effect to the ability. So, still a bug, but at least it's "merely" a visual bug.
  16. Some effects aren't implemented directly as damage or heals, but as short-term effects that happen to do damage or heal. The combat log's automatic damage or healing entries won't account for this and you have to do the shift-hover over the specific things to see what's happening. Garden of Life does something similar, for example (I think to prevent multiple corpse heals from stacking degeneratively it's implemented as an extremely short term, non-stacking buff that heals some health over the short duration). Iconic Projection does variable damage or healing depending on target so it also does something similar.
  17. FWIW it applies to everything, including the damage bonus (so includes spells cast against the target race). So this ability is extremely balance-breaking if exploited. Theoretically you could upgrade it to the defense boosting version instead of the dmg I did and make any ranger untouchable against creature types--including megabosses--as well (while basically having 100% crit rate). It didn't even require that much effort to get up the 50ish stacks I'm sitting at right now, with 8 bond and dual-wielding I get 6-8 per encounter, and I'm on Berath's so if you split up encounters outside of Berath's challenge you can do a lot per any small gathering of creature types (just split one at a time so you can build up a bunch of stacks). Wouldn't work so well with Woedica's challenge alas (at least without a cipher to help you regen resources).
  18. huh? (edit - when i made this post the OP was completely blank, disregard now that it has content)
  19. Yeah AL2 always feels a bit thin for my characters, though I think AL5 is actually really good. I have more problems with AL6 because for some reason it only has 4 spells and only Wael gets a bonus spell that isn't already in the AL6 row so priests end up pretty similar at AL6.
  20. Corrosive Skin and Corrosive Siphon function very very very differently, so I don't think it makes sense to expect them to be consistent with each other. Not particularly going to rehash the keyword discussion, though Kalakoth's Minor Blights also benefit from proper keywording, so wizard gets 4, which is actually pretty good for a class. (Priest can have literally 0.) (From a game mechanics perspective so long as there is one spammable ability, it can be worth taking those talents, though I'm not going to dispute that it's confusing that certain spells that feel like they should be keyworded one way, aren't, see also: #13 on https://magic.wizards.com/en/articles/archive/making-magic/make-no-mistake-2003-11-10-0, wizards of the coast--of D&D and mtg--learned this lesson a long time ago, and deadfire designers needed to have learned this lesson which unfortunately is a negative mark against them since as D&D and tabletop fans themselves they should've been aware of this). Does +% healing gear affect other draining effects? Thinking of Come Come chant, Concelhaut's Draining Touch, Old Siec, Steel Garotte subclass's bonus, Concelhaut's Parasitic Staff, Furyshaper subclass's AL8 ward, etc. I suspect not (or at least, I haven't expected them to). If any of them do, then it is a buggy inconistency.
  21. that makes extreme sense to me, i wouldn't put it past the game to forget about weapon loot with summoned weapons. when I killed katrenn I managed to do it while she didn't have citzal's lance summoned.
  22. Just skimming that the only possible thing I could think of is that the save/reload cycle messes up how the game is tracking the ID, but I don't know what else to say other than that. This seems like an issue only the devs can fix. In the mean-time, I suppose it's a matter of honor code to not abuse this past the +20 expected limit (though it is funny running around poko kohara dungeons with +50 acc/dmg to vessels) SChin? Anyone @Obsidian acknowledge the issue?
  23. holy crap guys, hunter's claw is busted in all the most insane ways. maia got arcane dampened. that erased some of the stacks from the visual indicators on my character sheet and hover-over tooltip, but all the stacks are still being used for combat log calculations. importantly, being arcane dampened removes the 20 cap I had just hit, so I'm creating a fourth stack of hunter's claw and all stacks are still being included for bonus accuracy and damage. no kidding guys, hanging sepulchers has steadily been going from "very challenging at my level and party" to "increasingly trivial and maia is MVP" edit - i misread the character sheet - it is showing me all the hunters's claw stacks, it is just grouping all the secondary ones into one entry. see below screenshot, which is my character sheet grouping everything together after using hte luminous adra bathhouse.
  24. ok, i think the character screen me is showing the original hunter's claw stack and then max(allOtherHuntersClaw). I am still capped at 20 with my most recent one - once I hit 20 I can't stack anymore. However, this can easily be circumvented by just doing a save/relaod when I hit 19 and that should let me start producing a new stack. in related news, i just came up with some hawt new tech for taking out the megabosses!
  25. wow, with this save/reload cycle this is pretty exploitable. i'm not sure there's a cap anymore to how many stacks i can build up. maxquest - do you think it'd be as simple as switching the stacking method as you hypothesize?
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