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Planar Jedi

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Everything posted by Planar Jedi

  1. I was posting while the link appeared, it seems. I am a slow writer. My excuses
  2. Let just say that some individualls are mostly resistant to cancer. Are they not going to multiply since they won't die so easily? Tha would mean that after a lot of time, human race whould be ''overrun'' by them, and we would be both evolved and improved
  3. I won;t search, but i won;t deny the dude, but the point is wether a DARK LIGHTSABRE isappicable, though i admit i used the nonexistance of the lightsabre as an arguement. I am not a god(yet. Haaaaahahahaha)
  4. From what it seems Force Crush is not yet yours, Kazic(signature). It is the pinkside that has the same effects with the dark side, it hampers all vision
  5. Bastilla is i response to. (text under picture)
  6. Well it is good untill the moderators start sending you PM to make it smaller. It is so annoying. But your signature is OK for me
  7. And i am arguing because i want to discuss
  8. Pure energy means no mass. It has not a tiny blade. It is a definition that is wrong, as most of science fiction is wrong.
  9. Our brain is differnet from Darwin's brain. And the thing evolution better be told to people who are exposed to radiation. And while Darwin is like Newton in biology, Newton is proved to be (totally) wrong. And we have not been living for so long to say our evolution has stopped. Only a million years, a nothing compared to other species.
  10. And its name is : blade made of light. And the official Lucasatrs say : blade made of pure energy And i say: nonsense
  11. I am afraid i have to agree with you, gravjo.
  12. The idea of evolution is the reason we live. Uncosciously is it done though... I am not a philoshopher nor an idealist, but rather a practical(maybe too practical) person, and in biological terms we live to evolve
  13. Because it is Lucasarts behind
  14. And from my post :the idea of a lightsabre is ridiculous... I just try to deflect the idea of a black lightsabre, based on the name of the lightsabre, (which cannot exist)
  15. I can't explain my view better, because of my lack in English. But electricity transforms into heat and light, it is neither heat nor light
  16. Nope. Intelligent creatures seek to improve, evolve. This is the reason you and i exist. If we were perfect, we would not need to improve, so we would have no reason to exist, but because we would be perfect, we would not be able to die. That is a torment. And force is an entity. DS and LS are the moral gods of star wars, the knoledge of good and evil.
  17. The topic doesn't say XBOX USERS ONLY or something like that. And sometimes i feel like you rub it in my face, because of my impatience
  18. In a world of vacuum there are only waves and energy. Light is both wave and matter. Matter is energy in slow motion(really slow motion). Energy is tranformed into heat or what else, but we can define it only through the transformations. Yet if in a lightsabre energy is not heat or anytrhing else, it is light. A black sabre could be a heatsabre, not a lightsabre. By the way, isn't the idea of that blade ridiculous? How can it have a mesourable size?
  19. Well Obsidian managed toi create a full of expectatios game, and they had better ive up their promises, or it will be another torment in terms of sales, for different reasons of course
  20. Yes. They talk about having the game a day or two after the release, and we have to wait for two months.
  21. You have some primal instcts, don't you? And you have consciousness, don't you? And sometimes you feel like you can forsee some things like you have a sixth sense, right? Is that life? And does the Force speak or is it the balance of the lightside and the darkside that when changed seeks to rebalance?(a rule of nature, everything in equal quantity)
  22. Well i think that energy is light. Or so the definition of light seems to explain
  23. Force is like life in our world. When you explain what is life, then you will be close to explaining what is the force
  24. That is too cheap. Maybe a fight like Luke vs Vader in the empire strikes back, where you lose a fight but not the war
  25. It is not entire light it is energy as well.
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