my adoptive father is a person who is in my eyes very stoical. this is a trait and way of life that i respect and deplore at the same time. basically in some circumstances i think it incredibly suitable and in others not at all suitable. surely if i was my adoptive fathers son i would have inhereted a certain degree of stoicism but i am not and wear my heart on my sleeve, or enough that if a friend offends me it really eats away at me and i feel the need to share etc. i have met a situation which i feel calls for stoicism (im trying to be more stoical in general) and have got my dad to tell me how he would deal with the situation, i am following his advice and it is torturous. im just wondering if you stoics out there would care to tell me how you manage it and just give me some guidance because my dad wont go into emotion in much detail.
by guidance i mean if you actually really have to try hard at it, or does it just come to you naturally?