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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. I always get pretty nervous with electrical stuff, even though I've got the tools to do the work. I mean it could just be a bad fuse, but I'd rather have an electrician look at anything suspect. I felt really bad when we moved into our last place and I had a buddy come out to look at some of the lights that were flickering. He was like "these are just cheap bulbs. Go get bulbs from somewhere other than the dollar store." So yeah, don't buy cheap light bulbs people.
  2. Playing the Shadowrun games in order is the best bet. Returns is the classic Shadowrun story set in the classic locale of Seattle. Plus it shows how much HBS grew as a developer from the first game to the last. Going out of order will likely be frustrating in that regard, but all three have stories worthy of your time.
  3. The trouble is the people who are gung ho about ignoring the government also tend to be the people that are gung ho about ignoring medical advice from doctors, or really any any information about anything that comes from qualified experts.
  4. I was just excited to see Robocop back on the screen again. His death is pretty much the perfect Peter Weller moment, and it makes the entire movie worth it.
  5. Ah, memories of 1997.
  6. I never understood the negativity about the A-Team movie. It was a silly fun show and the movie was in the same vein.
  7. I got up at 1:30 AM and oiled the windmill in the backyard.
  8. Oh, Brian Mitsoda is writing? Well, that does give me a lot more hope.
  9. Probably the complete lack of focus on the Masquerade aspect of the setting. I mean, it looks like a pretty violent horror type game in that trailer. There are plenty of those on the market.
  10. I attended a pretty interesting community/police training seminar a few years back. It was pretty clear to me by the end that the training is the problem in law enforcement. The officers are just regular people. It isn't that they aren't trained enough, they put in a ton of hours, it is the heavy focus on the militarization aspect and little on the community service aspect. It definitely helps that in my specific community, most of the officers live where they work, contrary to the norm that Amentep mentioned.
  11. RotJ is 4th on my list, so that's not really the case for me. But as I said before, y'all take Star Wars too seriously. Watch them all through the eyes of a 10 year old kid, and you will have a good time. It's fun in space! Colorful sword fights! Cute robots and creatures! Daddy issues!
  12. This thread is really going places.
  13. America probably isn't ready for a gay President. We need a popular TV show with a gay president first. Everyone knows that 24 got America ready for Obama.
  14. I have been using trimmers on my own head for nearly two decades. Pretty amazing to think about how much I've saved in haircuts.
  15. My son asked to play Lord of the Rings Online, so I decided to join him. I am letting him play my old account with my level 100 captain, so I decided to start from scratch. It's still just a fantastic bit of world building they managed to pull off. I love how alive the zones are. I think we'll just enjoy exploring the Bree-lands and Shire together.
  16. It's waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay less f---d than it has been throughout history. Seriously. There isn't a time period in the past that you can reasonably argue was better. We are definitely more aware of it. Most of us possess an incredible amount of access to all of human knowledge on a small device we carry around. Sure, we use it mostly for looking at cat memes, but that's beside the point!
  17. This is the Police is a pretty entertaining one, you manage the officers and send them out on calls. It's not quite the same tone as Brooklyn 99 though. I may have let the job of being a police chief corrupt me. It starts with a little bribe to look the other way so that your buddy can get out of debt, and it may have ended with me taking out a hit on an officer that decided to squeal to the IA.
  18. I'm actually kind of over any fish packed in cans. I used to do tuna in water, but then I got the fresh stuff jarred and it ruined it for me.
  19. Yeaaaaa. I'm a few weeks into teaching through Google Meets, and it's pretty much the worst experience ever. I have 30+ kids in a grid, most with the camera off, and I'm trying to figure out how to teach anything that way. It's horrible. At least I have a relationship with these kids though, I can't imagine starting a brand new year with kids I don't know and have expectations for already.
  20. Considering that rate at which guns are stolen in the US, I'm not sure this sign will have the desired effect.
  21. Ugh sardines. I thought I knew you people.
  22. Gary Oldman is pretty well regarded as one of the best actors of his generation. Accolades came a bit later in life, but I'm not sure I'd call him underrated. I think Jean Reno is a big deal in France.
  23. Yep, best to keep your space fantasy both fantastical and spacey.
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