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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. I've been sucked back into Conan Exiles. I started over again, and currently have a neat base set up in the desert near thee pirate ship. I've bridged a couple plateaus and have an elevator that takes me to a rich resource area, so I an happy with the location. The new Greek DLC pack is pretty awesome looking.
  2. I get my cast off tomorrow. I am soooo ready. I also need to get a TB test before I report back to work. But I have no idea when I will be reporting, and I really don't want to go to the clinic where they take the test.
  3. This morning I realized I was way behind on my family photo books. Typically I put together a book from our summer trips, and I have them starting from 2009. I guess I never finished 2018, so I polished that one up and ordered it from Shutterfly. Now I need to work on 2019. 2020 is going to be a weird one. We sold our RV, which we've had since that first trip in 2009 when my daughter was just a toddler. So it was already going to be a bit of a change with that, but now the summer trips, triathlons, dance competitions, parades, and hockey camps are all cancelled because of a pandemic. I suppose it will just be pictures of us laying around the house for a summer.
  4. Happy 4th of July to my countrymen. We had a nice group workout this morning, and now we are taking it easy. I'll BBQ for dinner. I am enjoying the folks poking fun at the All Live Matter crowd by posting All Countries Matter. People really need to laugh at themselves a bit more.
  5. So the NFL is going to play the Black National Anthem before games in week 1. This was surprising to me, since I had no idea it existed. Turns out there is a fascinating history behind the song dating back over 100 years. It seems like a pretty safe way for the NFL to acknowledge their players, who are overwhelmingly African-American, and the current climate. But I am sure insecure people will freak out about it and consider it an attack on their version of 'Merica.
  6. I mean, African children probably don't complain about their lives like gamers do, but I will leave it alone.
  7. Yeah, but people usually don't go to AA and try to blame the bars for serving them alcohol. That tends to be the case with gamers who encounter issues. Granted it might be a buggy game, but it also might be an issue with your computer.
  8. It is still all way cheaper than cable/satellite, and that is with me spending $40 a month on Hulu Live for local news and sports.
  9. Amazon is easy. Free 2-day shipping pays for itself. Some of this stuff is going to fail and have to join with others (looking at you CBS.) But it also is why we are getting a ton of new and fairly unique content. Shows no longer get cancelled any more, they just jump services. Firefly would have ran 20 seasons in this market and we would all complain about how bad it has become. It is a glorious time.
  10. The footage that came out of those camps at the end of the war needs no exaggeration. It depicts the worst of humanity. I agree that History, as a subject, should be kept fairly simple. We weigh cause and effect. Speculation should be kept separate, as that can lead us to completely false narratives such as the Mayan Scholar Utopia or the Great Zimbabwe/Queen of Sheba connection. But history is just one aspect of the Social Sciences, and I'd call it detached or even hard-hearted to ignore all that context and not think critically about how to improve the future. There is nothing political in saying that the Holocaust and Hitler are horrific chapters in human history. That is a pretty simple lesson. It isn't propaganda. I don't see what your objective is in referring to it that way.
  11. Subnautica. I want to live there. Conan Exiles too.
  12. A lot of people mistrust the holocaust? I would honestly lump those people in with anti-vaccinators and flat earthers.
  13. None of that really erases history though. At least, not any more than has happened with every civilization that has come before us. We've gone through some pretty serious purges and cultural upheavals over the centuries. This stuff is super tame in comparison.
  14. So not unpredictably, many of the states where you had a ton of protests against SIP and masks are seeing a big jump in cases. Here is a pic from a protest in Austin, Texas: Do you think there is a chance that these guys look at this pic and think,"ok, this is a bad look. I'll calm down on this whole mask thing."? No, I guess self-reflection is probably too much to ask.
  15. Somebody tried to make an island analogy and the replies were golden: http://geekxgirls.com/article.php?ID=11214
  16. https://twitter.com/i/status/1275990086262198272 This is golden.
  17. I just finished Fire Saga, the Eurovision contest movie with Will Farrell. It has been getting some rough reviews, but I don't get it at all. First off, half the movie is set in beautiful Iceland, and then parts of Scotland, so from a visual perspective it is just fun to watch. It's also silly and light hearted, which is what I would expect from Farrell and what I wanted. It was a fun movie and I smiled the whole way through. It wasn't a gut busting comedy, but I was happy to watch something that made me smile.
  18. Nope. Sounds like they just rounded up a few black kids that didn't run and called it a day. Hooray for the police!
  19. I'm sure Skarpie will use our reactions to validate his opinion that she is brave and will be attacked for her opinions. Of course, he will ignore the fact that he shared her opinion here in the first place, and none of us would have even noticed her if he hadn't.
  20. Her post is a response to white privilege. She used the word privilege over and over again. Do you agree?
  21. I mean, at best you can say she is just stereotyping anyone on welfare. That would be the most forgiving way to look at her. But given the timing and the current climate, it's blatantly racist. This woman, who as an educator is supposed to be guiding young people out of the cycle of poverty that so many minorities are mired in, responds to all the talk about white privilege by stereotyping everyone on welfare. She's making a healthy 6 figure salary to lift these kids up, and instead goes after their choice in shoes. That is the definition of white privilege. Then she put it on facebook! Lordie lord.
  22. Debbie straight up racist. edit: Oh lordie, looked it up and she is an assistant principal at a school. I hope that social media post was worth losing a job over. Seems like a weak hill to die on.
  23. In our family, we go uptempo with it. It's not a funeral dirge, it should be a quick ditty.
  24. Speaking of book to screen adaptations, I just watched Ready Player One. It was fairly entertaining. The book was hard to match. I felt like it was missing something.
  25. I give you the future Mrs. Volo.
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