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Everything posted by ashtonw

  1. Native Americans? Due to genocide and imperialism their societies may not look the same as they did centuries ago but they still have tribal identities and culture. After murdering them, robbing them of rights, and continuing to practice discrimination against them, it's a little awful to take symbols and stereotypes associated with them, remove the human element, and stick them on monsters. What good are technical advancements if they come with oppression and exploitation? Why does "less technically advanced" always equal "less fortunate"?
  2. I tried to make it clear I WASN'T talking about black people- racism isn't just whites vs blacks.
  3. Oh yes, the danger of being a member of a privileged class: seeing racism when it's not there. Can we just toss Tolkien aside for the moment (because I hate LoTR and I never finished the books) and just look at how tribal cultures in scifi and fantasy in general are treated as inhuman, barbaric, primitive "others" and what this says about how we view the real people who live in tribal cultures (who may not be necessarily black).
  4. Orcs are my butt. Lephys: Sorry for being rude earlier, I hadn't eaten dinner yet and that made me overreact and be cranky. :\
  5. Wow someone is really touchy about their crappy analogies. Maybe you didn't mean "I can say and behave any way I want and I get to decide if it's racist or not" but that's how this sounds.
  6. please replace the word oreo with the n word in your dumb analogy and tell me if it still works
  7. I agree with you part way but "Everything can be misinterpreted as offensive" sounds to me a lot like "People say something I like is racist and I disagree and for some reason I'm the one that gets to decide."
  8. Yeah cause everything I just said stopped having gross connations seventy years ago. Good point.
  9. Nothing wrong with a race of evil, brutish, inexplicably hideous humanoids that also happen to be dark skinned and tribal. Nooope.
  10. i'm a dual class social justice warrior/white knight

  11. yeah josh sawyer what is up with this sharp reversal of your no fun in video games ever policy how do you justify stopping all employees from building new areas and characters to make them ensure wolves have big heads every deficiency of this game is going to be the fault of the big heads. low res character models: big heads' fault. lack of full voice acting: big heads. game does not fulfill every one of my expectations: big heads.
  12. My fingers are crossed that Obsidian will issue take down notices to anyone not streaming with big head mode on
  13. You've already made your point, so what are you trying to accomplish here?
  14. Yeah, but, like, you keep going on about it.
  15. You're making a really big deal out of something very silly.
  16. iirc your companions won't try to romance you in a dungeon, but for some reason Firkraag's bedroom is not included in the list, and since his dungeon is so long, chances are good that your SO will try to get romantic as soon as you enter it.
  17. Ah yeah, Carth from KOTOR had that. I know he gets a lot of flack but his romance was really good, in my opinion.
  18. Please stop with the puns. You're all giving me a headache.
  19. wrong. I am going to do an entire play-through with a naked party and big head mode on.
  20. let me tell you something: i am the only right person on these forums

  21. Does shipping fall under the topic of romance or should I start a new thread
  22. come over here so i can scream in your face

  23. i'm fake and gay

  24. I was leaning toward being Vailian, because of their Renaissance flavor, regardless of whatever the starting gear will look like. But I'll probably take both into consideration.
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