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Everything posted by Woldan

  1. What is she doing with her left hand.....? Anyway, that pic perfectly demonstrates why a man should exercise, you're not going to get a look like that with a beer belly and scrawny shoulders.
  2. Not wishing to sound pedestrian. But wouldn't a locksmith have made more sense? Locksmiths are arrogant bastards around here, the nearest one is an hours drive away and just for picking the lock he would have charged me a couple hundred bucks no joke (plus extra nighttime charge) if it would have been pick-able. Its a very special complex lock. Been there, done that, paid a lot. Believe it or not but shooting the locking lug with a shotgun slug and replacing the damaged part of the door myself would have been way easier on my piggy bank. (And more entertaining as well) I didn't lock myself out, it was a door inside my house. *edit* I don't want to give the impression that I like shooting stuff at random, at one point removing the lock with the aid of a firearm was a viable, logical option, compared to the effectiveness of other tools and alternatives I had access to in that situation.
  3. - Thats exactly why I prefer to stop doing / consuming something cold turkey, IMO its less awful if you stay away from it completely instead of torturing yourself with small doses. Completely avoiding exposure to whatever you want to quit taking or doing is in my opinion and experience -contrary to the general opinion- the best and easiest way, but as always, YMMV. (There are addictions that can and will kill you if you quit immediately, but I guess we're not talking about hardcore drugs here. )
  4. Today I was in a hurry when I left my house to go to a business meeting, when I came back I realized I lost my key to my bedroom/living room. I hadn't the slightest clue where I put it and I couldn't disassemble the lock or use my lock picks because my tools are all stored in my living room. Kicking the door in wasn't an option because it opened in my direction and using my 20lbs railway hammer wouldn't have worked either because its a door with a 1'' thick hardened steel core. Windows? Yeah, they're are not accessible with a ladder smaller than those installed on fire trucks, its a three story house. Prybar - nope, steel frame. Fortunately I found it when I was looking for a shotgun slug shell to ''unlock'' the door with my shotgun. I'm sure one 1 ounce 2 3/4 slug to the locking bar would have done the trick without messing up the entire door (it would have repairable), the guys in A-Stan do that all the time when clearing houses. I'm tired.
  5. Do it cold-turkey style and you're not going to miss it after only a couple of weeks. I remember when I quit soft drinks, It was pretty awful and pure water made me feel sick in my stomach, but now I feel so much better, especially my teeth. Also my headaches went away and I don't have odd fatigue attacks anymore. The body doesn't need all that blasted sugar. Who would have guessed...
  6. When a gun flings brass onto your forehead/face the extractor claw needs to be cleaned, little brass pieces from the fired cases love to collect in the extractor claw slot. This, or the claw is worn out. (rounded edges or a weak spring)
  7. TWD
  8. Good ole 90's.
  9. I got my last couple of fillings without local anesthetics (by my demand), hurts a bit but the pain is gone quickly and there is not this annoying numb feeling that lasts for hours. I can only recommend avoiding anesthetics as long as we're not talking about root canal therapy, its hell without it. What I did today: tomorrow is the last day before my shooting range closes till next year so I reloaded so much ammo till I got all dizzy.....I had weird nightmares of reloading ammo. But totally worth it, I've got to do some tests with some reloads so I can make some final adjustments and handload a ton of ammo during the winter. No sweat!
  10. If you thought that normal precision rifle shooting was expensive and complex watch this: Not a hobby I'd like to do because it takes out the ''human factor'' in shooting and marksmanship but very impressive none the less.
  11. Border patrol dogs in Finland waiting in line for food.
  12. I tried tweezers though I only managed to remove a piece of my gum with them which made me bleed like a stabbed pig. Now its gone, I think the acid in my saliva did the trick. Thanks for the tips though! You sir are a bloody optimist if I ever saw one! An ~8760-hour-wait doesn't get me into an ecstatic mood, in fact it makes me think about all the horrible things that could happen in those hundreds of days, preventing me from enjoying this game. Like insta-blindness or...or brain tumors, Alzheimer's disease, petrification, chestbursters!
  13. I tried to remove a piece of food that is stuck between my last two back teeth...and failed. Its so far back in my mouth I cant reach it with dental floss without cutting the corners of my mouth giving myself a Joker-grin, the tooth picks are too soft and brushing my teeth like a maniac on speed didn't work either. Now it hurts and it feels like I have a nail stuck between my teeth, the pressure feeling sucks . As if that wasn't enough I'm getting an inflammation there. Amazing how easily a day is ruined. You know, I think I'll need a few shots of Vodka to wash my mouth and ease the annoying pain.
  14. Ahh.... all the childhood memories, back when I as a kid I spent like half my time playing need for speed 2, 3 & 4, with 4 being my favorite. Loved the Need for Speed series, too bad it went downhill after hot pursuit 2.
  15. Winter arrived over night, storms, lots of snow, -16 Celsius. Oh well, gotta see the good in everything, a welcome change to the blistering heat we had here in summer. I prefer frostbite over sun strokes any day.
  16. Thats what I did today. (Core rules.) Killing him the old fashioned way never gets old. Man, I can't wait for an RPG with a similar complex weapon and magic system which I haven't played a hundred times before. P:E is going to be grand, I know it.
  17. My heart rate was actually low, in the high 40's / minute or so, which is kinda odd coupled with a high blood pressure. I'm not very stressed out in my job though I suffer from clinical depression. I wonder if that could have been the cause. I'd agree with you if I'd still be having those problems, but it seems that whatever-it-was is gone now. I lifted really heavy yesterday and performing those exercises properly would be totally impossible with the tiniest physical interference.
  18. Woke up with strange breathing problems and heightened blood pressure today, I didn't have a blockage or pain I just had to breathe more than usual, I felt like being 5000 meters above sea level breathing very thin air. Quite uncomfortable. When I lifted weights the problem went away very quickly though. I wonder what that was, I don't suffer from asthma or allergies. AFAIK thats a typical reaction from the lung in case of infections, the lung shuts down infected lung capillaries so they can be repaired which decreases the lungs ability to get oxygen into the blood. Blood pressure increases so more blood passes the remaining capillaries to stabilize the oxygen level in the blood.
  19. Don't make me post my knock-knock jokes.
  20. Vladimir Putin decides to see how Russian people live. He disguises himself as a mere citizen and comes to a grocery store. He asks a seller: - How much does the meat cost? - 400 roubles ($13) for 1 KG. - Why so expensive? - Because our president is an a$$hole. Next day, Putin comes to the same store as he is, in suit and with security. - How much does the meat cost? - 400 roubles / 1 KG. - Why so expensive? - I've told you yesterday, a$$hole!
  21. You are right, the odds to get robbed are so low we don't have to take precautions. According to this reasoning I probably should throw my fire extinguisher out of my window because the odds are tiny that I'll ever need it. Or stop using use seatbelts because the danger of having a deadly accident where a seatbelt could save my life is statistically really low. Or watching for trains when crossing tracks with my car. Yeah, no. And comparing the danger of getting robbed with getting struck with lightning is really....puh-leeze. Read the news, a bunch of people get robbed daily, and that in my little country. I'm not talking about getting hit by meteors. I say if you can make easy precautions that make sense AND make you feel better, what speaks against them? Better have it and not need it that need it and not have it. And when you need it, you NEED it.
  22. Errrm.....I really don't want know what kind of workout you did. Did you try Ros' sex-tantra yoga? Today I got one step closer to my goal of shoulder-pressing my own body weight, I did 1 rep 86Kg, good form, didn't use a high barbell rack, picked up the barbell from the floor, snatched it, pressed it without using my legs and I could almost do a second repetition. Still +10Kg to go.
  23. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DhB51I3O8Ew
  24. Then better hope that you'll never be the target of a really dangerous burglar or burglars. I like being prepared though, totally beats hoping in my book.
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