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About Grivenger

  • Rank
    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator

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  • Interests
    Writing, reading, Roleplaying games and a lot more, natch.


  • Pillars of Eternity Backer Badge
  • Pillars of Eternity Kickstarter Badge
  1. Unfortunately, I agree with most of the people here that this particular censorship was unfortunate. It seemed like a single person (or small group) completely misread a very basic poem. This speaks of the person's lack of intelligence, and reveals a psychiatric issue this particular person copes with. The poem was clearly about the character's shame of having slept with another man with the appearance of a woman. It merely displayed the false sense of masochism men are meant to possess, and the character's masochism was brought into question so he killed himself. The poem was very much on the side of any man-hater. Whoever started to complaint, and those who think the complaint was in anyway valid need professional help for the fact that they think they are always the butt-end of a joke or the centre of the universe. If there will be a chance for refunds, I'll gladly join in, considering it is the only way to fight against the insane minorities.
  2. Go for the GoG version as others have said. The steam platform is only beneficial if you are online.
  3. Amazing artwork! Keep up the good work. Will definitely consider the Orlan for a druid character.
  4. The lesson is to always stay away from 4chan, and just let the hivemind do its thing in the shadows.
  5. It shouldn't be later for us, right? Considering their distributor/publisher resides in the EU. I just wish I knew what kind of service they are using so I know if it is possible to track it, or when it will probably arrive.
  6. Can't wait to watch the entire documentary. Ever since I played The Sith Lords and Neverwinter Nights, I have felt like Obsidian was one of the few companies that deserved to continue making their brand of RPGs. I am really happy I backed them, and pitched in.
  7. Oh, I am not complaining. Merely lamenting.
  8. Honestly, it seems that the complaints you are making are related to the Baldur Gate games as well. That one is click intensive too, and lack a single bar for party abilities too. I can't say much about the combat system. Even though I played the beta, I am not as mechanically well-versed as some of the other members. To me it felt like there was enough strategy. And again, Baldur's Gate 1 and 2 weren't particularly strategic either. A lot of your complaints are in the game to evoke the memory of the old-style CRPGs.
  9. It could quite easily be an obscure hardware related issue. I haven't had a CTD in the Backer Beta, so far.
  10. Although I understand that it could be considered distracting, I really do enjoy the narration mixed in with the dialogue. It gives me the impression I'm reading a book accompanied with interactive visuals.
  11. Well even if ignore the fact that your post is more or less a complete strawman, I want to make it clear that I don't actually mind the idea of "area-loot" that much, provided it works largely like in Wasteland 2, where you still end up looting every individual enemy. However, the overall issue is that this is symptomatic of changes that many of us dislike, and when taking into consideration together with many other changes (infinite inventory, magical stash teleportation, infinigold merchants, etc) it greatly cheapens the game in areas that we'd rather see uncheapened. Again, the logical conclusion of this really is ARPG-like murderhobo assignment of gold coins, because if there is really no point in ever not looting something, and if all that chaff loot is just going to get vendored straight away to the nearest merchant anyway, and if I don't even have to trot over there to pick the stuff up, I really don't even see any point in why I should have to go to the merchant to sell these things, this nameless, faceless loot that is nothing but meat for the gold-grinder. It is not "the antichrist" as you so hyperbolic and strawman-y describe it in an effort to smear those that question the design decisions; it is merely yet another chip off off something great. Sorry to see that you felt attacked by it. I wasn't arguing anything, merely questioning how having to click on each individual corpse adds anything to a game. You've already confessed that by judging the screenshot you would skip a lot of the inventory - which I already said what most of the players probably did - rendering the loot graphics as mere clutter on the screen. My post was definitely not a complete strawman, as you tried to show off, because there are certainly some gamers who see things that way. If I was guilty of anything, I was guilty of generalising. I am not trying to smear those who question design decisions, because sometimes a design decision is a bad decision. In the case of area-loot, however, it seems to be just another complaint about how it is not like the IE-games. And yes, I used hyperbole. Isn't that a fair rhetorical strategy? You throw around verisimilitude like it is a word worthy of wielding - it isn't. And there definitely isn't anything that resembles immersion or authentic to real life about clicking - clicking - individual loot piles, while staring at a cropped window that contains a bunch of sprites.
  12. It is quite interesting to see the divide between people who a really enamored with the old-style roleplaying game that they can't fathom any change to be good. It is a shame that it isn't optional, but to herald the advent of area-loot as the antichrist is somewhat ridiculous, and extreme. I've recently played through Baldur's Gate 1 and 2, and in the progress of playing through IWD, and none of you can convince me you actually like that type of looting, and if you do, I will assume you've only bothered with looting specific enemies and never the trash mobs. The system is outdated, hasn't aged well, nor badly, but it needed refinements. I am pretty sure Pillars of Eternity will still have the nonsensical encounter balance that the old IE games have, at times. * That said, I am all for optional mechanics.
  13. Honestly, I don't mind waiting for the physical disc if I'm getting an alternative digital version I get to install on launch day. The biggest reason I backed at this level was for the physical goods.
  14. And that suddenly changed my whole FFVII experience for the better!jk - I still find it horrible But I'm not interested in arguing - if someone enjoys that kind of story telling then why should I tell him otherwise. It was never about arguing really, there was simply nothing in the story to indicate romance. It is a much stronger narrative if people realise Tifa is doing her best to make Cloud remember, including an attempt to replicate past infatuations. But she is really nothing more than his best friend. Aeris's interest stems from the fact Cloud imitates a part of Zack's history, her former boyfriend. She quickly backs off though once she realises they are two different people after all. Unfortunately, I don't think you can really replicate a good romance in a choice based game. Mass Effect romances worked in the same way onscreen romances work in blockbusters - both lack a little depth. Maybe the problem stems from the fact that players require a reward of some sort, or because games treat the romance bit as a reward
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