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Posts posted by SophosTheWise

  1. Is Sophos a LARPer or a re-enactor? Two totally separate things.


    Definitely a LARPer, but an extremely low-fantasy one with a lot of historical influences. So my character is basically a pseudo-historical Landsknecht/Reisläufer between I'd say late 15th to late 16th century. While my gear is historically inspired, my character has a fantasy (humoristic countship) background. I also know a lot of people that play a Warhammer empire background.



    I'm quite happy to call LARPing for the farcical silliness it is.


    Really? I mean I can see the silliness too, but there are LARPers out there who take their hobby quite seriously (and by seriously I don't mean "omg i'm an warrior!11!" - Yes, there are a LOT of people like that, there are a LOT of retards and silly foam weapon enthusiasts. But there are also awesome roleplayers who don't take everything too seriously and who are not some fat weeaboo kids with jeans and a cape.






    Also a funny video that shows both:

  2. It's funny, in Switzerland we had a few similar situations, where they put the black girl in second place to calm down the minorities while making Miss Switzerland a typical blonde girl to be able to say "this is Switzerland" - ****ing ridiculous. I wished we lived in a world where no-one judged another because of colour of skin. But for me that includes not havin "minority training programs" or "minority percentages for manager positions" and bull**** like that. I know that's probably not realistic as for now, but I hope that someday we don't have to pretend all the time. Everyone calm the **** down and get off your guilt-train.

  3. I like the concept art and considering they said large humans for there description that lived on and near the coast.. I.. excepted large humans. Not sure why everyone was expecting giant fish-lizard men to be honest. Either way I've liked the concept art quite a lot. Also I didn't get 'bad LARP' vibe from any of it soo... i


    Yeah I didn't have a problem with the concept art either, and don't get the LARPing stuff either (other than its "kewl" to compare things to LARPing apparently as a sign of "bad" in rpgs.)


    Yeah I have to say as a LARPer it disappoints me somewhat the way larp is viewed by some here. You'd think that with the way roleplaying in general is looked down upon as it is there'd be less contempt towards different roleplayers but apparently not. :(


    As a European LARPer, I'm given to understand that US LARPers are mostly interested in bashing each other on the head with taped weapons while wearing their grandma's dress as a cape. Maybe that's why bad designs get associated with LARP. I mean, look at the LARP subreddit. It's ridiculous. One of the most commented and upvoted posts is an orc that everyone in Europe would laugh at.

  4. The only design I've really liked so far is Cadegund (well, except her calvary footarmor), because she really looks like a late medieval or even early renaissance character. And as that interview with Sawyer indicated, that's where they wanted to go. All the other characters (except MAYBE Aloth) aren't really set in that time, they're more very general without any special stuff that distinguishes them from any (generic?) low-fantasy world. Edair could've been wonderfull if they gave him padded armor instead of that boring leather-whatever and if they gave him other shoes/boots and a different, long but thin belt. And, for god's sake. Some sort of hat.

  5. Please, don't rehash old ideas. That's the only thing I'm kind of worried about. Not that I don't trust Obsidian or that I think they are not creative, but I don't know how they handle their fan service. Sometimes, too much fan service destroys a game. Too many easter-eggs, too many déja-vu-characters. I'd much more have other memorable unique characters. I know, PE is supposed to be a spiritual successor to the IE games but that doesn't mean it can't have its own ideas. I know there are a lot of people here who are just here for the nostalgia, for experiencing the same things they have experienced with their old games. But being a spiritual successor doesn't necessarily mean that PE has to live in the shadow of the games of old. A spiritual successor is exactly that and not a humble tribute that is only there to compliment the games of the olden days. PE actually has a lot of potential to be more, to be a new series a new, fresh IP instead of a modernized copy of an old concept.


    So give us new ideas, new character concepts, things that make us wonder and think, not the "oh, that reminds me of XY"-characters.


    Except: give us a really stupid knight with a lot of courage and honor who just always has to be the hero. I like that. ;D

    • Like 4
  6. a "Schweizerdegen" basically a Swiss short sword and/or dagger.



    Kuhmaulschuhe (Cowmouth shoes? No idea what their name is in English)




    Katzbalger, typical Landsknecht sword/dagger. ****ing awesome.




    And now the ultimate proof that sometimes even 16th century weapons look like straight out of a high fantasy setting:




    And the best helmet for ANY city guard in my opinion.




    Those shoes are a bit too early for late middle ages/early renaissance though. Still worth a look, since most shoes/boots in fantasy games look utterly bland.




    High and Late Middle Ages shoes.





    Some cool fluted armour.




    Les Trois Mousquetaires :D



    • Like 2
  7. Can you make this game more childlike like baldur's gate where lines like "Do you wanna tell me a story about trollups and plug tails are popular? Please" , "go for the eyes boo, go for the eyes" are popular and not like witcher 2 stuffs like "saying something or did you just fart" or "piss off witcha" are popular


    Why not both depending on the situation? I think The Witcher 2 did an awesome job at being really rude and still having fun characters like Dandelion. I just loved the authenticity of TW2, it was really like townsfolk talking. I just can't stand the cliché "Greetings, o noble adventurer!" anymore.

    • Like 1
  8. think early firearms are interesting and I've enjoyed reading about their use in late Medieval and early modern Europe. From a gameplay perspective, they pack more of a punch than bows and crossbows, but they have worse accuracy and take much longer to reload. They're also particularly good at penetrating wizards' arcane veils, which are commonly used for defense. In our setting, I believe the presence of firearms helps shift the feeling of the world away from the equivalent of Earth's High Middle Ages and into the Late Middle Ages and early modern period. Europe's early modern period was a time of domestic social unrest and extensive exploration by imperial powers. I think those topics aren't explored a lot in fantasy RPGs (Maztica [RIP] being a notable exception) and the presence of firearms helps give the feeling of that age.


    **** yeah. Now, Josh, bring in the 16th century fashion and I will officially propose to you.

    • Like 1
  9. This is isn't about anti-intellectualism, it's about rape/racism/homophobia/other "mature and realistic" themes not being the only way to tell a good story. Not everything has some hidden agenda; some people just like to have fun and don't want to sacrifice that fun for the sake of "art."


    Also Jonathan Blow is a pretentious douche bag because he says **** like “It just drives home how fictional money is” and "I’ve never liked money, really" while driving a $150,000 "green car."

    You've posted that comic strip about 10'000 times, I think we all know it by now, and I've agreed with you on that beforehand, but it seems to me that you dismiss everything serious and dark to be automatically pseudo-intellectual and angsty. It's like being anti-everything for the sake of being anti. Art is (to a big extent) the breaking of existing barriers and that's easier done with serious things that are often not reflected upon, because they are so serious and stuck in our heads.


    Also, why is Blow's statement pretentious. I think by fictional he talks about constructs, he means how constructed and surreal the concept of money is. Also, why shouldn't he drive a green car for 150'000 pounds? Just because he doesn't like money or because he thinks it's unreal? I don't see how this is in any way hypocritcal or pretentious.

  10. You clearly disagree here, so let's hear your case.

    Well, personally, I want P:E to be a fun video game and not the next champion of the "games are art" crowd; leave that **** to pretentious indie developer douche bags like Jonathan Blow.


    Off topic here: I seriously dislike that American anti-intellectualism. I see no reason, why Braid was pretentious, just because it tried something different, just because Blow tried to express his views on life the way he did. But that's somehow typical for our time, when everything intellectual is automatically "hipster" or "pretentious". I'm tired of getting labelled as a "hipster" just because I like literature, or because I write poetry and read philosophy for fun or because I'm wearing hipster glasses (that I wear because of poor eye-sight and also because my literay heroes did - it's the same as people wearing their new-era-caps because of some hip hop stars). It seems that in our time, everything that contradicts pure consumerism, everything that actively tries to change conventions or to be different, an alternative tends to get labelled that way. It's the death of progression.

    • Like 5
  11. That's what often bothers me about some fantasy settings.


    There's no racism, every race likes each other (well, except for the usual good vs. bad race story), people are hygienic most of the time (I can see hilarious quest- and story potential in throwing out feces out of one's windows), people aren't really sexist and there are a lot of female warriors and so on and so on. I don't really care about those things if they are single occurences, but it bothers me when a fantasy world is perfeclty evolved in every way, politically correct and without edges. Roleplaying, for me, is conflict. Be it moral conflict, battles - it's about conflict and not about comfort zones.

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