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Posts posted by SophosTheWise

  1. EDIT: Honestly, in my opinion if we try to force realistic standards on a fantasy world I can't get rid of the idea that just as in the ancient hellenic era where warriors barely wore anything at all except a shield and a weapon, there should also be in such a world fighters who also know some spellcasting or have magical shields and thus ignore armor alltogether.

    For some reason if people talk about fantasy games the discusion is more often than not about the European medieval times and the weapons/clothes of that era, and other continents and eras get entirelly ignored (while in my own opinion the ancient hellenic era due to the gods and mythology are closer to the theme) and even the horse using and nomadic cultures like that of the Huns, Mongols, Hungarians are more than not forgotten/ignored. (I guess partially due to developers for some reason being allergic to horses and mounted combat, or proper ranged combat tactics)


    PE's world is inspired by late medieval Europe. To what degree, we can only speculate. But it has guns, it has plate armour. So it's pretty safe to say they're drawing quite a bit of inspiration from there.



    Somewhere they stated it would be 16th century technology level including guns.

    Also there is nearly no RPG that ignores those other cultures, think Skyrim. No medieval age, just everything Vikings and Celts (in a VERY poor way) and also those desert cat people (Khajit?). The ancient times aren't just exciting anymore for me. I've seen and played enough ancient Greece and Celts and whatnot. A 16th century early renaissance setting would definitely be a cool novelty. Still rooting for Landsknechts, although I have little faith :(

  2. I actually like to play now and then a paladin in RPG-s to be something like a Jousting Tournament master, or the char may be like King Arthur.


    Honestly though, I would prefer to throw out the concept of "classes" alltogether, and get the ability to handpick the skills and strengths of the char on my own (EXAMPLE: you want to have a sneaky noble thief who is also looking great in full plate and has the muscles to wear one properly? sure! but then you won't have enough points to spend on making him also a spellcaster or shapeshifter)


    You know why? Because this concept sucks in every goddamn way. I know there are some roleplayers who want to do everything at the same time? Why? I have absolutely no idea, but in a roleplaying-way that just doesn't make any sense. Sneaky noble thief - alright I can go with that. But why should he wear a full plate? And why should he be able to shapeshift and cast spells? Is he some kind of ridiculous overcompensation superheroes? I, for one, hate those concepts and whenever players bring that into a Pen & Paper round you just know the game's gonna be bad. People should focus on a simple idea and roleplay the **** out of it.




    Not necessarily, a paladin to me is just a knight with a code (and maybe some divine magic) but not necessarily a good one. In Ad&d paladin's get all these abilities that center around them being incredibly good and morally just so it makes sense that they can only be CG but it still kind of sucks. The problem I have with that depiction is that it implies that morality is absolute which, in real life, it's really not.


    I think he's not talking about one moral conduct but about all the moral codes in a cultural-relativistic way, if I may interpret it that way. Then, of course, morality is never absolute. But for a paladin who is true to ONE god and ONE moral code, there is nothing else that matters to him, so he doesn't really care. Of course there could be some ethical dilemma now and then, but in general those could be easily resolved because, well. D&D is really simplified there having absolute good and evil and no real shades of grey.


    Another badly done "emotional impact" from the Mass Effect series is in ME3 where you are supposed to feel sad/guilty about seeing a kid die whom you can't save. The very lack of chance to save it is already a negative in my book


    No, definitely not. That you can't save it is exactly what you should reflect upon. That inevitable doom, it's a bit of memento mori. If done right, it really works well. I remember Mafia 2 (which I think is a masterpiece because the closedness of the world is THE main aspect of the game) when you get a non-criminal job at the beginning and you can do it for a long time but the longer you keep up doing it the more your character loses faith in that job and you're all "No, dude! Come on! You can do this!" and then it's a "NO GODDAMMIT YOU'RE NOT BECOMING A CRIMINAL, THAT'S YOUR DOOM!" - This was one of the things I really enjoyed in Mafia. There were certain plotpoints where your character decides radically different than you and that makes quite an impact on a self-reflecting player. I like that approach a lot more than the do-whatever-you-want-nobody-cares-approach in Skyrim.

  4. +1000000000 Likes to the Inigo pics! He is the epitome of mustachio awesome! I do think people need to distinguish more between beards and mustaches more: a beard is as different to mustaches as it is to theclean shaven. A mustache implies manliness and sophistication, a man who knows how to groom himself. A beard is only considered cool by teenagers, who lack the subtlety and grace to comprehend the superiority of the 'tache.

    Some improvements were required.

    I present you:


    I didn't particularly care for Forton originally but your work has made him into the most awesome one of the lot! Seriously, the hat monocle and mo suit him..


    Indeed I'm not one for martial arts fighters, but this dapper gentleman is most awesome!

    • Like 1
  5. The monsters in Dragon's Dogma were pretty neat.


    Also PE could make use of mostly unknown creature from the German mythology. German mythology has a few awesome things like elves (no, not the Tolkien elves, Tolkien elves are called "Elben" in German, because elves "Elfen" are much more related to fairies than to Tolkien).


    Hereis a German list of a few fable creatures from the German lore. I especially like Nachtmähren and Klabautermänner. Or the Tatzelwurm.







    Also: owlbears!

  6. Firstly: ALL armour should be paintable. Like THIS. Foremost helmets and breastplates.


    Hat/Cap/Helmet (2 slots)

    I think both, helmets and caps should be wearable at the same time. Historically people wore padded/unpadded coifs underneath the helmet. Also, if you're in a city in a not-so-dangerous place, wearing a hat should give you bonuses for charisma (etc.) which can be used for negotiating/diplomacy and whatnot.


    Amulet/Necklace (2 slots)

    Pretty self-explanatory. Except: Should be stackable. Some necklaces/amulets could use up two slots, some just one, so you'd have two in general.


    Pauldrons (1 slot)



    Breastplate/Cuirass/Whatever/Clothing/Mail (3 slots)

    Pretty self-explanatory, except for some "upgrades" like gems/magical rivets. Also you can wear ordinary clothing, mail AND plate at the same time. Of course with a dexterity malus.


    Leg armour/pants/chausses (2-3 slots)

    Not everything worn at your legs is leg armour. It might as well only protect your thighs. That's why you also need chausses, maybe some thick loden pants whatever.


    Belt & sheath (2 slots)

    Pretty self-explanatory. If the belt and sheath belong to the same set they could give you a bonus (?)


    Boots/shoes (1-2 slots)

    Shoes could also be combined with kneesocks. For example with kuhmaul-shoes. All the style stuff could mostly give you CHA bonuses.


    Also: early-renaissance aglets.




    Well. Yeah. Overkill. But awesome nevertheless.

  7. I agree. I always wodnered what was wrong with me not liking Justin Beiber. I'm so ashamed.

    I think we can safely agree that this comparison is ridiculous.


    The world supports mass murder of children so I tend not tot ake the world seriosuly

    Wha- I don't even-


    Totally disagree. Can you evend efine what 'western' culture even is? I doubt it.

    Why yes I can. I'm talking about Western philosophy (from the ancient Greeks to the French existentialists) or about literature, theater and arts and so on and so on. Fact: The USA is a country with European origins.


    I ean you guys still have a royal family


    "You guys?" I think you're referring to the Benelux states, Scandinavia or Great Britain. That's a difference. While I agree with you that monarchies are obsolete, I can safely say that none of the kings and queens are really in charge of anything else than shaking someone else's hands.


    You still think you are the best at everything and anyone who doesn't think you are merely brainwashed peasants

    Actually yes, I believe that many Americans are brainwashed peasants. I mean look at your politics. It's ridiculous. It's like a circus or a hollywood movie. Many Americans are entirely driven by emotions rather than reason. Europe has a long tradition of philosophers (think Immanuel Kant for example). We just don't like making a drama of things that are better discussed rationally.


    Yeah, nobody like Hitler could come to power in Europe. It would never happen.


    That was 1939. Today is 2012.


    Euope has cool people but there is a fundamental arrogant self congratulaory self importance



    It's simply baffling what kind of people you have in politics. That's what probably makes us look arrogant. But hey, we are truly baffled, I can tell you that much.


    My values and culture do not come from Europe

    As far as I know your language is of European origin.

    • Like 2
  8. "As a human full of doubt I'd ask myself if my country was a wee bit crazy if the rest of the world was laughing at us. "


    That's wonderful, but I'm not even Amerikan.


    I'd also ask myself if I was a bit crazy when the rest of the world was laughing at something I like.



    Europe is a cute continent where some of the most majority of travesties has occured and many world travestys have been caused by europeans. the fact Euopeans actuaklly think they matter more than other countries like the US is laughable.

    But Europe is also a contintent where very much of our Western culture comes from.

    Also: making mistakes makes you able to learn from those mistakes. That's why we don't think that we are in any way more important than every other country. I think we're a lot more humble than the USA.



    But, hey, enjoy your Holocaust cuasting slavery making ways all the while pretending you are better than other countries who created better ways to live and then you proceeded to leech off of their ways. L0L


    Honestly, I would never want to live in the US. I'd much more live in a Scandinavian country or maybe Canada. But of course that's my choice and I don't see anyone around here who has the competence to decide what kind of "living" is better than another.


    ie. Accuse Amerikans of being the 'most racist of all countries' (what a joke)n how many people of 'colour' have any significant power in Europe? L0L

    Nobody has accused the USA of being the most racist of all countries. Though I am thoroughly worried that anyone would elect a crazyperson like Romney. He wouldn't stand a chance in most European countries.

  9. Which has no connection whatsoever to Europeans watching and commenting on foreign elections.


    It kind of does. I wasn't necessarily treating it as a bad thing, but it does get a bit old.


    We Europeans simply have a tradition of being interested in the rest of the world, especially when a major political force in the world is involved. We also comment on elections in Spain or France, don't feel flattered.

    • Like 1
  10. This is exactly one of the reasons, why Europeans laugh at Republicans. It's just really irritating that you guys are either extremely backwards or so self-deluded about your greatness.

    I'm certainly no Republican, nor do I think in terms of greatness. I'm just speaking some truths here about the region. Europe doesn't really have much say in what's going on in the world anymore.


    Which (edit: even if it was true) has no connection whatsoever to Europeans watching and commenting on foreign elections.

  11. Why not both? I want multiple endings ranging from cheesy happy to abyssic depressing.

    I suppose that's fine, but honestly if happy endings are just a form of pandering to hypersensitive individuals, must we include them at all?


    Because happy ends aren't just a form of pandering to hypersensitive individuals. There are a lot of very good happy endings in literature, film and gaming. For example Ulysses. James ****ing Joyce.

    • Like 9
  12. , "Mitt Romney is regarded as a laughing stock, a backwards cult brainwasher who is inches from legalizing slavery, and it took America electing a black man to finally lessen the image of "all americans are the dumbest rednecks on the planet" that Bush created."


    This is why I cna't take European and Kanada opinion seriouslyn on this matter. Do tyhey really ebleive that Romney would make slavery legal? L0L Then again, these are the same peons who claimed that Bush was setting himself up to be 'dictator for life' and all that extremist bull.


    Then again, out of all the white dominated European countries.. how many have had a black leader? L0LZ

    Europeans have no power and it's only going to get worse for them in the future. Discussing US politics must be one of the few ways that they can be heard, otherwise Europe has very litle pull in the world today.


    This is exactly one of the reasons, why Europeans laugh at Republicans. It's just really irritating that you guys are either extremely backwards or so self-deluded about your greatness.

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