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Posts posted by SophosTheWise

  1. I could never really get into ToEE, even though I've always wanted to push myself to playing it, but alas, I have to play many other really crappy games because I work as a gaming journalist for a small website in Switzerland. So that leaves me with nearly no time to catch up with some classics I've missed. Nevertheless I've seen videos of ToEE and I've played other turnbased game but somehow this never felt close to the action. So I'm still voting for RTwP but I wouldn't be overly sour if it changed. I just hope (and I'm confident) that they will release and awesome game.

  2. I realize that I'm probably late for the party here, but I just wanted to back the nay-sayers. Not because I'm some lame casual-player with no oldschool-streetcred wanting the game to be dumbed down or anything like that. I think auto-experience is important for the fluidity of a game. While I appreciate realism in games, there are certain aspects of life that I really don't want to have simulated in-game, because they don't add anything to the gaming experience. Eating and drinking for instance is awesome in real life because you can sense it. In-game it's just pesky. It may work if it's a key-feature but if it's just there for the sake of consequence and realism, it will be awful. That's also why you can swim in plate-armour and also why no character in any RPG ever actually wears a giant backpack.

    If it's really only the logic that bugs you, Obsidian could simply add some lore that justifies shared XP or it's simply said that characters left in the tavern go adventuring on their own and are not able for a certain amount of time but may return with some minor valuables or something like that.


    In other words, Planescape Torment style, which was easy to read, follow, yet differed from the terrible objective lists of Skyrim.


    For the love of god, no. As much as I've loved the concept of the constant updates (and PS:T itself), once you've gathered some quests it was impossibly chaotic. And if you sometimes didn't catch an important line of dialogue or you couldn't remember an exact thing you were screwed.

    How about a stylized book - one page with important details, one page with the concrete updates/journal entries?

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