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Posts posted by SophosTheWise

  1. There are no printing presses in this world, which relies on tribal memory and myth.


    Books would be hand-illuminated and very rare.


    What? Have I missed something?

    16th century technology level would give us loads of books. I really hope there are books because, well, the written word is as elementary for the world as it gets. As much faith I have in Obsidian - there are some things that should not be tried to circumvent. No books would mean a gigantic hole in the world that had to be filled with another equally "technological revolution". I mean the printing presses were one of the greatest technological achievements ever. A total game-changer.


    The same thing goes for the lore: Don't try to reinvent a philosophical, because that seems silly very fast for anyone who's into philosophy and literature. There are so many concepts in our world that we can borrow from without making it too obvious. It's basically the same discussion with "historical" weaponry and armour. Fantasy armour is silly, so are artificial concepts to make something "innovating"

  2. Seems like a system that would be better suit for loot fest games, like Diablo. I don't like the idea of feeling as though my equipment or spells are never as good as they could be, simply because I don't use them all the time in every situation. I think investing points into weapon and spell schools is enough.


    Not at all. In the Pathfinder RPG (which is essentially D&D 3.75) there is Weapon proficiency for example.

  3. But it shouldn't be apparent that these are linked to the attributes or skills. That way, while I may have extra options, I will still roleplay based one which dialogue I feel is best, without meta-game information.


    Except then you will have no idea whether it is utter stupidity or an extreme insight on the character's part. So they should indicated that some answer is due to high intelligence or wisdom or spot skill or what have you either by markers or by additional narrative in the dialogue box.


    Same goes for bluff. You can be sincere about your threat to rip off someone's face and eat it for breakfast or you can just say it for scaring them away. PST had lots of dialogue where you could be truthful or lying/bluffing and it seemed very fitting.



    I don't understand why some people consider this handholding. The point here is, that you may have the same answer four times with four different intentions, one could be

    "I'm going to rip your head off!" - Bluff

    "I'm going to rip your head off!" - Attack

    "I'm going to rip your head off!" - Intimidation

    "I'm going to rip your head off!" - Lie/Truth


    PS:T had loads of those dialogue options. It's not about handholding, it's about giving you the opportunity to actually rolePLAY with different dialogue options.

    • Like 1
  4. I really don't care if there's atheism in the game, because I'm sure Obsidian will manage to merge all kinds of interesting philosophies together, as in PS:T. Additionaly, I'm an atheist myself, but I never play atheistic characters. Why should I? I'm not playing my self, am I? I mostly play vastly different characters than myself. It's a lot more challenging and a lot more rewarding in my opinion.

    • Like 1
  5. Somehow I don't care wether or not romances are in the game, except it would really contribute to the gameplay and of course contentwise. But since personal buddy quests are going to be in the game anyway, I don't think there will be any real value to romances. If people want romances - sure, give it to them. No problem. I was never interested in-game romances or sex for that matter. Not to be condescending, but I prefer my romance and my sex to be real, I gain nothing out of virtual things which are not realistic. Romance and sex are about physicality and a deep connection that simply cannot be matched with a virtual counterpart in my opinion.


    This is where I think that things get a bit muddy. I never consider the PC in a RPG to be me, so I don't view their romance and friendships to be my own. I think this makes the whole romance debate difficult because not every player sees their PCs the same way I do.


    I think that romances should be included if

    1. Obsidian wants to do them
    2. They focus character development/reaction rather than fanservice/ego stroking
    3. Every "romanceable" character can also be a good friend or other type of relationship


    Absolutely! The whole thing with identfication with a character is actually difficult. I remember a debate on gog.com about Inquistior (a really cool albeit really dark 2D-iso-RPG where you could actually torture people to get information), where some people were disgusted with torturing as they "would never do that themselves" while other people didn't relate to the player-character at all but created a character in their mind (BURN HERETICS! included). Same goes with playing evil or good, that's an extremely difficult thing to manage depending on your style of identification.


    If romances really provide development or content that's completely okay - but as you've said - not for ego-stroking.

  6. Well, I think we should never forget that clichées are a big part of storytelling. At least that's what I've learned from my journalistics lectures. Clichées work because they are very strong images and most of those clichés move in an area (storytellingwise), in frames as we call them.

    So many conflicts in modern storytelling work because there's an archetype for many different conflict situations and characters. Good examples for frames are Robin Hood or David vs. Goliath. Clichées give us something to hold on, to orient ourselves in "known waters" so we know what's going on. Real exoticism only works for a few parts, maybe to create the mystery (and even then the exoticism is kind of a clichée).

    In media linguistics there's also a thing called priming - so different terms are being primed in a setting, so we can distinguish and understand - for example the word thread has many meanings. If we are in a forum it's clear we talk about a "topic" and not a thread used for sewing. Of course that's a bit abstract but this is actually how it works en détail. I may be wrong - this is only first and second semester stuff of journalistic storytelling, so don't sue me if I'm not entirely correct :no:;(


    Maybe an easier way to explain this, is in a LARP setting. In LARPs (at least in Europe) are many people who play overly exotic characters from an even more exotic race and ultra-complicated storys. Those characters never stick with you. The most successful characters I've seen in LARPs are the easiest ones. Maybe a simple peasant, or a normal (well, normal...) Landsknecht. They were not cliché charaters at all, but they played in a certain frame that made it easy to comprehend this character.


    Well, anyhow. :ban::disguise:

    • Like 1
  7. Somehow I don't care wether or not romances are in the game, except it would really contribute to the gameplay and of course contentwise. But since personal buddy quests are going to be in the game anyway, I don't think there will be any real value to romances. If people want romances - sure, give it to them. No problem. I was never interested in-game romances or sex for that matter. Not to be condescending, but I prefer my romance and my sex to be real, I gain nothing out of virtual things which are not realistic. Romance and sex are about physicality and a deep connection that simply cannot be matched with a virtual counterpart in my opinion.

  8. Yeah. Why sign up for the beta if you don't want to spoil the experience?



    Like in Skyrim I was always very careful what to explore because I didn't want to spoil places I shouldn't go to at this time.

    There aren't any such places in Skyrim. The only one I can think of is Blackreach, but you're spoiling the related quest, not the location itself.


    You know, if it were that easy. To be serious, I just thought maybe you guys found a way, like choosing a entirely different class/character than usual or just... something. Something to take away that aching pain of not-knowing without replacing it with spoiling.


    Hey, I never said I'm a rational person. :D


    @Ieo, well that's something, thanks :) May be a good start. I should drink a few glasses of Talisker while playing, maybe I'll forget then.

  9. seriously, this is taking too long.


    i'm beginning to think this game is vaporware (or, as we call it here in london, 'vapourware').


    Yeah, it's almost to the level of Grimoire.


    You ghastly rapscallion, I wanted to say that.





    ^ Yes a flash version with a Marilyn Manson soundtrack.


    With Facebook implementation, Twitter sharing #achievements, invity-your-friends-button, loads of QR codes and pay-to-win-ingame-shop.

  10. Hi guys


    For me, a big part of the "magic" of a new game is getting the box, reading the manual and putting in the DVD for the first time, seeing the loading screens the first time and so on. I don't know how many people share this experience with me.


    That brings me to a question I've been thinking about for a long time. It's the same time that I have with open world games. How do I not ruin my gaming experience? Like in Skyrim I was always very careful what to explore because I didn't want to spoil places I shouldn't go to at this time.

    Same goes for the upcoming Beta for PE and generally for Betas. How can you actually enjoy a Beta without ruining that "first time"-magic for yourself?

    You guys have any tricks? :)

  11. Difficult, really difficult to pull that off so that it won't be frustrating, I think. How do the semantics of an answer work? Does it recognize similar answers/similar words like perhaps or maybe? Do articles get recognized? Problems with plural/singular? These are only a few of the problems that would come up with that idea. Even though I'd love it, personally.


    So I'd be okay with 15 different answers - everyone who has ever done a multiple-choice test in college/university knows that those can be incredibly difficult.

  12. Patrick Stewart compromised himself forever with Oblivion and Lance Henriksen is too high profile.


    something like this guy in the video is enough


    I like how this should be an old school RPG but people want some features of AAA++ popamole "RPGs" like voice acting made by Hollywood stars


    I really don't care about what kind of work a narrator has done before. I don't like Oblivion but that doesn't make Stewarts work bad. Stewart is a TERRIFIC actor on screen and in theater. I don't want him because he is a star, but because I love his acting (yes, also in Macbeth!).


    I also don't care about that ridiculous "popamole"-stuff. I kind of dislike elitism like that even though I enjoy playing Dungeons & Dragons/Pathfinder/Shadowrun and even though I like old-school-RPGs. Old-school is just a marketing-label. Just because something is considered old-school doesn't mean that they cannot adapt things from AAA-titles, because, wether or not you like it, AAA-titles have also done awesome things.


    By the way, we are only fantasizing here, we talk about stuff that we like. We are not a problem-solution-squad. We're a bunch of nerds discussing what we like about games and what we'd like to see in a future game. We shouldn't take ourselves to seriously, in my opinion.

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