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Posts posted by SophosTheWise

  1. The problem with "real" cities is the same problem that I have with Skyrim. It's mostly huge and empty. I mean, honestly. Have you explored the city you live in? That city is probably a million times more interesting than any virtual "realistic" city. Dragon's Dogma had a neat city, it was huge, but it was also empty and buildings had no meaning whatsoever. Design a city for its content, not its function for being a city.

    • Like 1
  2. These interview guys only ask him questions that other interviewers have already asked, doesn't anybody do any research before they conduct an interview ? :/


    I suppose there's the concession that the interview is more for their readers who didn't already know that information.

    I agree - what are the things you'd like to hear? I'm working for a Swiss gaming magazine and I recently contacted Josh for an interview request. Maybe he'll do it - that'd be great. But since everyone is asking the same thing our interview will be a little bit different, I guess.

  3. I'm kind of against it. I really can't stand all that "becoming a God" crap anymore. I don't understand the need of so many players to be an ub0rpwnz0rUltr4m4ge-g0d. A particularly bad example: Skyrim. Being a archmage, a duke, a master thief etc. at the same time? Come on... Are we really playing those games just out of escapism or to compensate our need for "being important"? For once I'd enjoy a storyline, where I'm not able to take a God by his nose-hair while pouring Dwarven ale on his head laughing maniacally. (Well, okay that does sound kind of fun). I'd enjoy something a lot more down-to-eart, a lot more low-power.


    Also I'd rather Obsidian focuses on creating a great adventure than making a medieval simulator where everything is possible. Focus is important and everyone seems to forget that.

    • Like 2
  4. It's a hack'n'slash MMO, nothing like the original Ultima games.

    This goes out to everyone making similar statements:
    Seriously, how do you know that? You're just making assumptions based on a FEW SECONDS of gameplay and a very crude description. You haven't played nor have you seen extended footage, an introduction to combat. There is not even a review/preview of it. It's a vague description and about 30 seconds of footage. It really annoys me that guys like you just hate on everything from the start on without any basis for your bias other than your obnoxious "old school cred" that somehow makes you feel superior. 

    Secondly, Garriott has stated in the Rooster Teeth stream, that SotA is first and foremost going to be a single player game focused on heavy storytelling in the vein of the old Ultimas. It's not even an MMO, it's a singleplayer game with an online-based drop-in/out function and a persistent world. That's NOT an MMO, not even close. And to adress the hack'n'slash prejudice: Garriott has stated that they only have a basic idea of how combat will work and that the main input is going to be community feedback.


    And lastly, adressing the old Ultimas. Seriously, how was Ultima VII-XI NOT hack'n'slash? Hell, 90% of the time you couldn't even really interact in battles in Ultima VII. And As for Ultima IV-VI: The combat system may have been turn-based, but still it was a very basic thing and absolutely NOT exciting. You're just drawing some kind of ridiculous romantic fantasy of what "old school" has been. To quote from Everon's "Wasn't it good?"


    Nostalgia is a dangerous poison
    If mixed with bitterness and grief
    Makes the past look so much brighter
    Forms illusions of relief


    Now I'm done ranting.

    • Like 1

    Are you serious? I think I've seldom read arguments so rabulistic and populistic. I don't hate classic RPGs, I'm a D&D player, I've played the IE games, I'm currently playing Ultima IV. But just because I enjoy classic RPGs doesn't mean I'm not open to new suggestions.


    And new suggestions don't always mean that the game is going to be dumbed down. Believe me, I'm not one for popamole bullcrap. But still the IE games had its faults and I'm happy someone tries to make it better. If it's not better - well, they tried. I really don't get that nerdrage from the Codex and people like you. It almost seems as if your lives depend on wether a game is going to be awesome or not.

    Ok, i'm a nerd, you are not a nerd. Whoever critcizes Sawyer is on a nerdrage.


    You must have forgotten your intelligence +18 helmet. :)

    >As for the point of Project Eternity - as I've said before there are different conceptions of what made these RPGs great, and frankly, I don't think the combat system was one of those things. I loved the stories, I loved the different characters, the wondrous places one could visit, the riddles and dungeons - the adventure. And I absolutely think that Project Eternity could make a better combat system - so just let the guys try it out, I mean holy ****, how hard and dramatic is that?

    1) remove combat xp. No more xp for any combat whatsoever

    2) implement a substantial stealth system for all classes

    3) avoiding combat is not punished in any way, you still get excellent loot and the same amount of xp

    4) combat can (almost) always be avoided

    5) the tactical combat based game called project eternity is complete. The first tactical combat based game ever created where avoiding combat yields the best results.


    Yup, they have really improved the combat alright. 100% pure incline.



    No. Also, I don't get your obsession with Sawyer, would you care to explain? I'm not a fanboy of the aforementioned person, hell, he seems like a nice guy and that's it. I really don't get why you're always putting that guy into the centre of discussion. I absolutely don't care who you're criticizing, why should I? I care about HOW you are criticizing. I understand you're from the Codex and honestly - what is it with your massive egos over there? I mean, hell, everyone who actually writes in a forum is at least somehow a bit of a megalomaniac, but what is it with your "superiority"? Once again: there are different conceptions of what constitutes an RPG at its core - that's something that you seem to be incapable of accepting.


    As far as I understand your five points are all about rewarding different approaches to playing equally, which is absolutely fair from a roleplaying (and I refer to this word as playing an assumed role, not to some other definition) point of view. If I want to ravage everything on my way to kill the Bandit King, so be it. 2) If I want to sneak my way into a camp, so be it. If I want to smooth talk 3) my way around some guards, so be it. These are all acts of roleplaying and I don't see how any one of those approaches is better than the next. It's - boldly said - a character decision. To me that's roleplaying.  1) And thinking too much about XP kills roleplaying (that's why in my Pathfinder group we don't have any XP, we gain a level when our DM says so). Of course you can avoid combat all the time. But do you think your Barbarian character would do that? Or would your lawful good Paladin really avoid combating the Orcs that are strolling around a wanderer's path and killing everyone they see? Roleplaying, while based on rulesets, is not all about rulesets. These rulesets exist imo to make adventure possible. If you start to exploit flaws in a system or avoid things such as combat because the other way is easier - then you're a bad roleplayer in my opinion. 


    So it all boils down to you having a different understanding of RPG. It seems that PE is not the game for you because you seem to be looking for a Dungeon Crawler. 

    It is your right not to like that, but please let go of your superiority complex. 


    (Also go play Grimoire)

    • Like 3

    So you hate classic CRPGs then. Bravo sir. Welcome to Josh Sawyer's little club of classic RPG hate.

    Anyway, this is why all modern RPGs are dumbed down and classic RPGs are dead. Just change everything until everything that made these games great is gone... What was the point of Project Eternity again? let me give you a hint: The point was not to make a dumbed down modern RPG.


    Are you serious? I think I've seldom read arguments so rabulistic and populistic. I don't hate classic RPGs, I'm a D&D player, I've played the IE games, I'm currently playing Ultima IV. But just because I enjoy classic RPGs doesn't mean I'm not open to new suggestions. 


    And new suggestions don't always mean that the game is going to be dumbed down. Believe me, I'm not one for popamole bullcrap. But still the IE games had its faults and I'm happy someone tries to make it better. If it's not better - well, they tried. I really don't get that nerdrage from the Codex and people like you. It almost seems as if your lives depend on wether a game is going to be awesome or not. 


    As for the point of Project Eternity - as I've said before there are different conceptions of what made these RPGs great, and frankly, I don't think the combat system was one of those things. I loved the stories, I loved the different characters, the wondrous places one could visit, the riddles and dungeons - the adventure. And I absolutely think that Project Eternity could make a better combat system - so just let the guys try it out, I mean holy ****, how hard and dramatic is that?

    • Like 3
  7. So Orlans are basically a leprechaun-hobbit-gnome-crossover with sideburns? Awesome! I get a Scottish vibe - well apart from that Doublet design, which is odd but interesting. Intriguing. 


    Also, I'm getting a major PS:T vibe from Woedica. 



    Her Aedyran name is Woedica, which evokes the “Old English” feel of the Aedyran language. (Maintaining a distinct sense of national/ethnic language and culture is important to us – more about that in a later update.)

    I'm really really really really looking forward to that. +1 for Old English feel.

    • Like 1


    No exp for kills.  If there is no exp for kills, then there's no point in exploring.  

    You mean....no point in murder-grinding.... which is a staple of  modern RPGs and MMOs, and IMO needs to be toned down about 20 notches.  its a stupid, mindless concept.  There's a bajillion other ways to gain exp in a role-playing game, but most have been completely  forgotten over the years, and  the result?    We've now  got people like you  who don't  know what role-playing even is  -  that actually  equate killing exclusively with EXP, to the point where they cannot conceive of other ways to gain levels.   Play Planescape Torment sometime and you'll see how wonderful it is to get  your exp from talking  (for example) instead of just racking up kills.


    Oh, and there's  a whole lot more to exploration than  just going out  and making things die.  Not sure why you even brought up exploration, as the concept itself is virtually unrelated to combat.

    Lol, that's rich, son.  I've been playing rpgs longer than you've been alive.  Played in a place I doubr you've even heard of called Lake Geneva in the 70s.  I know a thing or two about role playing.   EXP for kills has been around since the beginning.  Without it you have stupid story games, not rpgs.


    You don't have a patent on being right, just because you're older than other people. That would be terrifying for our world. As with literature, cinema, philosophy - there are different approaches to what roleplaying is. You should just get down of that high horse of yours.

    • Like 4

    While I'm glad to see an rpg similar in vein to the BG series, I'm afraid there are too many new school ideas for me to ever purchase this game.

    The game won't have too much in common with the BG series, because the lead designer Mr. Josh Sawyer did not like them.


    It is quite amusing that he has to design a successor to a series of games that he hates. I'm sure the backers won't mind, because all 80,000 of them didn't like Baldur's Gate either.......


    Well, on one hand this is really weird. I've read that post yesterday and it's indeed quite weird for someone who doesn't like the predecessors to make a successor. Especially if this successor was funded by fans to get another game like those old ones.

    On the other hand I like new ideas (and maybe older ideas) being introduced.


    Do you see what I see?



    In conclusion: Nobody needs rants like this.


    It's not a rant, just my opinion.  That's what message boards are for, or hadn't you heard. Now, if my info is out of date, that's fine, but the idea that those mechanics were even on the table is troubling.


    Also, if you don't like what I have to say, you are free to ignore it and look elsewhere.


    No it's a rant dressed up as opinion. An informed and constructive opinion usually doesn't have childish threats in it.

    Why is it troubling? Because they don't suit your particular taste? Maybe you don't like these mechanics, but maybe others do - there is no absolute truth at work here. It's different philosophies, different opinions. You can throw "you're wrong!"s around like you want - it doesn't make your opinion an absolute truth. As said before - we have a LOT of serious discussions going on here. Feel free to participate in them with constructive criticism. That's what this "message board" is ideally here. Threads such as this are simply disturbing the flow of discussion (and, really - read into it! There's a LOT more going on here than plain fanboyisms. Contribute!) and are not exactly helpful. All people on here want Project Eternity to be a great game, but there are different approaches for feedback. Yours isn't going to do much for it.

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    Unless these proposed features are changed, I won't be purchasing this game.


    Now what? That's the core-point of your post? You open a thread, just to complain about certain features and to threaten you won't buy the game? Do you know who cares? Nobody. We have a LOT of excellent threads going. You can be part of those discussions - that's what feedback is all about. It's not about dumping childish threats in a thread that was created for no good reason. As much as Obsidian wants feedback, that's not the way it works.




    So, I guess it's back to waiting for a decent crpg


    So, back to waiting for a real crpg




     ego because HIS way of playing is superior to everyone elses


    Do you see what I see?




    In conclusion: Nobody needs rants like this.
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