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Posts posted by SophosTheWise


    If subtle - why not. But I feel that a TOO colorful implementation of every culture in one game just seems weird. That's what I also said about (Asian) monks in Project Eternity. A party with a shaolin monk, a samurai, a polynesian barbarian, a renaissance-knight, a greek cipher and a celtic ranger. No, thanks. 


    Then u didnt like Planescape: Torment :p

    Oh, I absolutely did, because Planescape was so outlandish, that it never seemed anachronous or wildly mixed. I think there are a lot of credible fantasy worlds with a broad range of cultures, but just mixing everything cool together sucks. Kind of like that movie with ninjas, zombies, robots and whatnot...


    Edit: I think you get what I mean by anachronous, I know it's the wrong word, but it expresses the sentiment behind my statement :D

  2. Hormalakh, you... just... gave me back Moonstone. I can't believe it. I played that game on my Amiga when I was a kid. I still had those death animations in mind, but never the name of the game. Amazing. Brb, downloading.


    Death animations really do bring back memories. It's such a great way to keep games as classics. BTW where are you getting moonstone from? I want it! gog? nevermind found it.


    You bet! I also liked the death animations from The Immortal (never played it though). And now, to glory! To the Moonstone!

  3. "We're pleased to announce the 7th major bug fix patch update. Our testers report that all known major crashing bugs on the critical path have now been fixed. You should finally be able to play the game from beginning to end." :p


    "We're proud to announce both Day-1-DLCs, "Retaking Godhammer Citadel" and "Dragons Beneath the Ruins" which you will be able to buy from the butler in your stronghold. Aside from that we give you the possibility to purchase two more difficulty-modes. Two weeks after that, we will implement a new set of cosmetic clothes for 1$ per item."

  4. Slight off-topic, post courtesy of Spectacle from RPG Codex:


    Spectacle said:

    I would like to use this thread to say that I am ****ing tired of RPGs (and games in general) where your primary source of money is by finding and selling equipment. Finding treasure would be much more satisfying. Chests of gold guarded by bandidts. Fist sized gems stolen from the eyes of a demonic statue. Golden regalia from the tomb of the sorcerer-king. Way cooler treasure than the +3 sword you sell because you already have a +4.

    • Like 2
  5. "The Obsidian Crowdfunded RPG Initially Known As Project Eternity"


    Because regardless of what the name ends up, it'll always be "Project Eternity" to me...


    I thought the same, but it really depends on how long it takes them to announce the real name. If it's announced next week we've got more than a year to get used to the name :D





    Soul Forge? You mean the band or the book?


    just googled it...no...yes for Soul Forge


    blacksmith of souls just doesnt have the same appeal, but what do i know, english is not my native tongue...Smith of Souls :/ dun know...


    Not going to happen. It's already a thing (and a good thing at that!).


  6. I'd be specifically interested in how the whole rule-set plays out. I hope it's more transparent and complex than in Dragon Age, where it basically didn't matter if you didn't get the rules. So I hope for a detailed explanation. Also I'd like to see the stronghold, more companions, more art and graphics.


    As for the story and quest - I'd love to just be assured that PE will not consist of thousands of fetch-quests and that the story is not generic. Everything more is a spoiler to me.

  7. I like the pacing. It's different from modern-day-RPGs that give you the opportunity to see most of the world really fast (Skyrim, I'm looking at you). Its gameplay has also aged incredibly well - it's just different. It reminds me a bit of Dragon's Dogma, which also had a similar sense of adventure. I can't really nail it down at the moment, but exploring and searching for quest objectives didn't feel empty at all. It felt dangerous, adventurous, expansive - short, it was and is the perfect adventure for me and not only the fast-paced kill-everything-fantasy-sightseeing-tour.

    • Like 1
  8. Also, make people speak differently, and by differently I don't mean different Scottish or English accents. I mean give them a different vernacular, give them different ways to talk. That's what I absolutely miss in modern RPGs where everyone seems to speak in a very modern and urban fashion.


    Also, as cheesy as that may sound, I want old and archaic things.... "Helm watch over thee upon thy quest!" ;)

  9. Since I want the maximum out of the game, I'll probably be a good character. Or say somewhere between chaotic good and chaotic neutral. Which, I guess, is basically me. Trying to fight the good fight, but sometimes I lose my nerves. So I have the possibility of experiencing the full range of quests but with the option of ****ing over people sometimes.

    I'm really interested in the Cipher class, because I never liked the Bard in either D&D or Pathfinder. It's very cool roleplay-wise, but buffing is just not my thing.

  10. Aloha, friends of Collector's stuff that no one really needs but still wants!


    Simple questions to all the Retail Collector's Edition Tier (and above):


    How do you imagine the Collector's Edition? What are its ideal contents (or rather: how are the Tier rewards connected to the CE?), how should it look? What should the box be made of? How big should it be?


    A few (quite different and not necessarily awesome) CEs (and earlier regular boxes):









    I charge into the enemy to butch choral chanting and drums, not some hippie on a lute dammit.

    There is a lot of different folk music in the world, it's not really one genre. Sardinian folk music is different from slavic folk, which is a world of difference from American folk.


    Absolutely, just listen to the Legends of Eisenwald soundtrack. It's epic but it's also got a lot of European folk influences, or dare I say renaissance music influences. That's what flutes and lutes are all about. Renaissance, man. Bring on the renaissance. Can't think of a game that has ever done that. All games are all epic drums and strings - can't stand that anymore. It's all the same.

    • Like 1
  12. Is there going to be a big announcement with bells and whistles on when it does? My email account attached to my amazon account which I used to pay for kickstarter is quite old and I don't check it very often, probably most people aren't in the same boat as me but it would be useful if there was some sort of eye catching announcement here when it does happen.


    Just stick around and read the weekly updates, I'm 100% sure they will announce it.

  13. I saw The Hobbit.

    It sucked.


    A) Three hours of bad CGI and poorly choreographed fight-scenes that had no reason to exist other than to fill time.

    B) Thirteen or something dwarves with rhyming names that are identical other than the name. Who thought this would work in a movie?

    C) Gollum, what a horrible waste of time that was. And people like this? No wonder I'm bitter!

    D) Sock'em, Rock'em Golems. Are you seriously?

    E) Endless repetition. Gandalf saves the day. And again. And again.


    If my ticket hadn't been free and hadn't come with an excellent dinner I'd have written off the night as a complete waste of time.


    f) Not a single dwarf can read old dwarven?

    g) Radagast more like wastingmytimegast

    h) Pointless witch-king tie-in

    i) Uninspired music

    j) 48 frames is eye-torture, boycott


    A) Do not agree. Liked the CGI (even if it was a bit too much at times) but I definitely enjoyed the action scenes, even though I'm not a huge action fan.

    B) Yes, as it was in the book. Do. Not. Change. Names. From. Books.

    C) W-what? The riddles were one of the most amazing parts of the film. Cleverly written and terrifically acted.

    D) Debatable, yes, but it added to the feeling of being a small company against the world

    E) Of course it's a bit cliché, but The Hobbit was written in 1933(?) and kind of created those clichés.


    F) I, for one, cannot read old germanic and I personally know no-one who does. The dwarves are not scholars or fierce warriors

    G) True, but it was a nice touch. A glimpse into the world. Much like Tom Bombadil would've been.

    H) Pointless in what respect? Jackson said the new trilogy was supposed to connect the stories of The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings, so there had to be signs of the coming doom. The witch king was one of the signs.

    I) Download the CD and listen to it more closely. It's extremely playful, re-uses old themes that immediately set the mood and so on. I loved it.

    J) It's a bit too much sometimes, that's true.


    The only part I kind of disliked was the whole Azog thing. I thought that orc was kind of displaced and one-dimensional, and the bits with him involved didn't feel very tolkien-ish.

  14. As a guy from Switzerland, no one here has guns and nobody would ever need one. I mean, why would they? Most people here don't even know where to buy a gun or how that's supposed to work and nobody ever banters on about it. To be honest, I don't even know how gun control works here (I just know it's very, very liberal), but why should I? What I'm trying to say is, that in my Swiss perspective, Americans only want guns because there is a lobby who enforces the opinion that freedom is somehow related to having guns. If there was no such lobby, nobody cared.



    (Well yeah, we have our army weapons [sIG 550] but that's only for people who serviced. Also that's gonna change soon.)

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