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    cRPGs, philosophy of mind, metaphysics, SNSD, reading, movies


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  1. I remember you from when the Black Isle forums switched to the Bioware boards in late 2001/early 2002, when we were both excited for Neverwinter Nights to come out. Even earlier than that, you'd become a presence in BG2's expansion, Throne of Bhaal. Why are you doing this with your life? What's the endgame? I remember deducing you were late twenties/early thirties then, so you have to be in your fifties now. What do these boards even still offer you? Haven't you seen enough of life by now to not bother posting here? Why do this ****? Let me give you an example from my own life. I've grown up with you. You and Karzak, Chosen of Shargaash were my first experiences with internet trolls back in 2002. Going back to newsgroups I now realize you must have had at least a 10 year advantage on me. Even so. You're still doing this. Since first encountering you I've obtained a bachelor's degree, a doctorate, and I've learned two new languages. But you're still posting in a fake orc dialect on isometric rpg forums. Who are you? What do you do? This keeps me up at night.
  2. Prima facie, a tactician/psion seems like a slam dunk. The tactician regenerates discipline based off interrupts and flanking, and the psion gets abilities that let you interrupt and flank every x seconds. Given the strictures on tactician it can't solo, and in group play you have to make sure it's your off-tank, not your main tank, but even so, it basically gets to spam warrior abilities the entire fight, considering the regenerative abilities of its power pool. +2 discipline gauntlets are extremely common, and the DoC breastplate will even add 2 more. In any party that has a main tank, this seems to be an extremely powerful combo.
  3. This is a draft, I could not use the Sorcerer, since one of the subclasses has this name (Wizard+Druid). The name is not the relevant thing here. Mechanically, it would be a horrible choice. It'd be like playing an Illusionist/Priest of Berath. No synergy whatsoever, and penalties hampering both things you're supposed to do: healing and debuffing. what's wrong with illusionist/priest of berath? The powerlevel of both classes. My comment about nature godlike powerlevels was in reference to the suggested +1 pl the special class would provide in the scenario the poster imagined in his original quote. Given your lack of reading, I'm not gonna bother responding further. Apparently you lack reading comprehension, because I accounted for that in my response. +1 PL from nature, +1 from that proposed subclass = +2. Not something that can be "replicated" by nature godlike, because class bonuses don't replace anything or get suppressed; they stack additively. The power level of both classes in an illusionist/priest of berath is fine and is no different from any other multiclass. and again, there's no relevant penalties. At this point given your flippant flouncing, I have to assume you actually know very little about what you're talking about. ok
  4. This is a draft, I could not use the Sorcerer, since one of the subclasses has this name (Wizard+Druid). The name is not the relevant thing here. Mechanically, it would be a horrible choice. It'd be like playing an Illusionist/Priest of Berath. No synergy whatsoever, and penalties hampering both things you're supposed to do: healing and debuffing. what's wrong with illusionist/priest of berath? The powerlevel of both classes. My comment about nature godlike powerlevels was in reference to the suggested +1 pl the special class would provide in the scenario the poster imagined in his original quote. Given your lack of reading, I'm not gonna bother responding further.
  5. This is a draft, I could not use the Sorcerer, since one of the subclasses has this name (Wizard+Druid). The name is not the relevant thing here. Mechanically, it would be a horrible choice. It'd be like playing an Illusionist/Priest of Berath. No synergy whatsoever, and penalties hampering both things you're supposed to do: healing and debuffing.
  6. No-one would pick this. The penalties are way too harsh, and the bonuses can be replicated investing in dex, picking nature godlike as your race, and setting up the AI to cast "infuse with vital essence" at the start of every combat.
  7. Why? The sub-classes of wizards are bad. You lose access to 2 schools for 2 power levels. If it were +10 PL, i would say ok, but +2 is not enough. That needs a complete rework. Because, other than Evoker, the wizard sub-classes are bad, and wizard is my favorite class. I have hope that the new wizard subclass will be interesting to play.
  8. This has been the dlc I've been looking forward to the most since they were first announced. To hear that we will be getting an extra wizard subclass out of it as well is great!
  9. I gave up on potd during the bull**** shades fight. No matter what I did I could not get them to stop gangbanging my wizard and my cipher. I guess you're supposed to use daom and kite them around? Whatever. I then went back to a normal difficulty save and crushed all the fights at level 15/16. Potd was too hard, but normal was too easy.
  10. For the choose your own adventure sections, I've found that it pays off to have decent amounts of athletics, stealth, and survival. They rarely check anything else. In regular dialogue, intimidate, diplomacy, and bluff are the ones you'll see most that have the best payoff. Metaphysics, history, and insight usually only give you more lore (with one significant exception in the water shaper's temple), streetwise gives you more money, and religion lets you pray at shrines.
  11. I always wondered whether the in-game damage meter counted animal companion damage for the ranger it belonged to in PoE 1. It definitely appeared like it didn't.
  12. Because main OP idea buff Druid spirit-shifting, not only for special multi-class combinations like Streetfighter, but in General, i.e make druid class viable without multi-classing as monks, wizards, rangers ... etc Streetfighter Druid sounds like an extremely odd combination from both a RP and combat perspective. Tyler Durden is a streetfighter/druid
  13. Arkemyr's Capricious Hex is very good not only because of its effects but also because of its giant area, and once I got it I started almost every fight with it. Wall of many colors is really really good on larger enemies that don't move as much - they'll keep standing in the wall and will keep getting hit with debuffs over and over. As mentioned above Ryngrym's spells are also great, especially if you quickly want to take a couple of enemies out of the fight. I found Gaze of the Adragan less useful, it seemed to mostly not land and when it did it only lasted a short while. I used Tayn's occassionally but not as often as Arkemyr's Capricious Hex.
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