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Everything posted by Chilloutman

  1. But it isn't that easy and we're talking about what is. An ID requirement would be completely different if it was something that took minutes in a convienent location and was free, but when it's far away, open during hours when you or your driver will be at work, and costs maybe a week of grocieres for some people it is a different story. Yeah, I would cancel paying taxes, all that arbitrary work around it and stuff. Also working for money is hussle as well, can I just get the money?
  2. It's not really the direct cost of paying for the card though. At least from what I managed to find from googling, is all the things you need to do and pay for to get to the point that they'll take your $20. like citizenship? xD
  3. I don't understand this at all. I think in that way you screw up people who don't think them voting is worth 20 bucks - then yeah, I am probably on republican side of this.
  4. Not buying it, its not like you need to do this every week. I mean I am from country where average salary is 1200 bucks and everyone have ID...
  5. To make ? Maybe $0.20 Well, seems like poor in US are like Somali level poor, didn't know that!
  6. how much does it cost to make ID in states?
  7. Now we will never know
  8. the hardest for me (warning language):
  9. He definitely took the easy way out, avoid all that media attention and eventual jail time I probably would have done the same what are you talking about? Police dropped that case. Are all people mad these days? You are ok with ruining peoples lives without trial? wtf
  10. and first victim of #meetoo (I know about) https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2017/dec/13/kentucky-republican-dan-johnson-death
  11. Bomb Palestine with nukes huh? xD
  12. they associate something else with it Go to politics thread if you need to expand on it
  13. what? There is also 2 terms limit for presidents..
  14. I like how you were crying that you were bullied previously and now you are the bully xD
  15. They are getting rid of different travel methods in next patch anyway
  16. Man, your friend sucks at dating if he has to go to half his age Also, kind of funny, but should have been expected, that the wiki page on age of consent around the world is blocked by content filter at work. Jealous?
  17. Somehow this fails to surprise me at all my friend dated 16yo or 17yo when he was over 30, they are together for 5 years now. You can have intercourse from 15yo here. Its nothing uncommon this is why we need feminism Yeah and because Macron we need patriarchy, right...
  18. Somehow this fails to surprise me at all my friend dated 16yo or 17yo when he was over 30, they are together for 5 years now. You can have intercourse from 15yo here. Its nothing uncommon
  19. The definition to describe him appears to be an ephebophile, someone who has sexual encounters with adolescents who are generally the age of 14-16 http://www.newsweek.com/sexual-assual-ephebophila-roy-moore-pedophilia-713683 https://en.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/ephebophile But he is still a sexual deviant volo, why are trying to undermine his crimes and his actions? woot? I dated 15yo when i was 20. Am I deviant? I forget west is full of puritans these days...
  20. well, deadly weapon can be any stone, branch or whatever. Should knife seller feel guilt? Or someone who selling ropes?
  21. The whole RTS segment is why I've never played a Total War game, despite being well aware by now that it's technically skippable. It's a matter of perception I guess, I don't know how much depth the game would actually have if you only use about half of its functionality. Dragon Commander was the same, a kind of neat illustration of how adding a perfunctory feature to a game can end up taking away from it as a whole. And I quite like it in TW: Warhammer. It remindes me HOMAM, I would like more depth on world map and I am glad they are adding on it with second title in series, hope they will deepen it in next instalment as well
  22. Guys, I think I may have just found my patronus. I am surprised they are not extinct yet, but I can feel them xD
  23. that was supposed to be funny?
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