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St Paddy

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Everything posted by St Paddy

  1. I'll add my voice to the thanks. Haven't posted since the fora first opened really, since I didn't think either of their games would interest me and I would hold out until they got something that would, as I know they inevitably will being some of the developpers of my all time favourite games. But this game really changed that. I wasn't expecting anything, I had even forgot about its development until I saw it in the local computer shop. And may I just say, very well done. The plot development focused almost entirely on the character which was VERY refreshing, and made the game far more immersive. The influence was a great idea and implemented well. The point it suffered was the ending, though. After the excellent development it just sort of ended. it didn't END, if you know what I mean. But anyway, once again, great job. If you keep churning games out of this quality I will be buying them all. St. Paddy's 8.7/10. (Would have been a nine but for the ending) Here, have a shamrock
  2. The game today was the worst of the tournament. Boo.
  3. I think instead those of us who eagerly awaited the new Obsidian should be branded as the weird ones, but I'm probably alone
  4. That's an interesting member # you got there Gorth. Coincidence? B)
  5. My God, this many posts and NOBODY mentioned new potatoes boiled. By far the best way to eat them. They have to lock me away at the beginning of summer or there won't be any new spuds left. Second best is roast, alongside a nice juicy hunk of pork. ooooooh yeah.
  6. A dark jedi would be a pretty good idea if it were done right.
  7. I thought the general consensus was Extreme Edition is overpriced. Far overpriced. From what I've read (I'm getting a new rig in a few weeks hopefully) the AMD64 3200 is currently the best buy. Also I'd switch your ram to Corsair (I don't know why, but all the techies reccomend registered RAM. I think it may just be for overclocking though, so if you don't do that, I guess just go for the cheaper one)
  8. Bingo.
  9. You "religious" Bible quoters on this forum are making me question my faith. I'm not even joking.
  10. Wow, that's.. Well,... I mean my God. It sounds to me that (especially in the part dealing wih women) he's trying to justify some of the "quirks" of the Catholic Church to himself. It's all fine and dandy to preach tradition but when it becomes a serious problem to the advancement of the church, you need to question it. Now I'd really like to meet him. Just to talk, see if he really comes across as he does in the interview. If so, I'd give him a good punch in the face, maybe it'll knock something back into place. <_<
  11. ditto, those films are always rubbish.
  12. That's funny, because none of us has done that. So it's you being a fanatic isn't it? No, nobody can prove there is a God, but neither can you prove there isn't. It's one of the oldest and most pointless arguments ever. I believe there is a God. I really believe we all have souls, and that's where moral compunctions and a self awareness stem from. I've stood on the west coast of Kerry for hours, just staring out at the horizon. I can really feel something, I don't know what it is, and I'm not nearly poetic enough to describe it without sounding like a dramatic jackass. If it's a chemical reaction in my brain with foggy dew and sea-fresh smell as the catalyst, then fine, that's what it is. I'll die and that'll be the end, just like all the earth worms and seagulls which have died before me. I don't see how believing in a God makes you weak minded. The alternative, Oblivion, is not good nor bad, it just isn't. So in that case, it wouldn't be something to dread.
  13. My God, I'm witty.
  14. You realise of course that by pointing out that they are spamming, you are doing exactly the same thing. And now so am I.
  15. Again, this argument is stupid. You might as well actually have an argument about Europe's economy pending a hypothetical invasion by Australia fifty years from now. Two thousand years is a very, very long time for things to go differently if even one minor event changed, let alone a major one like Jesus Christ's life.
  16. I thought the GC idea was a good one, I don't really see any downside to it.
  17. I'd seen it before, and concluded it was probably false. It was either that or lose all my faith in the human race.
  18. Visceris, to say it would be a better place is stupid, I'd have expected better of you. For starters there's no way you can know that. That just dumb on so many levels it doesn't bear arguing anymore And Fionavar, I agree something has to change. I'm a Catholic and consider myself a good person, all things considered. I drink and have sex pre-maritally though (whenever I can at least :D ) which would be considered adultery and probably substance abuse on the former, I don't know. I also have a homosexual acquaintance, who goes to church regularily. The priest knows he is gay, but he doesn't care. And I really don't think God does either. Anyway, I've never harmed anyone, I've even convinced a couple of my friends to start going to church again, but the way some religions teach it, I'm sure to burn in hell. But the way I see it, if I am bound for Hell, then Heaven must be a very lonely place. Maybe it comes from living in a mostly Catholic (98% mostly) community but I never see these evangelising door to door preachers you all love to hate. The way every priest I've ever met teaches religion is that as long as you are a good person and make peace with God (this can also be after you die, you son't need to be christian to go to heaven, even satanist jesus-haters can) then you can go to heaven. It's impossible to live literally by the bible in this modern age, without becoming a hermit. Yes, impossible, and I really feel nobody expects us to either. Many, many of the church's laws were made for things other than to make you a more spiritual/holy person. I'm sure you could say even most concerned health. Anal sex was unclean, you could get sick. Banned. The hot climate made pigs unsanitory. Banned. And so on. Others were of course concerning money. The fish only on fridays is arguably invented for money. I don't know exactly what my point is, only that in my opinion and from my experience, the point of the catholic church (I can't speak for others) is not to convert as many people as possible, but rather to lead by example in being a good person yourself. That's why these bible pushing JCL hypocrits piss me off. Christian or no, the bible has some extremely good lessons, and the bible pushers choose to ignore some key ones themselves. One going something like "You must clean the dirt from your own eye before doing it for your neighbour" seems to be the most commonly forgotten, along with Only God shall judge. Anyway, maybe it's wiser to dismiss the individual than the ideals they profess to represent, as Fionavar said. Well this turned out far longer than intended <_<
  19. None taken, and now I step out before it gets too hot in here :D
  20. Nope, just giving you advice which I'm sure everyone would agree with. You know, before you continue to do it on every post and nobody reads them anymore. Of course if you prefer I could discuss other forums which are as irrelevant as this post
  21. 4 DVDs would be waaay too big unless 3 of those CDs were for music and items and graphics or whatever. waaaay too big. It would take too long to come out, or if it didn't take long, then it would probably be ala morrowind.
  22. Saying period makes you sound like an ass, mkay. Doesn't help with the point either, if anything it makes it sound less intelligent.
  23. How long now has OBS been open? 6 months or there abouts?
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