How do you get the damn thing?!?!?!?!
Chris A. Said that it is a pain in the arse, but worth it to get YOUR OLD LIGHTSABER back!!!!
Not build one yourself, YOURS!!!!!
If any1 knows tell, please!
I am sad, cause i dont gotz my lightsaber......
I am running 2.3-4 ghz on my amd 2000+, I have 512mb ddr ram, now all i need is a good video card. I an buying one just for this game, so, I would prefer a card known to run good on kotor 1. Anyone got a model in mind?
dude. quit left clicking it. Right click and select "save target as" and tell your computer where you want to put it. Quit trying to stream it.
Thanks for your help, but I wasn't doing any of that.
It just took a few minutes.
Thanks though.
I hope we get to enslave a wookie!!! (w00t)
Kinda like pokemon!!!
First, you have to find a wookie ball, then beat up that wookie and throw that wookie ball as hard as you can......I GOT HIM!!!!! (w00t)