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About ScornAUT

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    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator

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  • Pillars of Eternity Backer Badge
  • Pillars of Eternity Kickstarter Badge
  • Deadfire Backer Badge
  • Deadfire Fig Backer
  1. Well said, i concur. There are many games out there that work without the launcher when bought on steam (like: Pillars of Eternity 1, Pillars of Eternity 2 and many others dun dun duuuun.) Other than that we'll see what happens when more EU jurisprudence comes into play. OW really looks like a nice game but it's going to be a pass for me.
  2. I absolutely despise the fact that these exclusive-deals are brought over from consoles and simply will not support it. Indeed, i relly appreciate that Obsidian is taking a stand. /sarcasm It is understandable that these are business decisions and that Obsidian most likely didn't have a say in this but that's what you got for selling out to Microsoft Studios. Well done guys, as of right now i guess i'm not going to spend any more money on you.
  3. Let's hope that i won't have to wait another three months until i get my CE in the EU...
  4. I received mine today without prior eMail and My Orders still displays "Shipping Soon". I do really quite like the Box itself and everything in it except the cloth map that, as others have stated, looks a bit blurry and colourless. Now i'm exited how the DVD Boxes turn out but i'm quite satisfied with everything so far!
  5. No eMail, still shipping soon. I really wonder why i've paid $20 for shipping on top of my CE pledge.
  6. http://www.pcgamer.com/2014/02/27/south-park-the-stick-of-truths-pc-version-will-only-be-censored-in-certain-territories/ Sigh. "... censoring will occur in "Germany, Austria, Australia, Singapore, Hong Kong & Taiwan"." According to Steam, i'd only get the "Low Violence Version" *rolleyes*
  7. ScornAUT


    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5QLxdNqMXBM Love it :D
  8. Depends on the campaign's overall length but more content is always welcome; and NG+ could also be a good thing as long as the whole game isn't designed around that idea like most ARPGs.
  9. One thing i really liked about Titan Quest, was that an enemy which had e.g. a unique axe in his inventory, that would be dropped if killed, would really wield that axe as his weapon. I don't know if uniques etc. are going to get custom skins in PE but i think this system was just great. It made the game that much more authentic. Although one must mention, that most enemies were fantasy-creatures with the ability to wield weapons. So as far as i can remember, it didn't have a completely disconnected loot system. Coming more to the topic, i like "authenticism" in games, be it fantasy games or not. So i would also rathter pick the third one. For example, i didn't like the fact that i dropped countless enemies in heavy armor in the Witcher 2, without being able to use most of their equipment. This resulted in crafting to be mandatory, in an obtrusive way. Oh, and don't get me started on that MMO gold/instances-grinding - i tried it once and still can't comprehend why people would pay monthly fees for something like that.
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