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Everything posted by sims796

  1. Whoa, Druids' base Accuracy sure is low! 20, just like the other casters. It's not the base accuracy that's the problem - it's the lack of a scaling accuracy bonus for Spiritshift weapons. Spiritshift sucked, and still sucks, for two reasons: garbage accuracy, and the fact that you could be casting spells instead. So now we have not only increased accuracy, but harder hitting attacks, so every strike we do land hits like a truck.
  2. Did you guys manage to make skills scale with level, like the Druid's Spirit shift or the Mage's Arcane Blast?
  3. So beta users, did they ever fix the Spiritshifting scaling thing? I don't see it in the patch notes.
  4. The patchnotes states that it's fixed, so I assume that the Burn is a misnomer.
  5. Exactly. Just let your main tank engage the enemies first, and use your pet to either double (triple with the Ranger) team the engaged target, or to pick off stragglers. If you can, weave your pet to attack sensitive targets like wizards or ranged units, knocking them down so you can rain death from afar.
  6. I actually use Tanglefoot pretty often. Turns out Hobbled is a pretty decent condition to inflict. Reducing Dex reduces Recovery Speed, -20 Reflex is just too sexy, and the Movement speed reduction is...whatever. One cast makes all enemies (and allies, if you're not careful) weak to spells that target Reflex, which is a great deal of em.
  7. I enjoy Cat form for sudden burst DPS. I posted this in another thread, but when I get to the higher levels, I plan to get this mod http://www.nexusmods.com/pillarsofeternity/mods/36/?tab=1&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Fpillarsofeternity%2Fajax%2Fmoddescription%2F%3Fid%3D36%26preview%3D&pUp=1 Should help balance them out a bit.
  8. Wizard's Crowd Control is unmatched my anything that's not an OP Cipher (who should be left out of this and any convo). Dat Slicken spell. Dat sexy, secksay Slicken spell. That alone is worth quite a bit, and their cc only gets better. With my Druid main and Aloth, clumps of enemies drops like flies...and then explode.
  9. This would have made the whole world much less believable. Got a bow fan proving my point right here. Yeah a world where guns have relegated archery to a status and hobby symbol. SOOOOO unbelievable. I don't think you have a clue how bows and guns - those guns - actually work. It took some time and advancement before guns overtook bows, since the latter packed mroe power with greater range. Hell, by your logic, we should remove swords, because guns!
  10. Question. I found this little mod whilst surfing http://www.nexusmods.com/pillarsofeternity/mods/36/? It grants - Boar Regen Boost : boosted the boar form regeneration from 1 to 2 - Claw ACC Boost : boosted spiritform claws with +6 accuracy bonus - Abilities Per Encounter : changed all spiritform active abilities from per rest to per encounter - Stag Defence Boost : boosted stag defence passive from +7 to +21 resistances - Armor Boost/No Stamina Boost : Boosted regular spiritform armor from 8 to 14 and bear armor from 10 to 16 - Armor Boosts/Stamina Boosted : Boosted regular spiritform armor from 8 to 14 and bear armor from 10 to 16, and add to the armor stamina boosts of 20 for regular forms and 30 for bear form. ATTENTION ! - in case of installing armor boost chose only 1 version of the files [either no stamina or boosted stamina] Now, I didn't wanna mod up on my first playthrough, especially with the new unknown patch on the way, but is this worth the load? Will this aid in the Spritshift's viability? Mind you, I've chosen Cat.
  11. This is...really irritating. I actually did want to create a melee based Druid, simply because it sounded fun. It's disheartening to hear that it's not really viable.
  12. AFAIK, they still get familiars as one of their starting abilities. What I want to know is whether or not Druids will have anything like it.
  13. I love nature based classes! This would not do if they didn't have the ability to utilize plants. Plant based powers were always my favorite (like Poison Ivy), and I hope to have a build on it. Outside of that, I feel Druids should be the definitive Jack-of-All-Trades, similar to how they are in World of Warcraft. In WoW, they fufilled many roles, though you needed to specialize in one (which, to me, made the point of them being jacks moot). In this, I should have flexibility to take on multiple roles based on my form. The way I play them in Baldur's Gate 2 is just that way (with a help of a mod or two); he has a few healing spells, some offensive spells, and I shapeshift for melee. I would love for this class to play similar to that. EDIT: I should really read the thread before posting, then I would know that I disagree a tad with how others think the druid should be handled. If we are allowed to focus on a seperate skill tree, then we should at least have the ability to dip into all three, or two, or however many trees there are. Basically, I don't wanna be forced to turn my Jack into a specialized character; if I wanted to have him become a healer, I would have picked a healer class and have been done with it.
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