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Captain Shrek

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Posts posted by Captain Shrek


    I have played more mmo's than any other human being I have ever met.  Tanks who can't lift their sword shouldn't live long either but in Eternity Might is a completely unimportant stat for Tanks.  You can just leave it at 10 and ignore it, or even lower it to being below average.  Same with Dexterity.  In fact the only "physical" stat that matters is Constitution.  Tanking is a physical activity, you shouldn't be clumsy and physically weak and able to excel at it.  Yet that is exactly what Eternity implies.

    Might isn't strength. Also, swords aren't that heavy, usually ranging between 1-4kg including two-handers.


    Well, real swords, not WarCraft and JRPG swords.




    Swords aren't heavy, true. But have you ever tried to swing around a real one? I mean real ones that are not rapiers or modern fencing swords. They drain your stamina really really fast. Also, one to 2 kg swords are useless weapons against armour. They can penetrate armour, yes, but not deal any real bashing damage against enemies. 3 kg swords and above, those are really the weapons of battle. 


    Not to mention warhammers, clubs, greatswords and shield bash damages are all controlled by might. 

    • Like 1
  2. @Captain Shrek,


    With that line of thinking, everything shy of "roll for victory or defeat" is a passive mechanism to prolong combat.


    What DT is is a combat factor. People deal damage, people deal varying amounts of damage depending on factors. It doesn't prolong combat any more than every single point of damage that your characters deal below infinity prolongs combat.


    Also, I have no idea what you mean by "the chance to NOT graze is 1 in 20." It sounds like you are misunderstanding what grazing is. That, and Graze is just a potential outcome tied to a range within Attack Resolution. If you just always had the exact same chance to graze, it wouldn't contribute much to combat, other than serving as a point halfway between missing and hitting. But you don't. Depending on Accuracy - Opponent'sDefense, you can have a lesser chance to Graze and a greater chance to Hit, a greater chance to Crit, no chance to Miss, a greater chance to Miss, etc.


    But, again, according to your arbitrary "it just prolongs combat so it's bad" logic, misses prolong combat, and hits (compared to critical hits) prolong combat, so the best combat would be "all you can do is critically hit." Then, beyond that, would be "you hit for more damage, because doing less damage prolongs combat."


    You need some further criteria than "combat would be faster without that" to determine that something is bad.



    Graze is an attrition mechanism that speeds it up.


    The entire point is that Graze and DT do not really add anything to the game than an additional number to look out for. I think the origin or at least the most pronounced use of these mechanisms is in MMOs where there are huge number of trash mobs. Their use in SP games does not make a lot of sense.


    As to misses doing the same thing: Miss is a very intuitive idea that needs to be broken into two parts: If you have a good defense then you would EVADE damage. While if you have good armour you will shrug off damage. This would mean that the Defense attribute should control evasion and armour should give DR. Age of decadence does it quite well. 


    Right now DT and graze are just feng-shui over a bare bones D&D. 

  3. I don;t know dude. In my mind, removing graze practically changes nothing. The current system is pretty much basic D&D with graze/DT added to it. Which I do not really see giving us any real choice in the matter of how to fight. I would appreciated more active ways to defend: you know, all those parry techniques that actually historically existed and could have been active abilities. Even ****ty modal ones as was implemented in NWN/NWN2 would be better than this. Because admittedly active abilities are hard to manage in Real Time with Party games. 

  4. You do not really control graze to have any variety in it. The chance of NOT grazing is 1 in 20 anyway. Which means you almost always graze. I do not understand what is pleasing about a passive out of control mechanics. 


    Also AC is a terrible idea from D&D. D&D did a lot of things wrong, despite being an over all great system to play with. I am not going to justify these designs just because they were in IE games. 

  5. DT is really not 'interesting' than it is obtuse. It is a passive mechanism to prolong combat. The same holds with graze. It is a passive mechanism to speed up combat. If you remove both the game practically remains the same. 


    This is a typical example where cluttered mechanics != deep/complex mechanics.


    I would think that DT/Graze is good for MMOs where you need to have huge HP bloats. But here is adds nothing. 


    I don't know dude. Adding one more layer to the already bloated system with unnecessary mechanics seems like overkill. As I suggested earlier to your comment: Why not have two types of talents instead? Would that not keep it simple?


    Well that could also be confusing, may as well just rename the second talent pool. Could call em traits, perks, feats whatever. Doesn't matter.


    Why would it be confusing? Talents can't be modal/active/passive ?

    • Like 1
  7. I personally dislike the entire graze/DT idea. It is a terrible invention that forces constant attrition instead of being able to evade it via good gameplay. Just another way may be to feel make the encounters 'longer' I guess. 


    Can some one actually put out a valid argument why they are a good thing? I would appreciate feedback from beta backers as to how they would feel about the removal of these two related features. 

    • Like 1
  8. The attribute rebalance sounds really great. I would be grateful if they:


    1) Paced down the combat


    2) Changed might to STR like stat and moved magic damage to INT or RES. That will make it more intuitive.


    3) Reduced the trash encounters or even better removed them completely. This actually seems doable. I am sure players will only welcome side quests instead. In SP RPG content is king. Trash is the rake.

    • Like 1





    but instead they blame themselves doing bad job with game's design.  








    I don't think I've ever used "degenerate" as a description of players, but of gameplay.  I don't believe players are ever at "fault" for using whatever tools designers provide for them, including features like save/reload or rest spamming.  It's the designers' responsibility to design systems and individual sub-systems that work well together and promote enjoyable gameplay.



    Nono. I mean where they blame themselves. As is OE for their bad games. You were talking about PoEs devs. 

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