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Captain Shrek

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Posts posted by Captain Shrek

  1. Serpent in the Staglands does look good but thats because its art is in one distinctive art style.

    That said I think PoE´s art looks very good even if there are contrasts here and there.

    I am totally averse to 2D artform but I still find serpents great because of its mechanics and settings. The art is crap as far as my tastes go. I dislike bit graphics. 

  2. Yeah that one tree model has some brightness issues. They took the base tree and edited the color of it but it looks pretty crap hahah.


    Still the low fidelity doesn't bother me in the slightest because the art is good - and that's why I am REALLY looking forward to Serpent in the Staglands





    Did you really use that gif outside of the codex?


    But on a positive note, serpent is really looking amazing. I am surprised with the small amount of money they asked for in the kickstarter they came up with such an original game. I await the combat beta. 

  3. I don't care about IE games 6 second rounds. The comparison is pretty much moot at this point in time. It was a bad system for IE games which should really have been TB. But that ship has long sailed. 


    So concentration on the problem at hand, PoE is an ACTION GAME. It should use mechanics that suit it better than using stuff that was a hack in the first place. Best solution: go for action based animation time. Actions that are hard to pull off should take more time and give more benefit, i.e. spell casting. While actions that are easy to pull off should have smaller animation time, i.e. most fighter/rogue attacks. 


    Incidentally this also solves the problem with per-encounter stupidity associated with knowckdowns. If those actions are very rewarding but available infinitely many times, just making them slow would be not only realistic (in the sense you have to prepare for it, execution is fast) but also tactical. 

  4. I think it is not fine. It feels very artificial and does not have any reason to exist beyond disallowing Kiting. It is a very lazy band-aid for a real issue. The kiting problem ought to be addressed with AI, by allowing AI to act against it or kite itself frustrating the player tactically instead of with a passive mechanics. 


    May be adding maluses on shooting while running will help if anyone is listening! 


    Would then make sense to have a "shot on the run" talent. 

  5. hmm.


    I perosnally do not find it interesting. I see it as a hacked D&D mechanics which fails to address the severe aspects of core SRD gameplay, like HP bloats and ridiculous static mitigations. Added to that I see only pointless (for me) things such as stamina or universal cooldowns. I can't really relate to that.


    Everyone to their own devices I guess.

  6. D&D totally had dump stats.. Especially 2e, which is what the ie games used. Charisma was useless to Fighters, Rogues, and more... As was Intelligence. Non-fighter classes didn't benefit at all from raising Constitution above 14 (or 16, don't remember? ).


    And yeah, they remedied that a bit in the later editions. But certain classes still have stats they're pretty much terrible without. INT for wizards. CHA (I think) for sorcs. STR for fighters. Etc. If it is possible to balance the attributes between classes purely based on the boni, not requiring talents to "rescue" a non-conventional build, isn't that a good thing?


    Why is it a good thing? These games are called role playing for a reason. When the class wizard is practically defined by D&D as a group of people who study hard to gain knowledge of magic, why would they **** on their own logic? And funnily enough, it makes a certain kind of abstracted sense that is written into the game world. Intelligence is not some strictly defined trait in D&D. It encompasses a lot of aspects built around the general idea of memorization and correlation.


    EDIT: And concerning 2.e yeah, it was not the best of gaming designs out there. Which is why most of us play 3.5 / Pathfinder. 3.5 practically did what I was saying to the attribute system: They rescued it with content. Which is the right way of dealing with things. Cutting / merging  content is what is practiced by Bathesda.

  7. Well to be fair to D&D P&P every stat is useful as long as you have the right book to use it. A high int bard could potentially take the right feats locked by Int and become formidable warrior (as expertises are attached to it). Same for fighters, clerics and Paladins. With enough feats I wcould show that all stats provided means to NOT ONLY roleplay but also advantages in combat.


    That is the crux of the matter isn't it?


    PoE is trying to accomplish all of that with just the Core Attribute bonuses, all the while it should focusing on giving you content in the form of Talents bound to attributes and the proper content in game which uses those talents. The entire attribute balancing fiasco is also taking the game away from sensble storytelling into a purely excel sheet simulator.


    It is indeed wrong to accuse D&D like systems for dump stats. There were none. There were min maxers and there was nothing wrong with that either.


    I just want to remind everyone that even in D&D which I presume what Josh is targetting in his post as the evul system with dumbp stats, no stat was actually useless to all chars. Clerics could have points in Dex and still reap benefits that came from them. Josh is just reinventing the wheel and calling is Turbo charged bike roller.

    I'm pretty sure that making a high -int dump everything class in DnD except wizard makes an absolute useless Char.  In the modern DnD's (4e more then 5e)  if you don't pick the attributes designed and stated  in the manual that your class needs,  you can pretty much kiss your class features good bye.    Sure, you get some skill points you might not have been able to use before,  but you'd be absolutely neglecting the reason for picking the class in the first place.   I've seen people do this, and they spend months not hitting anything and being pretty much useless, even in a  pen-and-paper sense.  It's pretty painful,  they participate in Role-play and then zone-out in combat.   In a game... there's no role-play (there's narrative) and  a dead-end character like that is IMHO, it is something it's really important to avoid.   Also,  If obsidian  can be successful, by making attributes provide different , but successful game play avenues for all characters,  the re-play value of the game benefits immensely.   I think it looks like they'll succeed, along with help of beta testers who buy into this idea.   I don't even think the narrative will suffer. 



    I would like to remind you that the same will happen in POE. Just try and make a high int dump everything else in PoE and report back.

  9. Matt, that is why I asked what some general DT values are like. If they are ~ equal to damage you can gain from Might benefits, you would see only a little effect of might bonuses.  But assuming that DT is smaller than the damage you can gain from Might, then yes, you are right: Your total damage will be larger over time with Might high.

  10. No.... Please read my earlier posts in this thread. That's not the correct way to look at it. A 1% increased chance to crit, coupled with a 1% decreased chance to graze, is equivalent to +1.5% damage. You cannot just compare the crit damage to the Might bonus. You have to weigh the damage by the probability of it actually happening.


    Matt I think the DT will really eliminate the small damage bonus from might. Can you tell me what some average DT values are like? If they are comprable to usual damage values then they will wipe out the benefits of small bonuses to damage from might.


    Also, if you read my explanation correctly, I clearly explained that the PER bonuses are relevent only close to Def/Att ratio of 1. The farther you get from that the smaller is the effect. Then may be item + talent benefits to Acc dominate. But I can not definitely side with you that Might is all that useful. I would personally keep is jsut enought to overcome DT and the rest I will pump into ACC bonuses whereever I can get them.

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