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Everything posted by melkathi

  1. Nearly finished with Dex. Quite fun, and while not completely unpredictable, the story is quite enjoyable and scratches the cyberpunk itch more than Deus Ex Human Revolution did.
  2. Grrr, countdown started inside a dialogue. Phone rang for real, thought I'd answer and read the dialogue once I hang up. Get back to the PC and just in that moment everything blows up...
  3. Doesn't really matter how good a story is if the gameplay won't let you enjoy it.
  4. Playing Dex. Took me a while to get used to the combat/controls, but now I am quite enjoying it.
  5. Meh, spend too much time on Battlefleet Gothic to be able to get a refund.
  6. You can imagine how that mission felt with respawns for people who hadn't massively outleveled it
  7. First impression of Battlefleet Gothic: Nice graphics. Unskippable cutscenes. With voice acting having a "grimdark" filter thrown on top of cheesy dialogue. Save after cutscene, load forces you to watch it again. Only thing this game is missing is Central Bradford...
  8. The Doomweaver is fun. In a chaotic way. Wolf Priest is for Mercenaris what the Smuggler is for Sisters - the hired sword that adds something they were lacking (in this case, divine caster).
  9. I can't get the hang of the game as a whole. Too slow early game.
  10. Let's see you laugh when it is turned into a cute rodent shooter
  11. Currently Hunam only. Plans are: human and chaos single player campaign and skirmish mode as anybody. I'm lobbying for a campaign-less sandbox mode with any race, as that should not be too hard to implement if every race has a presence on the map already.
  12. Why is it worse to ISIS as an enemy than any other real world faction? Granted it is a lot less likely than China, Russia, or even North Korea, but those all get plenty of play as the bad guys in games. I avoid most games that use real world factions (at least recent history). And you can see me ranting about "the evil Russian" in entertainment. Like that evil Russian in Tomb Raider - only reason he was Russian was that he was evil *nodnod* quality writing that.
  13. In other words they continue try to milk controversy for attention, hoping it will make people notice them. But for all I care they can **** back off into obscurity.
  14. They have been great with UI from the start. It is what made Endless Space stand apart from many other 4X space games.
  15. Sailed to Erengrad. Just before we got there we spotted the Wrath of Sigmar in terrible shape sitting in the water. We pulled up to her starboard and the captain informed us that he had barely made it this far, having run into an orc raiding fleet heading for the city. With the majority of the Kislev fleet engaged with Chaos ships further north, mine was the only ship in fighting shape close enough to defend Erengrad. I took my trusty spyglass and scanned the darkness. Soon shapes were looming ahead. Four orc ships were coming in from the north west. We placed our corsair with the 20 cannons of the starboard battery ready to welcome the orcs. Luckily the fleet contained only Bigchukkas* and Drillakillas**. The drillakillas bore down on us, trying to ram us. I let them come close, and in the last moment had the crew unfurl the sails. The timing worked perfectly. The closer of the two drillakillas narrowly missed us, and as it passed, a full broadside hit its treadwheel, leaving it dead in the water. With the crew cheering, we bore down on the bigchukkas, trying to keep out of the reach of their catapults. The second drillakilla gave chase. We turned, one broadside firing at the chukka, the other at the pursuing drillakilla, sinking it. Bigchukkas are not very maneuverable, so with the pursuer taken out, it was easy to circle round and take them out. Sailing back to Erengrad we scuttled the first drillakilla; who knows, perhaps the orcs know how to repair those treadwheels. Reaching the port we were greeted by grateful kislevites, but also by rocks hurtling towards us. A second orc fleet had occupied the opposite side of the bay! And this one was lead by a Hulk***. We barely avoided the two drillakillas, again taking out the treadwheels on one. But with rocks raining down on us, our sails were soon in tatters. The Hulk smashed into our port side and started hitting us with that nasty Smash-Hammer. The hammer was crushing into the deck again and again, while the gun crew tried to keep the gun battery firing. We were lucky. The damage dealt by our cannons was far lower than the havoc wreaked by the hammer. The orc ship started to take on water faster and faster, then sank beneath the waves. This turn of event surprised the drillakilla's crew even more than mine, so we managed to sink it before it could turn around and ram us. That left two damaged orc ships afloat in the bay. With nothing but a towel for a sail, we pulled up next to the bigchukka. Most of its crew must have died fighting the Wrath of Sigmar, so we simple shot them with our rifles. Then we sank the drillakilla and floated into port, were the crew patched up the ship as good as thy could, to allow us to get back to Norden, where we'd pull the Millennium Sea Otter into dry dock. * Bigchukkas are one of the smaller orc ships. They take their name from their single, front-facing bigchukka catapult. They use a large treadwheel for travel, but the ships "mechaniks" are such that the treadwheel and catapult prevent the other from being operated. ** Drillakillas are the other smaller vessel. They have no ranged weapons, only one giant drill at the front of the ship. *** Hulks are the orcs' floating fortresses. They have a bigchukka catapult facing each direction. Scarrier though are the iron clawz with which they try to catch ships and pull them towards them, either to be boarded or to be smashed with the giant smash-hammer. Unlike the other orc ships they have sails in addition to the treadwheels.
  16. And a better love story than Twilight?
  17. Man O' War It is not a direct translation of the board game to the PC. It is an action adventure sailing game on the lines of PIRATES!, Sea Dogs, Black Flag etc. It is early in Early Access. (As in a couple of days of Early Access) What do you do in the game: You are a captain of a ship, and sail around the Old World doing stuff people do who sail around the Old World. You can trade between ports, fight other ships, do missions. At some point a campaign will be added. Controls are fairly straight forward: W unfurls sails, S gathers them up. A and D turn the boat port or starboard. G uses the spyglass. You aim cannon with the right button, which overlays a red arrow so you can decide on distance with the mouse wheel. Then you shoot with the left. Pretty straight forward, and it means that nothing gets in your way of just doing stuff. I guess it is for sailing how Freelancer was fun for space games. You just played. You can buy different kind of ships. You can upgrade ships. My Bretonian Corsair has a Streamlined Hull for greater speed. Additional port and starboard cannon batteries, and has replaced the common cannons with longer range ones. I also have a sharpshooter up on one mast. I am also now kinda broke. Later on you will be allowed to hire allied captains, slowly building a fleet for you to command. That hasn't made it into the public game yet. Actually there is a fairly neat roadmap: http://steamcommunity.com/games/344240/announcements/detail/950630211387713183 So far the game shows fun and potential. But it is still early. There are bugs. It needs optimization. It needs content. So for a lot of people it will be too early to buy. But what is there already makes me feel good about what is to come.
  18. I'll make a proper write up about Manowar in the What are you playing thread later on Quickly posting screenshots, then off to some tiny local comic convention.
  19. Mordheim (obviously) and Manowar. Manowar just entered Early Access, so it still needs work. I upgraded my starting ship with a streamlined hull, allowing me to outrun most other ships I have encountered so far. So far I have only been up north in the Sea of Claws, so there has been a lot of fog and even snow. I wonder how the weather will be once I get to Tilea. I hope they manage o fill it with a lot of random things to do, because distances may become quite big. Sea monsters are definitely fun the first time you encounter them. Game is off to a good start, but a bit early still for anyone not really into the warhammer world.
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