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Posts posted by Osvir

  1. I had great fun reading this thread and picking out the names that captured the multiclasses beautifully. Here's my own shortlist with refs to the originators.

    The blue cells appear to have been said by Josh. Direct references are followed by a dash, inspirations are in parentheses, and the rest are my own.

    I'm really hoping the devs aren't setting their announced titles in stone just yet!



    Edit: Cipher/Priest: Inquisitor - Hilfazer

    - I hope Shaman becomes Chanter+Druid (Spirits+Nature, anyone?). The Shaman speaks with the Spirits of Nature......... makes sense right? (Looking at the list I have no idea where I got "Vagabond" from....). Then again, Chanter+Druid could also fit really well in some sort of Spiritshift title (due to the Druid's Spiritshift powers and the Chanter's Spirit resource pool). 


    - "Vagabond" or "Pilgrim" would fit best with a Chanter+Monk (Spirits+Mortification). Someone who has left all their material possessions behind? Even their soul? A Husk.


    - "Wild Mage" or "Wild Wizard" would fit best as Wizard+Barbarian (Arcane Rage). Unfortunately there's no Random Casting or Spell Backfire mechanics in Pillars of Eternity :/ would be so much fun :D,


    - Chanter+Cipher would fit best as some sort of Tormentor"I'll just invade your mind and show you all the skeletons in your closet, and also all of your ghosts of your past". Torturer would fit too.


    - I think I've got a good general idea for Barbarian+Cipher, can't come up with a good title for it... Rage+Psionic, some sort of Madman? I'm picturing someone deep down into Chaotic Good. Disorganized mind filled with Wrath and on top of it add a layer of freaking Mind Powers. Not Fus-Ro-Dah in your face, Fus-Ro-Dah into your mind! Mind shouting. Or a combination of Whispers of Treason and Barbaric Yell. Brainscreaming. I guess "Brainstormer" could be a good title for it xD "GET THE VOICES OUT OF MY HEAD!!"-type character.


    EDIT: Musketeer should fit in somewhere as well or Gunslinger (Pistolier, hm, maybe not, sounds like a Talent or Skill). 


    - And why isn't Wandslinger a thing. Spellblade? That would fit much better with a Paladin+Wizard (Flames of Devotion, anyone? Arcane+Zeal?). Rogue+Wizard would be so awesome as a Wandslinger (granted that Dual-Wielding Wands is a thing... is it?). Nevermind. "Wandslinger" also sounds like a Talent or Skill.

    • Like 1
  2. - it seemed like a speedrunner was playing the game (understandable in a press situation with little time!)

    Just coming back to this quick. After seeing footage with music and voice over, and seeing bits of the interview again, it looks actually really good.


    I was tired, and I think the combo with fast paced interview talking made it feel as if time moved faster than it actually did xD I recall it going in Fast Forward :p

  3. It looks fantastic!! From the top of my head:

    - The parrot on the ship when it is walking, it's so cute xD
    - The world map exploration gives tons of Battle Brother feels. Just one nitpick, a random encounter does not need to be invisible. The scripted event just simply popped up, but could it not be represented by a ship or similar on the map? (Like Battle Brothers with caravans, peasants, bandits, soldiers, monsters etc.)
    - I'm unsure how I will feel about regenerating health when I'll be playing, but it looks good. The flow of combat is nice. Albeit, it seemed like a speedrunner was playing the game (understandable in a press situation with little time!)
    - Again, everything looks stellar, fantastic, beautiful. Definately a massive face-lift.
    - I really liked the inventory screen and the bigger model. Nitpick! Why did you make the Aumaua blue? :p (reference: Portrait)
    - Speaking of portraits, the water paints... incline!!!

    I'll look at it more tomorrow. All the old stuff I've seen before (Titan, sand, Wizard hand casting etc.) looks so good! Want to play now! :D :D

    • Like 2
  4. Found these three on the naming generator (Beginning, Middle, End):

    Kar Tha Kurak

    Cutting it up a little bit we get... ta-da!


    Dunno if that actually follows any of the actual naming rules~ just playing around.

    That's pretty darn close... closest I can find for Osvir is Osrin, but... eeeeh... will probably come up with a better one.

  5. I think I played around with this same thought in another thread... the compromise would be that... example time... Obsidian had maybe planned 10 monsters and, well, not reaching the goal 100%, maybe they can instead plan for 3 or 4 repeating monsters (different color schemes but generally the same type of monster, random encounter). Fishing doesn't even have to be part of it. And the monsters doesn't have to be "unique" or "rare" in any way or form, just simply... "There's monsters in the ocean and sometimes you can encounter one" type of thing~ and pirates, soldiers, factions, etc. etc..

    Just a random encounter type of thing.

    Best way I could compare it would be an old-school Final Fantasy Behemoth. A monster, part of the Random Encounter Table, often encountered in the last dungeon or in a difficult area.

    But then again, cramming them within one region might be a bit borish as well, and happening upon them too often could be a bit of a bore as well (if you're unlucky with random encounters). Perhaps a few "Moby D's" would be cool, tracking them down, fighting a fierce battle, the monster retreating/escaping, and you chasing after. Or maybe even in worst case (for you) it shipwrecks the Player...


    Shipwrecks the Player on a desolate island and gives you a King's Quest/Space Quest alternative ending (Scripted Event type of thing). "After the battle, the Watcher woke up on a small tiny island with but a single palm tree" *page turns* "It wouldn't take long until the Watcher starved to death" *skeleton*

    A homage to the Fallout & Baldur's Gate "Game Over" skeleton :p

  6. The character is wearing a cloak, but it's not visible. Either it's not programmed in yet, or they've added an option to hide cloaks. Which is welcome.

    You can see the curve at the bottom (between the legs) and a little bit of cloth hanging right next to the right leg (the characters left leg, by the knee).


    Finally, there's some darkening in the space between the arm and the torso, which I think is the cloak as well (meaning, the cloak is tighter to the body, and there's no clipping).


    If I recall correctly I think there was an option to hide some aspects? (I think it was specifically "Hide Helmet" function though, and you'd be able to do it instantly in the Inventory UI).


    EDIT: I think the "Eyeball" symbol above both Helmet and Cloak is "Hide" function.


    I'm thinking a ship wheel as a shield or at the end of a flail. Heck, maybe even a club weapon. Find the 8 (club/steering knobs) pieces and you can craft a legendary ship wheel for the ship.



    A ship wheel for a shield wouldn't be of much good cosidering how many and how large open spaces it has :p


    But I'm in for some crazy marine-themed gear. Like a giant clam shell for a shield or ogres weilding anchors on chains as flails :D


    Neither is a larder door (which I think is more of a nickname for the shield)? Thought the discussion was going in a sort of "joke-weapons" type of direction :p I only skimmed the thread.


    Ogres with anchors sounds absolutely awesome though o.o

  8. This is more of a fantasy/dream than anything else but... a hidden companion side-kick! (Because A) Less work for Obsidian and B) No voice-over, only text-based dialogue)

    Some examples:
    1) Pesmerga, Suikoden 2. You can only find Pesmerga between a certain event and another event. If you have Pesmerga, he gets his own "army" during the Turn-Based Strategy events, and can even make one of the enemy armies flee if you have him. Note: There's countless other "Missable" recruits throughout the Suikoden series, too many to count.

    2) Yuffie & Vincent, Final Fantasy 7. Whilst Yuffie is pretty straight forward and easy to get, she isn't necessarily a "given". If you choose the wrong dialogue options she'll disappear but you'll most likely encounter her again. Vincent however, is another story, albeit he is easy to get you still have to go to a specific place to get him, which might be easily overseen (I didn't get him the first time I played, and later learned that he was an actual recruitable companion).

    3) Final Fantasy VI: Gogo, Umaro, Mog. Gogo is a tad bit more difficult, and I think that if you don't get Mog you can't get Umaro if I recall correctly.

    What does it add? I don't know really, it's just fun and cool.

    My hope in POE was that the Dragon Hunter (Fardragan?) was going to be a sort of "Secret Companion Side-Kick" but alas... nope.

    Maybe in Deadfire? :D

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    What about a nice beard

    Fixed it (I'm also very tired xD)


    ​"Wtf beard?" *re-reads* "Oh..."


    ​The obsidian gem/ring/amulet/insignia thing sounds cool imo.


    ​Also, what if the item could be a morphing item? Forge it at the Black Isle, decide whether it's going to be a Sword, Axe, Dagger, Poleaxe, etc. or etch it into a ring, or amulet, etc.


    ​Someone mentioned lightsaber, and I started thinking now "What if it's a ring, and it's capable of manifesting a light, an illusion of a weapon". A Lightaxe, Lightsword, Lightdagger etc. the Player would get to decide which form it takes (to accomodate most playstyles). Maybe it could even have a Per Rest ability "Summon" or "Conjure", and either it takes up the characters weapon slot when summoned/conjured, or simply floating/hovering (Dancing Blades~).

    Extremely complicated, although *very* cool.
    Forgot about this... (*scratches head* started answering but forgot to press post way back when?)


    Take Concelhauts Parasitic Staff, change Object variable into Player Input (instead of the Staff, a choice of generic weapon type, no fancy vfx, presented to the Player).


    Then, change the name of the Spell into appropriate BIB item.


    Then, attach said spell to a ring, or an amulet, give the spell a Per Rest value, or Resource Cost value, whatever is easiest.


    I'm simplifying lots, but the jist of it, might not be too hard.


    IIRC, in POE you had several items that had Spell Abilities attached to them (allowing Eder to cast Fireball with his sword, for instance).


    And IIRC, casting Parasitic Staff as Wizard, would conjure it in uou active weapon slot.


    Basically, if Obsidian has Parasitic Staff or any Conjured Weapon Spell in Deadfire, then making a "Light/Illusion Saber" narratively (item description) come out of a ring shouldn't be too complicated.

  10. Secondly, this feels a bit awkward. We have that lottery and people start to not want it. It is okay, you may have your reasons. Still it feels a bit awkward to me. But of course I will respect your wishes if you provide me with the necessary information mentioned above.


    It's to give others higher chances, and I would be giving away the extra copy regardless (same thing with the mousepad, already have an Eternity mousepad, and looking at my pledge it looks like I'll be getting a Deadfire mousepad too, unless it is the same)  :) so giving me an extra copy in a lottery is to give me a copy to give away in another lottery xD

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