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Posts posted by Osvir

  1. This belongs in the Pillars 1 forum, I think? This is the forum for the upcoming sequel (Deadfire).


    A) Eating in a fight. Hah, would be a funny sub-class (though, Corpse Eater Barb, upcoming, might fit that category). I think the design decision here is immersion. You don't pull out a stew in the middle of a fight, you feed yourself before/after :p


    B) Finding ingredients, there are merchants and if you look in the Stronghold window (construction) there might be something that might help you over time ;)

    • Like 1
  2. This last playthrough I'm going into the Journal several times just to plan my course of action, and of course I pick up several quests on the way. When I enter an area I check "What do I have to do?" and when I leave it "Where am I going?". Some times even between a quest "I'm in this area, okay, I'll go for that one" then finish it "Okay, is there anything else?". This means having to click through every entry in the Journal.

    Some personal/Player manual sorting would be helpful (perhaps a "Highlight" Category like Wormerine suggested).

    Just want to say that, on the other side of the coin, I would want a blank Quest Journal, one I'd have to write down everything myself (a Notebook UI in conversation to jot down notes or whatnot, would be handy). But Pillars isn't that type of game I reckon (would still be fun with such a mode though, "Journalist Mode" alongside Trial of Iron and Expert Mode perhaps :p "You no longer have the help of the Quest Journal. Only Notes available").

    • Like 2
  3. Hi!

    Was thinking whilst playing, scrolling through the Quest list (trying to do Quests "on the go" from point A to B and not having to run back and forth between areas too much).

    Something I realized quite quick was... I have to scroll up and down and check every entry time and time again to figure out which quest goes where. Just out of curiousity, is Obsidian considering to place Quests under "Area Categories" in Deadfire? Or is it going to be like Pillars 1?

    Currently it is:
    "Hollowing of Dyrwood"
    "White March Part 1"
    "White March Part 2"

    And after a short while the objectives and quests pile up under "Quests" and "Tasks", making it quickly get "out of hand" in terms of visibility. "Which quest was over there now again? And what quest was related to that faction now again?" etc. etc.

    I have a (probably) bad solution (A), and a (probably) better solution (B).

    A) Have only one single list. "WTF!? You just said that was what was cumbersome!". Yes, but allow the Player to write their own categories and drag-n-drop Quests as they see fit. This suggestion is cumbersome in of itself, but it might also give engagement into sorting Quests as well as completing them. Dedicating oneself to the Quests a bit more~ not my favorite suggestion. More or less brainstormed right now.

    B) The better of the two suggestion. Make more categories, make Quests related to each faction go under each faction. Treasure quests under its own category. Main quest under its own category etc. etc. Basically, more categories. It'll be slightly more (loosely) "handholding" but the Player will stay a shorter amount in the Quest Journal and more in the gameplay.

    I can't say for certain that "A" is bad, it just looks bad. I'd have to try it myself to see if it'd affect my feel for it. I like making lists and sorting stuff. Not sure about others (i.e. that's why it is a bad idea, because I'm probably the only one that might slightly enjoy it xD). Dunno, does anyone else sort their Steam Library after category and in some cases developing studio? :p

    • Like 2
  4. Another one:


    Being able to enter a location Desperados style. Have one character disguise as a guard, one character climbs in through the balcony, one causes a distraction, etc.


    Oceans Eleven style. Could potentially work in a scripted interaction.


    Edit: And black powder. Can't unlock a chest? Blow it open with explosives or shoot it open.

    • Like 1
  5. @Traps: It'd be cool if there were like... well, some traps that have sort of... AOE circles. Kind of like in Diablo 3 or WoW or ESO and many other games, expanding circles of where a boulder throw will land, or a monster preparing to charge you and you see a red line towards you. It is a concious developer design so that the Player can actively dodge special attacks etc. etc.

    It'd be interesting to see traps having such a feature, and that traps are treated as "Encounters" (So that you can use Encounter abilities). Example:

    1) You are exploring.
    2) *click* Yikes! [Pause]
    3) You see a line from the wall, going towards your party. Unpausing and you'll be hit by a million darts (exaggerated) in an instant.
    4) What are your options? Your Rogue could use Escape, your Fighter could boost defenses, Priest could cast a quick defensive spell etc. etc.

    In another scenario, maybe you triggered a rolling boulder, and would have to actively run away? Spikes from the ground. An explosion, or maybe even gas seeping from hidden tubes into a chamber. Doors closing behind you and walls closing in on you. Pitfalls, and you land in a room with monsters.

    Traps could be really fun to encounter head on, as well as puzzling to avoid.

    I'm curious if traps will be hard-placed, or if they will be like in Pillars 1 and the IE games (you can pick them up). I'd rather want the former, meaning that if you disarm them you'd just simply disarm them. Maybe even be able to re-arm them too, to trigger when an enemy walks by.

    • Like 3
  6. Sparks the question:


    Are traps handled differently in Deadfire? Either by a different skill, or...?


    Then again, I absolutely loved scouting ahead in Icewind Dale, looking specifically for traps (and enemies) with my dedicated trap finder (Thief).


    Dunno, but in Pillars 1 I never felt the need for it. Perhaps it's age and experience of these types of games *shrug*


    @Injurai: I think it's 4 (25% Endurance/Stamina penalty per Injury). Well, practically 3, because the 4th one kills you.


    Also, I'd say Obsidian is moving more towards "Unlimited Resting", seeing as you can Rest an infinite amount of times now even if you get penalized for doing so.

    How so? Is it like you only get benefits if you have camp supplies, otherwise you incur a penalty or something?

    As far as I understand understood it, yes (EDIT: I was wrong). I think Camping Supplies are gone, and replaced by Food Supplies instead.


    This one (Tumblr).


    And translation at the bottom here (RPGCodex).


    I stand corrected. It is appareantly unsure if you can Rest an infinite amount of time ("Often" is not "Infinite" after all), and it is also not Penalties, but rather just "Lower bonuses". Still bonuses but lowered ones.


    Edit: I suppose I read into it as if it was implying "infinite" and "penalty".

  8. What's the point of limiting rest when everything is moving to a per encounter.  I just hope they'll do a separate gameplay mode that leaves some of the supplies in.  They added one in Fallout: New Vegas.

    Maybe you can get injured during combat and not only when you get KO'd? (Analyze/Speculation: Josh does think Battle Brothers is one of the best game this year, and in BB you can get injured by an unlucky critical strike). I also recall Josh saying something along the lines of "After X amount of injuries a character dies".


    From a Q&A with Josh (It's 4 months old so maybe it's not an experiment anymore, or they've found another solution):

    Is a characters vitality still split into Health and Stamina, are multiple stages fatigue, injuries, afflictions and different "death" states still a thing in Pillars of Eternity 2, and are those negative statuses still only removable/curable by resting?

    JS: Right now, what we are experimenting with is a system that uses injuries as the main way of gating players needing to rest. At least in terms of damage taken. We're not using the Health system, we're using just the—well, we now have, whether you want to call it hit points or health, we have essentially what was Stamina in the first game. If you get knocked out you'll get injuries, and injuries are a thing you want to rest to get rid of. We're keeping all the injuries. Fatigue can be one of those injuries, we abandoned the sort of time-based fatigue a long time ago. The idea is that when you rest that's how you get rid of those things. You can also get injuries from things like scripted interactions, if you miss a check when you do a jump or something like that; you can hurt your knee or your elbow or your shoulder. Things like that. All that stuff is still in place. We're experimenting with a healthless system using injuries primarily as the gating mechanism for it.


    Personally, I really liked the Health mechanic. A lot of people found it confusing. We tried various ways of communicating it...I think that injuries do a pretty good job, and so I'd like to experiment at least with using injuries as the primary means for driving resting.


    We'll see. Like I said, I was the person who proposed and pushed for that mechanic, but I also don't want a bunch of people to not really understand what the hell is going on.


    Also, I'd say Obsidian is moving more towards "Unlimited Resting", seeing as you can Rest an infinite amount of times now even if you get penalized for doing so.

  9. I can see a console version running Diablo-esque and such in simple exploration. In Combat you'd instead getting "Locked-On" and switch between targets.

    Pressing the controller equivalent of Pause could allow you to switch between main controlled unit/character, or simply a sort of Menu based gameplay interface with directional buttons. Quick switch between characters with L2 and R2 or something (L1 and R1 maybe even).

    With a PS4 controller, press Triangle to pause and gain control of UI interface (bottom left), you'd choose spells and such with directional buttons, confirm spell with X, get target reticles controlled with right analog stick (if AOE, if targeted spells, back to "Locked-On" mode). Press X to execute command and then resume play, sort of.

    It's doable, just lots of logistical controller mapping to go through (headaches). Maybe some more Auto-Pause helpers and more Menu based play (Like an old time ATB Final Fantasy game somewhat) could manage it nicely. Positioning characters in combat would probably be the biggest challenge.

    I'll probably get it in the future regardless (don't own a PS4 yet, waiting for Kingdom Hearts 3).

    I don't see a problem with Deadfire eventually being ported to consoles, honestly, it probably will (in 2020, unless Pillars 1 is super popular/appreciated/good sales on consoles, then probably sooner). It'd be cool if it did well :D

  10. One gripe i have from the e3 videos is the desert area. It looks so misty .. i mean sandy. It kinda obscure the vision. I understand that's the purpose but it kinda destroy the beautiful art and effort put onto the details?


    This image without being misty/sandy looks much better. Any chance in turning off the sand-storm or something?


    Dynamic Weather (Scroll down to Dynamic Weather, under "What's New"), and I think they are "random" as well. They don't give any benefit or penalty, it's just for atmosphere. As I understand it, they might come and go whilst you explore a map, meaning that whilst you are exploring somewhere, it might start thundering and raining, and in other places there might be a sandstorm. Though, I don't know if it'll pass, but you might go to one location at one point, and there's a storm, and the next time you go there, it won't be one.


    Remember someone from the Dev team talking about it briefly. Maybe in one of the Updates? *shrug* I remember them saying it'd only be for atmosphere though. Would've been cool with some various effects to it (be it penalty or benefit).

    • Like 1
  11. I just wish to say that I like it. It's "Camping Supplies" with added effects. Imagine if you could continue to Rest in Pillars 1 even if your Camping Supplies were gone, but you'd get penalties for doing so.

    Purely speculative follows now...

    I imagine that the Ship Management will have a Food Resource Pool, and Crew will deplete it over time, but also (Like Adventures and Grand Adventures "Send Crews to do this and that") be able to go out and fetch new Food whilst you are out exploring (Which will take X amount of time). I also imagine that you'll pull X/X (capped, like Camping Supplies) amount of Food supplies from the total supply when you go about your own adventuring to utilize the usual Resting mechanic.

    We know you'll be able to buy food, and some food that gives the best resting bonuses will be most expensive.

    I'm most curious if:
    A) Ship Crew also gains benefits (Bonus), during Naval Events and such~ Morale.
    B) If Food is only a Resting Mechanic now, a general Resource and no inventory management (Like Battle Brothers)
    C) If Food can spoil over time.

    EDIT: Looking at the UI:

    No "Cap" on the Resting button. Might be tied to difficulty on that E3 playthrough though.
    • Like 1

    It is nothing new, though. It is just like having to rest again after spending the previous night at the best inn. It is a pretty light trade off for being able to rest and magically heal all your injuries as often as you like.

    Maybe this is a difference perspectives. I read that dev statement as "resting to much will give characters maluses". That's a completely different animal from simply not receiving some resting buff. Have I misread the dev statement?


    IIRC wasn't it about "Food" and that "Food" is used as a resource during "Resting", meaning, if you Rest too much you'll use up all your Food, and having no Food would give Penalties when Resting (and can even result in cannibalism among your crew).


    Basically, "Camping Supplies" has been replaced with "Food Supplies". At least, that's how I understood/understand it.

    • Like 2
  13. Spoiler country!


    What Class would you consider Thaos to be? He shows off lots of Zeal for Woedica, and he has both Faith to her/it, as well as "Rage" or "Wrath" against the world? (In a general sense). Something with Oath would definately fit Paladin/Barbarian or Priest/Barbarian.

    Dignifier? :p


    Priest/Barbarian = Oathbinder, or even better, Priest/Paladin


  14. Food resource to prevent rest spam is a great solution imo, well, it works extremely well in Battle Brothers (and hey, even in NEO Scavenger too). Of course, those games have other "threats" and resources to consider. In NEO Scavenger, you might freeze to death if all you do is rest, or maybe a bandit or some scavenger comes and disturbs you. In Battle Brothers you might lose all your money by resting, or your food gets spoiled, or an Orc patrol finds you etc. etc.

    It'll be interesting to see how it'll work in Deadfire.

    • Like 1
  15. Sword Saint sounds like another name for paladin, IMO, or the name of a paladin order.

    Well, sure, "Holy Swordsman" was one definition I found (Hence, Priest suggestion in there... "Faith").


    This is another I found (about Paladin):

    "a knight renowned for heroism and chivalry"


    And this about Sword Saints:

    "Sword saints hail from lands where samurai are prevalent, and are often ronin who wander the world seeking new challenges to perfect their intricate style of swordplay called iaijutsu. The following benefits apply only when a sword saint is using a sword and carrying nothing in his other hand."


    But this is what I refer to mostly, and draw inspiration from (Kensai, Fighter Kit from Baldur's Gate):

    "This class is also known as the Sword Saints, and consists of a warrior who has been specially trained to be one with his sword. They are deadly fast, and trained to fight without encumbrance."


    Some inspirational pictures:

    Paladin/Fighter version


    Monk/Fighter version

  16. Can't quite put this one in the right one, I think it fits all three, for different reasons.

    Zeal+Discipline = Sword Saint (Fighter/Paladin)
    Mortification+Discipline = Sword Saint (Fighter/Monk)
    Faith+Discipline = Sword Saint (Fighter/Priest)

    - With Paladin, one who is devoted to the art of the Blade, and disciplined in its use. Fits really well imo (What with Auras and whatnot, "When the Sword Saint wields their blade, it is as if they inspire those around them" kind of thing).
    - With Monk, one who has cast off all worldly possessions, except the Blade (Does Swift Strikes work with weapons? It does, right, IIRC? Never played Monk much). I kind of like this most.
    - With Priest, one who has complete trust, and confidence, someone who has trained and in complete control of their Blade (Priest spell and general Class do not fit though)

  17. Someone asked a question about tanking and the taunt mechanic: https://jesawyer.tumblr.com/post/162046603176/im-curious-about-the-role-of-a-tank-in-the-party It's nowhere even close to revelatory or anything, but it is insight into how he feels about taunt mechanics.

    I'd love it if an overwhelming force (say, 10 Xaurips) attacks you in a doorway, and you have a strong durable tank holding up in the bottleneck (such as Eder), that the force actually "pushes" the party backwards every so slightly. As it stands in Pillars of Eternity, you'd at most fight 1 Xaurip at a time, and the rest would wait for their turn for the slaughter (Xaurip is just an example, you can do this with all enemies in Pillars of Eternity, Ogres, Spiders, etc. just find a nice bottleneck or even a just a corner and duke it out, engaging 1-2 enemies at a time).


    It'd be pretty cool with a different sort of mechanic where you believe yourself to have find a good bottleneck to tank everything, but suddenly find yourself overwhelmed. Perhaps even in such a manner that you'd have to counter it yourself by positioning your characters behind the tank (Eder) to create a counter-momentum (pushing back against the push).


    Belongs in the "wishes you'd never get" but would probably require some new animation states and give some sort of pause to the regular gameplay of combat. An additional mechanic to consider. Or in some situations, perhaps even pushing groups of enemies over the edge (300 style).


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