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Posts posted by Osvir

  1. I remember Feargus saying that he isn't that interested in a CRPG based on Warhammer (unfortunately). It was during the closing stream of the Deadfire Fig, he was answering questions and I proposed Pillars of Warhammer, I don't exactly recall Feargus answer, and I don't think they uploaded the Stream from the Fig ending Party, but I think he conveyed the general meaning of "Warhammer is oversaturated".

    I would provide link to video and timestamp but, like I said, I can't find any recording/upload of the stream.

  2. Still think Druid/Priest, Chanter/Druid, or Priest/Chanter would've been better as a Shaman.


    Druid = Nature

    Priest = Faith

    Chanter = Spirits


    Barbarian = Rage


    Resource/Power pool.


    What is a Shaman? A spiritual guide. Talking with natures spirits. Meditation and other fluff.


    Most often in video games having some sort of Restorative or elemental power (Thrall in WC3 for instance, Chain Lightning, Feral Spirits, Far See and Earthquake).


    Druid of the Bear (WC3 unit) has Rejuvenation. Also, all Druid units in WC3 have Shapeshifting.


    Druid/Chanter would've been a perfect fit.

  3. Unbroken Primary and Transmuter Secondary? Transforming into an Ogre sounds like a strong melee alternative.


    Also, Unbroken+Berserker might be a good solo tank that can hold groups of enemies, less effective against bosses or single target enemies though.


    A Black Jacket+Berserker might be a good combo in making the Berserker side manage more versatility, allowing it to go ranged so it doesn't damage other melee allies.

  4. What's the ultimate tank? Unbroken/Goldpact?




    Pure Fighter?


    Thematically, not mechanically, I also want to try either an Illusionist/Trickster, Illusionist/Wael or a Trickster/Wael. Perhaps redundant somehow, but I still think there's tons of interesting and opportunities from the Classes themselves.


    Probably just better to go Illusionist/Rogue, Wizard/Trickster, Priest of Wael/Rogue or Wizard, etc. Just isn't as gimmicky that way :p



    I'm thinking about a Devoted/Streetfighter myself, depending on how valuable it'll be to use multiple weapons. In Pillars, I only ever swapped away from a greatsword to open a combat with an arbalest.

    Devoted are the ones that are devoted to one weapon (Which I presume is, One weapon, and not a Weapon Category). I think?


    Did we get an answer on that on Tumblr?


    Anyways, restricted to Single-Handed.



    One weapon, yes. I think weapon categories are no longer a thing. Not being proficient in a weapon only means that you can't use its modal. Devoted takes it a step further with accuracy penalties.


    What I mean is.... Short Swords is a "Category", is the Devoted devoted to all Short Swords? Or just one specific Short Sword in your inventory? Will it be impossible to sell it? If not, it should be, so no accidents occur. Like Boo, you couldn't pick him up from the inventory, *squeak!*

  6. I'm thinking about a Devoted/Streetfighter myself, depending on how valuable it'll be to use multiple weapons. In Pillars, I only ever swapped away from a greatsword to open a combat with an arbalest.

    Devoted are the ones that are devoted to one weapon (Which I presume is, One weapon, and not a Weapon Category). I think?


    Did we get an answer on that on Tumblr?


    Anyways, restricted to Single-Handed.

  7. Thoughts on the update? I think it's great stuff, looking forward to play around many hours with just character creation and various adventuring parties. Will be helpful in all out Chanter parties and giving oddball groups more viability as well as different roles yet still keep them thematic to whatever wonky idea I get.

    I think I'm going to upgrade my Barbarian into either a Berserker/Devoted or Mage Slayer/Devoted. My plan was to go Single Class, but can't deny that Multi-Classing looks so much fun! But there is that off-shoot of not gaining maximum power level of Barbarian though hmm. We'll see, I'll probably do like I always do, create tons of characters until I find something I enjoy most.

    Probably during Beta/Early Access.

  8. Transmaster for the transmutation specialist subclass for wizard is a... interesting subclass name. I don't have a problem with it, just an interesting choice of subclass name.


    Lol the mathing sequences.


    Awesome update. :D


    edit: How come Sister of the Reaping Moon is available for monk in the vid? Or is that just for testing?

    Maybe a hint of ability to edit in more "Kits"? I remember it was a popular thing to do in Baldur's Gate modding.

  9. 1:03 *SMACK* WOAH! That hit like lightning out of nowhere! Dat 3D model is absolutely stunning!

    EDIT: Hahahaha laughed so hard. Thank you :D

    Now... so much amazing things in this update.

    0:28 Hi Tim! When do we get to know more about "the project"? :D

    1:03 Again, great presentation in the Character Creation Screen. Like it much more than Eternity already (especially the end but I'll get there, won't I? :p)

    1:12 Really like that it is "Philosophy", so fitting for Monk! :) Also, on the Shattered Pillar Philosophy, "melee weapon", IIRC, Fists/Unarmed count as melee weapons, correct? Also, "Sister of the Reaping Moon Philosophy" becomes "Brother of the Reaping Moon Philosophy" if it is a male character?

    1:33 Illusionist!!!! Yeah baby  8) 

    - A) Is there a way to see what Passive effects each familiar gives, or do they all give the same?
    - B) Can you name a Familiar?

    1:44 This! This is fantastic stuff! Loving the whole Character Sheet terminology used as well. Great time to review and compare various different builds. Easy to write down and jot down notes around and build a proper character with :D Thank you!

    1:49 Nitpicky but, Sleight of Hand and Mechanics causing the list to look askew and off a little bit. Could it be possible with two columns? (Plenty of space for it) And putting any extra information in Tooltips/Toolboxes when/if hovering over the skill names with the mouse pointer?

    2:23 Ability tree, again, is so very helpful! A bit I didn't point out earlier, but "Preview Abilty Tree" during Class selection is good! :D

    2:36 Oh, didn't notice, but "Keywords", means we can also "Search" Ability trees? Or simply a... uhm... signifier? (Like, "Hearthstone" Cards having "Lifesteal" or "Divine Shield" or "Taunt" etc. tools to follow down archetype paths/builds~?)

    2:46 "First off a Shadow Dancer using an upgraded Escape" *mouth open* Uuuuuh... that... what... wow! First off, that was amazing! Animations are so smooth! Just curious if there's any possibility a foe may fall Prone from a Skyward kick (And whether the "Prone" animaton" can be used in combination mid-air somehow, making it look as if the target gets hit upwards and perhaps backwards). Kung fu kick!

    In general, all the presentations look great (the first one took the cake though). It mostly makes me just want to try out various combinations.

    4:17 Sneaky! ;) [EDIT]Not at all Sneaky, I watched the video before reading the post, oops[/EDIT] Also, I died laughing xD

    Finally, you forgot 5 Party Members in the equation of possible combinations :p

  10. 1. A writer wrote some stuff on the Internet <- Fact
    2. A part of the Internet gets angry and offended <- Fact
    3. *
    4. Writer resigns <- Fact

    *[speculation/Questions]Did he feel pressured/sweaty because of Obsidian or did he feel pressured/sweaty because of the mob?[/speculation/questions]

    That's all I get out of this article and thread.

    So the OP is wondering if the quality of the writing is going to go down because of this? Who knows. Will it go up? Who knows. Would it have been better with the man in question still at Obsidian? Who knows. Will it be better because he resigned? Who knows.

    Who knows!

    • Like 1
  11. That was dumb.


    Well I'd rather talk about walking then that other nonsense topic which everyone can't seem to stay away from.


    I love going for a good walk, oh yes! I could go for a walk right now... When's the last time you walked?


    edit: I really feel like playing Suikoden now... great avatar!

    Gosh how could I miss the second post in the thread?? xD


    I walk around 11'000+ steps a day (between 0.8 and 1.0 metric miles a day). It has to do with the job (construction). It's funny to look at my step meter during the weekends xD (I average between 1 to approximately ~20 steps on weekends :p). Mostly because I don't carry my phone with me just to go to the fridge and back :p hmm, might do that next weekend, just to see how many steps it actually is.


    EDIT: And Suikoden is probably one of my favorite game series of all time. Interesting, didn't think about it but... but you can "Hold Button" to run ;P

    EDIT2: Wrote 8 and 10 metric miles when it was a lot less xD (10 kilometers = 1 metric mile ~ 0.6 miles/36000 feet)


    • Like 1
  12. Well, it's more or less part 10~ give or take if you consider older iterations. Let it go walk down the pages if it does *shrug* (search "Walking" in the forum search function, or "Walking Toggle")


    I thought it interesting as a counter-point to all the naysayers that were oozing "No walking!!!" mentality.


    I think it's ome of those mundane features that no one really thinks much about, because it's just that (normal human and social behavior).


    I remember a psychology class, blended with some biology. At a young age we walk with great effort, but after a while it becomes an automatic wiring in our brains. We walk with little to no energy and it is hardly an effort.


    Maybe it's one of those subliminal features that just makes a game better by being there, used or unused by Players, but by simply existing it portrays something human? *shrug*


    Regardless, it's all about community reaction. Albeit, it's only for one character in a Street Fighter game, so maybe it doesn't apply?

  13. Saw this in my feed and thought it relevant:



    Again I wish to state that, it's not the end of the world if there is no walking. Just providing another point towards community reactivity towards something as mundane and normal ad walking.


    Last thread ended in a facepalm, feel free to close this thread too. Just wanted to share this story and couldn't think of a relevant existing thread.

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