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Posts posted by Osvir

  1. Okay, is there any way for YOU, not your characters, to detect and see traps? If you observe the surroundings, do you see any sort of mechanism for a potential spike trap, or a snare trap? Do you have to have a dedicated trap finder to physically see traps?

    In Pillars 1 you had to, but is it the same in Deadfire? (I've only encountered one trap, and I could see it before the Mercenary Rogue detected and highlighted it)

    Are the traps like that, or are they "invisible" like Pillars 1? Or can I see them if I look closely enough?

    I understand that it doesn't matter much if I can see them and I have no one capable of disarming them, but is there a way to dodge them or are they "instant" damage/injury? Basically: Is there any way to avoid being dealt damage/injury after triggering a trap?

  2. I feel I want to zoom in the camera a bit more. Possible?

    Thoughts? Currently it is quite perfect for having a central vision, your front (tanks and melee) in the middle of the screen, seeing your ranged on the edges and the enemy as well, but something makes me want to zoom in more, I keep scrolling upwards to zoom in to get into the action in melee.

    Would be nice! Somewhere between 30%-50% more zoom in.

  3. I believe that part of the problem is that Players perceive themselves to be better than they are. I did and do too. My inner monologue is pretty much "I played IE games and Pillars 1! Of course I'm a Veteran!" and what happened? I got crushed on the very first encounter I had (Delemgan and spores and spirits).

    How did I adapt? I loaded the auto-save generated when I entered the area and I took it much calmer, calculated. Of course, metagaming because I now knew what was awaiting me but at the same time it gave me insight in how to approach combat and encounters in the future. I ended up wrecking the encounter instead of being wrecked. No injuries opposed to "Game Over". Can't get any more black/white than that.

    Had to use some Empowers though.

    My point is that, I believe, some Players, myself included, believe themselves to be better than they are. You need to accept your current skill level to be able to approach and tackle the next skill level.

    My question now is... can you avoid getting hit by a trap? Can you avoid getting injuries (knocked out) in combat for as long as possible? And how do you do any of those things? What are the tools at your disposal to avoid injuries for as long as possible?

    • Like 1
  4. But this can be mitigated by proper combat sequencing. If you master combat, non of your characters get injured.


    And whilst many say "Git gud isn't an argument". I have to say, it really is an argument. Start on an easier difficulty and move up.


    In pretty much every game I've played I've always started low, Easy, and when I get more understanding I move up in difficulty. It's methodical and very learning.


    Others have different personal experiences, and learn different ways. Just saying, I started on Casual before I managed Brutal in Starcraft 2.


    Some I believe feel "I am Veteran. I am good!". But then reality hits and there is denial, it is a new system and they just can't accept that they aren't "that good". YET! Anybody can get "gud", you just need to devote some energy and time.

  5. A solution: Options at New Game select.

    Classic Mode (Health/Endurance), Injury Mode (Health+Injury Death), and Hybrid Mode (Health/Endurance+Injury Death)

    Just examples, but you catch my drift. Of course, more work for Obsidian so I don't know. They've fiddled with this Injury system since... since probably a long time now. Rolling back and re-balancing would probably take a lot of resources, but alas, I said it already when it was announced way back when, when it was said they were trying a new system: Health/Endurance was and is still fine (in Pillars 1).

    Although, I wonder if they have any inactive Endurance system developed in the background in case of too much negative feedback around the new system. You know, a sort of "Plan B".

    But, I haven't experimented with the new system enough to know enough. I just pretty much jumped in and enjoyed my time. Combat felt nice, just a tad bit fast (but I pause so much so I can't quite get a grasp on "combat speed"). I don't really have much of an opinion around it yet, except that I did glance over my party portraits after a big fight and I believe I raised an eyebrow slightly when I saw that they were all at full health (which, in Pillars 1, they wouldn't have been).

    • Like 3
  6. This thread makes me think a bit out of the box and outside of Obsidian Entertainment and a little bit about Steam Reviews and Reviews in general. There should be a requirement to "Tick" some sort of "What difficulty did you choose?" when you make a review, then everybody can see what Difficulty you were pretty much reviewing. Applies to all games.

    • Like 3
  7. Some of the first posts here brings me back to a pretty hard encounter that I had to redo because of gung-ho playstyle the first time.

    So, on my first time fighting the encounter, I was party wiped pretty severely. My Warrior got instantly charmed, and shortly my Beguiler (Cipher/Wizard) soon thereafter. That left me with a Rogue, a Wizard, and a Priest. I tried my best for as long as possible to survive, but there just wasn't a chance. Party wiped.

    Second time, I hung back with my party, positioned them, and only aggroed the enemies with my Warrior. This went significantly better. None of my party members got hurt in any way, and Empower was key to winning it.

    What do I want to express here?

    If you're not careful, if you're not using tools the game provides for you, if you pick a harder difficulty than you can handle, if you play without knowledge or in some form of confusion, then the Developers either have to bring more clarity into a Tutorial to teach Players the system, or you need to start to understand what tools you can use to avoid being penalized/playing "around" the system (that means reading abilities, looking around, not playing in fast mode, YOU being observant, not your characters/avatars etc. etc.). If you don't wish to put in energy into your own gaming, there is a Difficulty called "Relaxed" and one called "Story" for this very reason.

    For suggestions/solutions in a Tutorial:

    Make the Player get hurt by a trap, make them get an injury and have a character explain why he got an injury and what the Player has to do to get rid of it. In Pillars of Eternity we had Heodan, and it was vaguely clear what we had to do to get rid of his injury.

    I have not encountered a trap in Deadfire Beta yet, but it sounds like they have become more dangerous than in Pillars 1, and that injuries are quite more punishing as well. Something tells me this doesn't really have much to do with traps, or injuries for that matter, but rather "We knew how Health/Endurance system worked" and now it has changed into something else.

    Regardless, some brainstorming thoughts on solutions would be:
    - Health/Endurance again. We know it. Players who aren't hanging out in the forums, also know it. Developers know it.
    - Revising the system. 5 injuries? 6 injuries? % chance to get an injury when stepping on a trap?
    - Clarification in-game from Developers, how Injuries function and how Players can:
    A) Avoid it (Traps, Empower, Combat)
    B) Cure it (Resting and... potential items?)

    What if you could find or buy an item that semi-cures the Injury? Say you took 1 Injury, now at 75% health. But if you use the item, you remove the debuff, and restore 1/2 of the lost health (12,5%). With this system, maybe 5 injuries would be better for instant death. (-20% per injury, +10% heal from X item). You're still not completely fresh from using the item, and would still need to Rest to recover completely. Hm... could even stretch it even further.

    MATH (Using 5 injuries because it's easier with the %):
    - 100% Health, no injury.
    - 1 injury, -20% Health (now at 80%). Use healing item (will call it "Bandage"), heal injury, and now at 90%.
    - Take another injury, -20%. Now at 70%. Using ite, +10%, 80%.
    - Another injury, -20%, 60%. Healing, 70%.
    - etc. etc.

    Without the item, 5 injuries and dead.

    - 100%
    - 80% Injury
    - 90%
    - 70% Injury
    - 80%
    - 60% Injury
    - 70%
    - 50% Injury
    - 60%
    - 40% Injury
    - 50%
    - 30% Injury
    - 40%
    - 20% Injury
    - 30%
    - 10% Injury
    - 20%
    - 0% Injury

    This way you could effectively take 8 Injuries (and heal them) without having to Rest. IF an item would be introduced. Can only used IF you have an injury, so it wouldn't be spammable to get back to full Health (Resting still required). So if you have 2 Injuries (-40%), you could use the item twice (+20% Health, and remove debuffs). Having 1 Injury, only being able to use the "item" once. Self explanatory?

  8. Hi!


    Just quickly jumped into the Beta this morning and made a character (Orlan Barbarian Berserker) and went at it.


    Attacked the first NPC I saw and aggroed the entire island, fought some guards.


    As I said, didn't have much time so no logs or save files, but I cast a Spreading Plague(IIRC?). Priest spell that spreads to others.


    When the fight was over my log got filled with "Makaru Warrior dealt damage to Makaru Warrior" (IIRC).


    Exploring the village I saw dead warriors all over the place.


    I'll confirm this and properly report when I get home.

  9. He did. Just saying there are a lot of digital tools in the engine that could be useful in ways to present one's character.


    Edit: Also just playing with the thought of a digital PnP experience... MnD? DnM? (Mobile n Digital, Digital n Mobile).


    Stills and sheets and stuff, turn based, edittable scripted events. Monster encounters, quest givers. All phones have keyboards after all.


    A mobile game.


    Just a playful thought.

  10. Looking at that "next level" tweet makes me wonder if it'll be possible in some iteration or way to use the CC/digital Character Sheet for the PnP.


    Build the character digitally, take a screen dump. Keep your sheet on your phone, referencing skills and appearance easily for DM and other players.


    Actually, wouldn't a lot of Deadfire's management systems be useful in a PnP? Journal/Beastiary/Maps/Inventory etc.?


    Edit: Pillars of Eternity PnP Mobile Application Tool?


    Allow several players to connect together. One DM being able control and give Players items/rewards, tasks, journal entries, encounters etc. use some scripted interaction templates and press "Send"?


    MnG, Mobile and Go? Play wherever you are with whoever you want.

  11. Also a Tumblr answer on Animancer class.

    Would be cool as a Science Mage. Maybe an Alchemist~ using Throwable Potions and having some Unique Scroll mechanics. Having bonuses to crafting foods and potions.

    Maybe some Blue Mage mechanics too (Final Fantasy, skills from monsters).

    Either having a mechanized/scienced Adra Gem/Stone Trinket that they use as a power channeling device, or a potion belt :p like a Grimoire, but stores chosen potions (Fireball Potion etc.).

    Per Rest Casting ;) replenishing Potions during rest. Could be a Sciencian Vancian answer in Pillars.

    • Like 2
  12. Hit-Girl (Kickass), Toph (Avatar: The Last Airbender), inspired companion/sidekick possibility in the future?

    Makes me also think about aging in perhaps future titles, start as a child, end as an old man. Not MASSIVE CHALICE, but in a sort of First Person grand RPG. Become an adult, get a child, and when you die, transfer your soul to the child, or awaken your soul in the child, and then continue playing.

    Probably quite hard to do, would require several lifetimes worth of content :p


    I remember Feargus saying that he isn't that interested in a CRPG based on Warhammer (unfortunately). It was during the closing stream of the Deadfire Fig, he was answering questions and I proposed Pillars of Warhammer, I don't exactly recall Feargus answer, and I don't think they uploaded the Stream from the Fig ending Party, but I think he conveyed the general meaning of "Warhammer is oversaturated".


    I would provide link to video and timestamp but, like I said, I can't find any recording/upload of the stream.

    Hard to tell. There is Total War, and Mordheim and Vermite... but in the same time no crpg.

    It is kinda like pleanty of modern shooters, but not so many moder crpg.

    Also: we have so many Star Wars games, long time ago in galaxy far, far away.


    But im fine with whatever Obsidian choose. Especially if it will be another take on world of darness style. Lol.


    Don't get me wrong, I love the Warhammer universe and I believe Obsidian would make a great cRPG out of it as well, if it was a Party based RTwP type game (Or First Person Elder Scrolls/Fallout-esque RP adventure).


    I was just recalling what Feargus was talking about. It might've had something to do with R&D too (lots of research and development, time sinks = money sinks), and that Obsidian is still relatively small(?). I just don't remember, I just remember he responded to "Pillars of Warhammer" and he wasn't too optimistic or positive about it :p



    Warhammer 2 out today! Anyone want to try out co-op/Head-to-Head megacampaign later? :D

    You should try organising an Obsidian Warhammer TW league. We did it with Blood Bowl, it was a lot of fun especially if you keep people updated about how it's going on the forum.


    Eeeeh :/ I dunno. I'm not very good, I mostly enjoy the campaign mode :)


    You can also only play the new races currently in Custom Battle. Anyone know if that will change in the future? (Dwarves vs Skaven, for instance)


    Maybe it'll be a better time to play a tournament when CA have "merged" the games?


    From Josh on something awful:



    Samuel Clemens posted:

    According to rope kid, Sneak Attack and Carnage is actually one of the combos that won't work in Deadfire.



    To be clear, you can inflict Sneak Attack and Carnage simultaneously, but SA doesn't apply to the Carnage targets.


    I remember Obs talking about stuff like this in the updates. I wonder what other powers wont combine like soul whip / carnage? I think players concepts of crazy op builds maybe more nerfed than they think.

    Well, sneak attack + carnage doesn’t even make any sense logically. One is a measured strike and the other is flailing like a madman. Like how powerful fists don’t work when you are a cat
    I think it makes sense to Sneak Attack the primary target, but then you're revealed, and proceed to hit and slash everything around you.


    So, you Sneak Attack the first target, and everything around it suffers non-Sneak Attack Carnage.


    But... paws of fury, made me realize...


    Monk Swift Strikes+Barbarian Carnage :D

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