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Posts posted by Osvir

  1. Frenzy Archer? Probably works in Eternity 1 just fine. But the most cool version (for Barbarian) would be a dual wielding double axe thrower or double javelin thrower IMO. Probably won't happen but would fit the Barbarian best (Thinking of something like Troll Headhunter from WarCraft 3, they even have the Frenzy ability too).

    Best I could think of would be a sort of Sensuki gun wielding Barbarian sub-class (He did something like it in BB of Eternity 1, using only guns and switching weapons IIRC). Shooting once, switching, shooting twice, switching, shooting a third time, then reload time, I think. I think that with Frenzy your character would reload faster too, and if you add in high Dexterity and Gear that fastens recovery time you could have a fast gunner. But does the Barbarian fit the concept and the theme of a gunslinging shooter? I dunno.

    EDIT: Would you consider The Kid (Cowboy) to be a Barbarian? Maybe? Couldn't one consider the Wild West bandits to be Barbarians in some sense?


    Hey Fluffle! I mentioned this on my email to you, but my entry was 91 characters with spaces included (76 without). By your confirmation it seemed to be okay, but just for clarification, should I try to reduce it some more if possible?

    Good question. I actually assumed we had to include any and all spaces in our character count. Could you please illuminate this point further, Fluffle?


    Purely speculating but I imagine Obsidian will edit any submission to either fit the 80 character limit or just to look better~ fit better (so we don't get any non-lore friendly/immersion breaking entries). Two words can mean the same thing, but there might be a shorter word that explains the same thing or even phrases something better. That sort of editing I imagine.

    • Like 1
  3. What about an animal companion with no ranger?

    Ooooh! Mounted Ranger! nvm, would be too odd and wonky looking (but fun :p)


    A Beast Master sub-class would be cool too. Having more than 1 animal companion. Could require Whips as a weapon type though, to get the full theme/concept rolling.


    EDIT: What about a Ranger sub-class that becomes the animal companion? No, not like Spiritshift, but rather, infuses their own soul into the animal companion, and their body enters a trance-like/channeling state, leaving them open to attacks? But in turn, the animal becomes stronger in every aspect/gets active abilities?


    I'm thinking somewhat of something like "Feign Death" (Heroes of the Storm, an ability that renders Rexxar invurnable for a short period of time, and you get to control Mischa, his bear companion, for a duration of time).

  4. When I say Ranger w/o animal companion I mean the classic one for BG. Or just a stereotypical and cliche master marksman, the Elven Archer.


    A bit dark, but Rangers resource pool is "Bonds" right? (Rethorical) What about a Ranger that uses a heartstring from a past animal companion for a bowstring? Might fit Ghost Heart better though.


    What about a melee Ranger sub? BG had "Stalker".

  5. Which is great! Both Priest and Druid felt a bit caught in the past on spell acquisition/leveling up in Eternity 1. I asked for spell choosing already during the BB (Backer Beta), maybe even before. I'm happy :)


    Going to be fun to build various elemental Druids, or maybe even a pure Healer/Support Druid. An all out Druid party with different aspects?


    Also got an idea for a buff Priest+debuff Priest combo (will use adventurers and Xoti for that). Great strategy in Tyranny (albeit a bit repetetive), debuff-, buff-, DD-mage, protected by one tank.

  6. - they can't benefit from Constant Recovery


    That's a good one to be honest, pretty huge drawback even. I'm guessing the Devoted is only for melee weapons? Or could ranged weapons be included as well? "I am devoted to this crossbow!". I mean, that'd be interesting in a way (Varric and Bianca from Dragon Age is good fun), but it is a Fighter sub-class after all.


    Then again, I've always wanted a more of a typical non-animal-companion Archer type Militarized Crossbowman/Longbowman. Though, I think that falls into the Ranger category (Maybe there's going to be a non-Animal Companion Ranger Sub-Class).

  7. Last off-topic post here for me:

    Even the "Hunt a god" fits with Galawain. Makes sense to have a character born of the "Lord of the Hunt" introduced to the party composition considering the plot.



    This actually makes me wonder. What drawbacks will this subclass have? Not being able to use any other weapon category, or weapon period, isn't that much of a penalty, since like you said, most characters will pick something and stick with it.

    Black Jacket has the drawback of lower accuracy.

    Devoted could have drawback of:
    - losing the unique bonuses he has (until resting), once he equips any other weapon; or
    - simply getting a damage penalty with other weapons; or
    - inability to use/profit from specializations with other weapons and related modals

    Forced One-Handed or Two-Handed Weapon style? (No Weapon & Shield Style available)

    Maybe not being able to pick "Knockdown" or most Defensive type abilities from the Fighter pool? (Defensive Modals and such*)

    I see it as, well, what's the drawbacks of having an Animal Companion? The Blade/Axe/Club or whatever the Devoted picks is the sub-class' "Companion" in the same sense. All I can think of would be strong offensive skills, whilst maybe lacking in the defensive category. Still being able to wear Full Plate of course, just not having as many options with it or not being the most optimal.

    An example: I built a Dragoon Barbarian build, Pike and Full Plate Armor. Not optimal, but really really strong. Had I chosen Hide Armor, Clothing, or maybe even Unarmored completely, it'd be a devastating killing machine with high damage output and low recovery. I opted not to do it because I liked the whole concept (Never leveled up to the Dragon Leap ability though :(). The point: Maybe the Devoted would be most effective in Light- to Medium Armor, being up close dealing damage, but also risking the most doing so.

    That's kind of how I saw and experienced the Kensai in BGTrilogy/BGEE/BG2EE, strong damage dealing Fighter with high critical strikes, but weak defensive capabilities, and an unlucky hit in a difficult encounter could bring them down to 1%-10% HP (from 100%). But when they shone they shone, and IIRC, could take out the most difficult foes themselves in a hit or two.

    A bit of a double-edged sword sometimes.

    Fighter Wiki page, some abilities that could fit in an offensive concept:
    - Disciplined Barrage
    - Confident Aim
    - Fearless
    - Unbending
    - Clear Out
    - Sundering Blow (Is it a Barbarian ability now though?)
    - Charge

    Not including Weapon Specialization because as I understand it it'll function differently in Deadfire.
    • Like 2
  8. He could also be a variant of nature godlike which is adapted to the sea. We know he's a godlike, just not what kind. Heck, his quest might involve finding out the nature of his godlike form.

    Possibly Galawain Godlike. Sharks are hunters, no? In the stream I believe Dimitri and Josh* both heavily implied he would be a new Godlike (non-playable). We know that Moon Godlike is playable.


    *41:28~42:05 (About new Godlike and Takehu)



    Q: Will there be more varieties of Godlike in Deadfire? Godlike Wael, Galawain, or Ondra.

    Josh: Well, there's at least one.

    Dimitri: Yeah, not as playable characters.

    Josh: Correct. They are not Godlike playable characters.

    Dimitri: Right.

    Josh: Although, all of them (he's refering to existing playable Godlikes) have been remodeled.

    Dimitri: Right, so they are kinda new.

    Josh: But then there's Takehu. Takehu is one of our new companion and he is a unique Godlike.

    /Transcript end


    Then there's the question of the moon shaped ring on his forehead, which is a mark of Ondra (except without the headpiece/horn thing, I speculated in the past that his Moon Godlike crown/headpiece had been cut off, as to either conceal his godlike status, or him being part of some Huana caste where they do that. It can also be white paint).


    Makes me wonder if Takehu is a mixed child, Galawain/Ondra. If that's even possible (would be interesting, half Galawain half Ondra). He's either Druid or Chanter right? Druid could imply his Galawain roots (maybe he has a Shark Spiritshift) and Chanter more of an Ondra aspect? Maybe he is a Dual-Class from the get-go? (Josh mentioned in the stream that "some characters won't get a choice, like Maia, she's always a Ranger when you get her and she doesn't have a second choice, neither does Pallegina. Thus far it seems only Edér, Rogue or Fighter, and Serafan, Cipher or Barbarian, gets a choice).


    Reading about Ondra and Moon Godlike on Wiki, there's a possibility that Takehu is "Water Godlike" instead of "Moon Godlike" as well.



    "While their skin tone and a large moon-like growth on their foreheads may be strange to some"

    - Whilst Takehu is blue (like Moon Godlikes) he just doesn't have that "glow" about him, or that growth on the forehead. It doesn't add up.


    "They have physical properties associating them with the moon and water, which are both aspects of Ondra."

    - And if he doesn't have the physical properties of the "Moon" Godlike aspect of Ondra, then there's only "Water" left.


    On Galawain:


    In his portfolio he has "Predatory Beasts" listed (Sharks are predatory)


    EDIT: Great White Sharks are amazing hunters ;)



    And may I spot the final observation, look at Takehu's mouth area, then look at this Shark's mouth (well, the entire underside/stomach) area. See how the color goes in line very similarly between both of them? If you also look at Takehu's right arm (mirrored) you see his forearm (frontside of arm) being darker blue, and on his left arm (mirrored) you can see that it is paler (backside/underside of arm). He also has a darker blue on his shoulders going backwards, compared to his paler/lighter blue on his torso. Same with his hip area compared to the center stomach.


    His blue skin could simply be explained as "Coastal Aumaua". Deceptive, because it is at first glance associated with the Moon Godlike.


    I believe we have ourselves a Galawain Godlike.



    Short version:

    - Galawain: Shark (Hunter, Predator). His skin tone, darker and paler. If the necklace is ivory, then without a doubt Takehu is Galawain's child. Druid Class choice. (Italic in quote are notes~)

    Galawain is patron of the hunt in all its forms (ALL of them), and he is honored by those whose occupations are concerned with pursuit and discovery (why does Takehu join the Watcher? Sailing the world/Deadfire, much association to historical Discovery). His faithful include frontiersmen, constables, treasure-seekers, explorers, and even scholars, many of whom wear his carved symbol – a dog's head (usually made of ivory) – around their wrist or neck (What is that neck thing Takehu wears made of?). He is also protector of wild places and untamed wilderness, where the hunt manifests in its purest form as a daily struggle for survival(A) The ocean is an untamed wilderness, B) hunt, pure, daily struggle, survival, 'nuff said)



    - Slight possibility that he's a Wael Godlike because of this one thing: All these questions and speculations man!!!! It's a mystery!


    Also a fighter sub class called the devoted - dedicated to specific weapon

    I wonder if that is a specific weapon class or just one weapon and ONLY that weapon, kind of like a soulbound weapon.
    That sounds pretty cool actually. Maybe they could have a unique ability that can only be used once in the game.


    "Soulbind", which makes any common weapon "Soulbound" and can level up with the Class (0 enchantments, with the exception of common "Fine" and better).


    Reasoning? To make the Player find a weapon early and use the ability, instead of holding onto it all game and using it before the last boss.


    But it does make me wonder, do we get to equip our character during Character Creation? Because in that case, the Devoted could get a Soulbound weapon chosen straight away.


    Edit: Maybe have some talents that directly affects the Devoted Weapon? Like Ranger has Merciless Companion, Devoted could have Merciless Graze/Blade/Strike or similar?

  10. Why? It's not like it's "3 Arrows" per encounter with a bow. If it's a ranged weapon it should function like all other ranged weapons (Wand, Gun, Bow, Crossbow) etc. meaning, "Throwing Axes" and "Javelins" would be considered "Ranged Weapons" (in Tyranny that's how it works, Throwing Daggers and Javelins).

    But oh well, nevermind... why and where did I get the recollection that they would include throwables? Hm, I don't remember. Maybe it was a very loose "maybe include".

    I agree it is sad for several reasons. Personally because "Marauder" would fit so well with a Barbarian Axe Thrower (Total War: Warhammer Chaos units, Axe Throwers on Horses = Marauders).

    Throwing Daggers = Rogue Sub-Class Focus
    Throwing Axes = Barbarian Sub-Class Focus
    Throwing Spears/Javelin = ??? Ranger? (I'm instantly associating it to Amazon but I'm also thinking it could fit into Throwing Axes~ a Barbarian Sub-Class that focuses on both Javelins and Spears, or Throwable weapons in general~)
    Throwing Potions = a Wizard sub-class, but it could also be an entirely new class (Alchemist, with Potion Belt instead of Grimoire, or a Wizard Sub-Class with Potion Per Rest abilities, and even Per Encounter Potions, brewed in-between fights)

    IIRC in Baldur's Gate 2 or Icewind Dale there were even Throwable Hammers (I seem to remember outfitting one of my dudes with a "Returning Throwable Hammer"). Again, it's just opening up doors for more Sub-Classes, but I also understand it'd open up more doors to developer hell.

    Last final straw of hope, though, is that a "Throwing" weapon (as of old) is not actually a "Throwing" weapon, but rather, it is more accurately regarded (today) as a "Ranged" weapon. The difference is very vague... in games of Old, Throwing Weapons were pretty much always "consumable". Daggers in Baldur's Gate for instance, functioned like Ammunition. They were expendable. Same with arrows, but they were still dependant on a bow, and the bow wasn't expendable.

    And in Tyranny, Throwing Daggers and Javelins aren't expendable, so... are they not simply "Ranged" weapons then? Am I being too hopeful to say that when Obsidian says "There won't be any throwable weapons" they actually say "You won't be able to throw Halberds, Swords, Axes, Wands, at your opponent and expend them" but they aren't saying "Tyranny-like ranged throwable weapons won't exist in Deadfire?"  o:)  o:)  o:)  o:)

    EDIT: Speaking of throwing weapons and expendable items xD....... I just had an idea of a Wizard ability that would be epic!

    Grimoire Bomb = Channel all your magic into your Grimoire and throw the Grimoire at the opponent. What ensues is all the chaos and magic that exist within that Grimoire, exploding and manifesting at the thrown location. The Grimoire will dissipate and disappear after its awesome display. Follow all Safety Guidance measures for your own safety.

    Anyways, enough brainstorming from me, if it's out it's out.... too bad :(

  11. Regarding Sub-Classes... isn't "throwables" a thing in Deadfire? (I recall something about it earlier in campaign)


    Wouldn't that unlock more variables for sub-classes? (An axe throwing Barbarian, or a potion brewing Wizard).


    Edit: Asked Josh a question about in on tumblr, we'll see if we get an answer.


    I can see how a potion wielding Wizard could work, but would require perhaps some mechanical adjustments.


    A potion belt instead of a Grimoire, and spells being infused into the potions (Fireball potion for instance).


    And instead of limited uses, consumables, it could simply be explained "The Alchemist brews new potions during Rest" (in essence: Per Rest abilities).


    Will probably not happen but would be pretty darn cool. Or a potion user who shoots potions from a sling.

  12. B) I know the traders after chapter I, it is just that my solo character still has to fight the stronghold conquest, and I already used my potions and vital ingredients, mainly on the fights for the cargo of the smith. I guess more long term planning with these components is necessary when you play harder modes. Until now they were never essential in my runs.

    You might be able to find some extra ingredients at Raedric's Hold. If you go the non-lethal (sneaky/stealthy) path you can do it at level 4 easily (need lots of Stealth though). Choosing to not fight Readric will pacify everyone and then you can run around and steal stuff carefully (don't get seen) in chests/boxes (don't know if there are anything to actually help you though :/). But it might be a place that has ingredients.

  13. It looks freaking amazing!

    Some things I particularly liked was (animation) is the weight behind the swings, and magic effects in general. Also, an idea/suggestion/concept, about Magic Missiles, is I've always imagined them as "barraging" an enemy rather than all going in synchronicity towards in pin-point accuracy. Kind of like, a rain of magic missiles pulsing out of the Casters hand. Don't know exactly if it'd look "cooler" or "better", just curious what it'd look like.

    Will crew members go off the boat and you can find them at locations (towns/villages)? Wondering because there's an NPC (Vektor) saying "Gellarde, civilization at last!" when you enter Tikawara (although, that guy isn't visible on the ship, unless he's in the mast?). Is that a crew member? On that note, Ora the Mad and Eld Engrim are potentially recruitable crew members? (Can you name them?)


    3:34 Player misses Aloth too :p

    6:52 (door opening) made me think and wonder, any chance a door itself could be a trap? Or the typical/cliche "door opens slowly, fight waves of enemies until the door is open, escape through door and close it behind you" type of thing/event. Maybe if there'd be an exploding barrel there, you could blow it up to close the passage behind you?

    Throughout it all it looks really good with that white outline of both allies and enemies, much easier to read everything.

    1:38 (I'm rewatching it a couple of times and taking notes here, that's why jumping back to 1:38). Two things. Are the lamps affected by Dynamic Weather? And second is, the lower guard under the Chief's hut  could be positioned slightly lower, like 2 steps south-east (you can see the spear, but also with the length it looks as if it is clipping through the ramp). Also looks as if he's holding the lamp post at the same time.

    2:08 The firepits looks really cool and in motion they give this really cool loop "puffing"/living fire effect, but at the same time it somewhat looks 2D and clippy through the coal. A smaller constant fire in the middle with the loop effect around it might hide the "clippy"-ness a bit? (Watercolor portraits are stellar! Love em!)

    ~3:34~ re-visited. Is there a loading screen in transition or does it load instantly into the map (or did you cut it out for the video)? Also, have you tried (just for experimentation) to zoom into the map/location when entering a location/before loading screen? It can give a sort of "You are now entering" effect.

    6:41 dat hair on the Luminous Revenant :D (models are very nice)

    Art, lighting (shadows!), sound, voice, it's all looking really good!! :D

    • Like 1
  14. @Ships: Do you think there'll be different types of ships? Like, you have 1, then you can upgrade to a bigger one, and then even further to another one?

    Also, Pallegina mentions at some point in the game (Don't remember if it was in a Banter between her and Kana, or if it was in dialogue, implying that Rauatai ships are "strange looking"). They have the best artillery and cannon tech.

    Oooh, random event when near a shore or island, or quest stuff. Rauatai artillery bombarding your ship. Could be pretty epic, scripted interaction of avoiding the bombardments and getting closer and closer towards the beach, finalized into taking the beach and fighting isometric.

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