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Everything posted by Loranc

  1. Whether or not gold has weight, the modding community will certainly have a mod for it. And whether or not it has weight doesn't really impact the game in any significant way. I remember back during the old EQ 1 days, I use to have to dump my copper on my buddies all the time. It was fun times playing a Monk and trying to keep my weight down . But as far as immersion goes, I don't feel like it matters.
  2. As long as we don't get a DLC the first week of release that we have to pay for . I'm really tired of companies producing dlc's a long with the game itself. Heck some games nowadays launch with 2-3 dlc's. You think to yourself 'Didn't I just pay 50 dollars for the whole game?', guess not, fork over another 30. What happened to good old fashioned expansions? Even Baldur's Gate 2 had an expansion, and both Neverwinter Nights did as well. There was no B.S dlc's. So if anything, I'd prefer expansions over dlc's.
  3. Neverwinter Nights 1 collector's edition probably had one of the best shirts I've come across. It was long sleeve and if I'm not mistaken my brother still wears it. Hopefully they do the 'nice' thing here and get different size shirts so that we can actually wear the things! Otherwise i'll end up having to put the shirt on my niece instead.
  4. God I feel old. I remember playing NWN back in my teens and now i'm 27. PST is my favorite rpg to date, but the game I have the most time invested into is NWN. I don't even care to think about the amount of hours of my life I poured into that game.
  5. If I get the money, I'm contemplating on getting the investment with the T-shirt. I'm not going to lie, I'm a 285 pound male, and I'm about 6'3. And I have a thing with needing lots of room inside my shirts, I'm assuming big & tall choices are out of the mix, but wondering what the sizes of the t-shirts are and if you are given an option to pick. A 2x would fit but would be a tad uncomfortable for how tall I am, a 3x on the other hand would be perfect, and I wouldn't have to worry about it shrinking in the dryer.
  6. I have to be honest, I tried really hard to listen to Baldurs Gate's narrations, I really did. In the end I always end up clicking past them, there just wasn't enough there to hold my attention. I love narrations when done with animations and not just a single screen you're forced to stare at. This is probably due to the fact that I hate books and never read them, there's just not enough there to hold my attention. So I agree completely with this statement:
  7. They have three classes listed on the Wiki and it says that there will be 7 all together + the developers (plan) on having sub classes. So assuming Cleric is one of the classes, it will have sub classes or 'kits' to pick from. Speculation of course, I have no idea if that's how it will be, but it's a pretty good bet. And even if it doesn't, expect mods to be out for this game within the first year to add wanted and extra content. The modding community for video games is pretty impressive as of late, and the amount of amazing detailed graphics/artistry and game play value from the modding community is a blessing. I know that when I play, pretty much any rpg on my computer, I always end up modding it. This game should be no exception.
  8. I chose expanded voice acting and more text for a few reasons. One of them being that the expanded areas are already part of several of the stretch goals, it would be nice to get some more in depth role playing elements added to the game. If they truly wish to bring back the old days of role playing games like; Planescape Torment, Baldurs Gate 1 & 2, Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 1 & 2, they are going to need the dialogue to go along with it. Torment had some of 'the' very best character interaction that I've ever come across in any video game, including newer ones such as Dragon Age and Mass effect.
  9. The only thing I can find 'google' wise relevant to this is something about the launch of a new comic book. The Green Lantern is being re-created as gay and his son 'Obsidian' is in the comic book as well. As far as I can tell this is the only relevant news worthy thing happening that involves the name Obsidian and liberal idea pushing. Maybe your social friends are confused? Or perhaps there's some deep dark secret agenda hasn't hit the interwebs yet . Anyways, as far as I can tell Obsidian Entertainment isn't pushing any agenda except for the old school rpg agenda.
  10. Their kickstart goal was 1.1 million they will more than double that amount, there's no reason they should run out of money with smart budgeting. On the other hand, asking for a perfect game is silly. Beta tests are never enough and most problems, though they are small and most people don't notice them, don't show up until a broader range of people play the game. But I do understand your fear of a poor release, looking back. Alpha protocol was one of the buggiest games obsidian ever had their hands in, but that was the whole reason for the kickstarter in the first place. To not be pressured into early releases, having to compromise, or being forced to add elements into the game that they didn't necessarily want in the first place. I guess what I'm saying is, these guys are as big of gamers as we are, and they will do their best.
  11. A bad ending, I can't even begin to name off the amount of bad endings that video games have brought us. The most recent being Mass Effect 3, it would be nice to have a 'long' ending, that wraps everything up smoothly. There's nothing worse than playing an amazing game, just to have the entire experience destroyed by a bad ending.
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