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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. A lot more Road to Gehenna. I feel I'm getting close to the end, so I'm putting most of my effort into finishing the game and shuffling everything else to the back burner. I've solved every regular puzzle in every hub world, every star puzzle, I found the "secret" world, and I solved one of the sigil puzzles so far. 6 more sigil puzzles to go and then end game, I guess.
  2. I'm playing more Road to Gehenna. I've finished every basic puzzle in all 4 hub worlds and I've gotten 6 stars so far. There are 10 more stars for me to collect in the 4 hub worlds and there may be more elsewhere, plus somewhere there have to be some sigils to collect, though I've yet to see any. I keep hoping they introduce a new mechanic or two, but that has yet to happen. Maybe during the end game portion?
  3. That picture is so amazing on so many levels. Bill Clinton's fly being open, Ronald McDonald in the background firing a rocket launcher, an alligator with a bomb strapped to it, it's so good. Props to CDEC for an amazing tournament, obviously they have to be crushed to come so close, but they played extremely well. Sweet redemption for the EG members that stuck with the team and didn't flee (to Team Secret) after coming so close last year. Awesome tournament all around.
  5. The fights in game 3 were all so ridiculously back and forth and close. So many heroes barely squeaking by on a sliver of health. Edit: Oh my god, that ice blast blink echo slam combo in the Rosh pit.
  6. Mid lane Brood Note to EG: Ban Brood in the second banning phase.
  7. Fear Those Call Downs USA! USA! USA! Also, Core Lesh=Awesome Support Lesh=Meh
  8. USA! USA! USA! Come on EG, do this for Murica! Do this for hamburgers and hot dogs and cheap beer!
  9. It's the final day, prediction time: I think EG beat LGD and get to the Grand Final to rematch against CDEC and they figure out the CDEC puzzle and win TI5. Maybe they need to pick Suma1L's hero earlier in the draft (assuming they make it to play CDEC again) since CDEC was banning out Suma1L's heroes so hard. I apologize to EG for cursing them in advance.
  10. My favorite Dream Theater album (it's actually disc 2 of a double album), despite the fact that it doesn't contain a single one of my top 10 favorite Dream Theater songs (The Test That Stumped Them All comes close, it would make my top 15 or 20). Funny how that works. No single part really stands out, but the album, as a whole, is Dream Theater's greatest achievement, in my opinion.
  11. You were expecting deep political intrigue from a BioWare game? Snide comment aside, Orzammar was far and away the best part of that game, IMHO, largely because it was based around political intrigue. It still wasn't the deepest web of intrigue, but it was several hundred fathoms deeper than anything else in the game, and it would have been a significantly better game had the rest of it been more like Orzammar.
  12. Nurn was always inhabited by humans. Obviously, during the times when Sauron was near or at the peak of his power it was a pretty crappy place to live. During the times when Sauron's power was weak and Gondor held Mordor in check, it was probably a pretty great place to live since the area was so fertile.
  13. Well nice to see they are adding some more meat to the simulation, -snip - Excellent choice of words.
  14. 10v10? This could get chaotic. LOL Dendi MEEPO! That was pandemonium.
  15. I finished Cradle. It's an interesting narrative, the way they told the story, and it ends kind of abruptly and much is left to interpretation. I mean I kind of have an idea about things but there is so much left unanswered. Still, overall I enjoyed the story and most of the game, aside from the cube mini-games, which were, quite honestly, dull.
  16. What happens in the cities after dark...
  17. The All Star game is today, that means a good chance for wacky pocket strats and heroes we never get to see in pro games. I'm hoping we see Meepo.
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