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Posts posted by Keyrock

  1. 10 hours ago, Malcador said:

    Henry Kissinger

    Good riddance. I'm not typically one to celebrate a passing, but when the man in question helped put the ****ing Khmer Rouge into power, I'll make an exception.

  2. 15 hours ago, Gorth said:

    Continued from previous thread....



    The beauty of a two party system... other countries may be in the same situation


    It's amazing how you could apply this "ad" almost word for word to Murica. Just swap out the names of the parties and the giant corporations running the show and you're all set. Crony capitalism, get the sensation!

  3. 3 wins in a row for muh Boys. They were against 3 chump teams, so they didn't mean all that much, but it was important to bank those easy wins as the hard part of the schedule is coming up. The good news is that we're already at 8 wins and I'm of the opinion that 9-8 will get you into the playoffs in the NFC, so we only need 1 more win. That said, the #5 seed is worth playing for since it means playing either the Saints, Falcons, or Bucs in the wildcard round. That's vastly preferable to playing the Lions or Niners. It would be nice to get at least 1 win in the playoffs before the Niners murder us yet again.

  4. The US Pentagon has failed its 6th consecutive audit. Nothing inspires confidence quite like pouring more and more and more money into a department that can't keep track of its expenses. Where does all that money go?


    Who cares, let's put yet more money into it! 

    The US spends ABSURD amounts of taxpayer dollars on its military and its shockingly inefficient programs. Programs like the F-35. I'm too lazy to look it up, but I wouldn't be surprised if the F-35 was the most expensive piece of military equipment ever made. What do we have to show for all that money spent? Less than a thousand jets produced and they're not even particularly good jets. Sure, the F-35 can be deployed in many roles, but it's not very good at any one of them. Oh, and also it may just fly off on its own. 🤣

    There's CLEARLY a huge amount of corruption in the department of defense. While I have no proof, it's highly likely money is being skimmed and contracts are being handed out on the basis of favors and campaign contributions rather than value for the money. Seems to me that it would be imperative to clean this up so that we can get value for the money we spend. Instead, the plan seems to be turn a blind eye to the obvious corruption and pour more money into it. In my mind, that's a terrible strategy, but what do I know?

    • Like 1
  5. I finished The Talos Principle 2 100%. It took me 52 hours and change. I wound up going with the Leap of Faith ending and I got all the extra scenes from completing all the optional puzzles. Fantastic game, probably my GotY, though I have to factor recency bias in and it's been a long time since I played Hogwarts Legacy. Either way, it's a terrific puzzle game. Not too many REALLY hard puzzles, but I really enjoyed some of them, particularly the puzzles in the final stretch. Puzzle games are kinda niche, we don't get a relatively big budget fancy looking one like this very often, a really great one on top of that even less often, so I had to savor this rare treat.

    • Like 1
  6. I didn't know anything about Javier Milei until a couple of days ago. He's being compared to Trump, and I can see it, he's got that same big schlong energy and ranting style as The Donald. I believe he's the first libertarian ever elected head of state. I consider myself a libertarian but this guy is faaaar more hardline a libertarian going by the admittedly little detail I've seen of his political views. Sounds like he wants to privatize everything. I think that's going just a tad too far, but, umm, well, I guess we'll see. He's certainly a character, that's for sure. No guarantee this will be a successful experiment, but it will almost certainly be an interesting one.

    And now, for no reason whatsoever, Boris Yeltsin dancing.

    The clap under the leg is my favorite of his moves. *chef kiss*

  7. 5 hours ago, kanisatha said:

    I'm with @BruceVC on this, but I also want such games to depict people and the environment in a real way. I just cannot get into games that have cartoon-like art styles/imagery. Just can't seem to be able to gain immersion in the game if things don't look at least somewhat realistic (but not necessarily talking high-end graphics here).

    Okay then, how about Jusant? I've posted pictures of it so you can judge for yourself if the art style is realistic enough for you. The game is super chill and there's zero violence. You climb. That's the game, you climb.

    • Thanks 2
  8. 44 minutes ago, Amentep said:

    I confess, I don't get the hate the trailer is getting.  🤷‍♂️

    But it already created a meme with the 'studying with the mom in the amazon' line.

    For me it's not hate I'm just astonished at how cheap it looks. Madame Web looks like it had a total budget, advertising included, of $8.67.

  9. My fears of missing the chance of completing all the puzzles in The Talos Principle 2 were unfounded. The devs were kind enough to flat out tell me "you're about to cross the point of no return, if you have any other puzzles you'd like to solve it's now or never." I appreciate it when games give you that warning. Anyway, I'm currently doing the golden gate puzzles which are now open to me. They're structured like regular puzzles, they're just extra challenging. I've completed 6 of 12 so far and they are properly tricky.

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  10. 25 minutes ago, Zoraptor said:

    The MiG 31 isn't very expensive, at least comparatively, the last one was made nearly 30 years ago now and they aren't particularly advanced or anything. The main point of using a MiG 31 for psychological stuff is that it has a big payload and can carry things like Kinzhal's, so them launching --> imminent air raid (or not, as case may be). And they are cheaper than the Tupolev's to run.

    To a lowly peon, like me, even a 50 year old fighter jet is extremely expensive. 

    • Haha 1
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