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Posts posted by Keyrock

  1. Not too shabby for a fan film:

    Wait, you're telling me this is an actual Hollywood movie? This isn't a fan trailer or a practical joke? Come on! No, this can't be a real movie. Seriously!? For real? You swear on your grandmother's grave? ... Woooooooooow.


    Sony Pictures does it again! Hopefully we at least get a good meme out of it like Morbin' Time.

  2. 1 hour ago, majestic said:

    and XeSS is better than FSR.

    Disagree. Granted, small sample size, but in the very few games I've played (2) that had XeSS and FSR2 I've found that XeSS gives better performance at comparable settings but at the expense of significantly more visual artifacts. The image quality I experienced with XeSS was unacceptable to me. Not quite the vaseline smear that was DLSS1 but still pretty bad. The performance was great, though. It's new tech, I'm sure they'll work it out like they did their drivers... Eventually.

    • Hmmm 1
  3. I'll be curious to see how the iGPUs in the Meteor Lake chips perform once they're out in the wild. There's a leaked Geekbench benchmark out there showing promising results, buuuuut... 1) It's a "leak" so I'm naturally skeptical as to the authenticity of said benchmark. b) Even if it's real it's just a single benchmark, it could be an outlier. III) It's Geekbench, a synthetic benchmark, I much prefer real world applications (games).

    Anyway, I do hope they are the leap forward that some people seem to think they are. It would be nice for AMD to get some competition in the APU space. I'll be in the market for a handheld in the near future (read: probably when the Strix Point based handhelds arrive in roughly a year). Right now all the handhelds coming out are basically the same in terms of processor, most of them are running 7840U derived chips (close to my dream of a handheld that can run any game at 1080p at least medium-ish settings, but comes up short) or previous gen AMD APUs made to run at roughly 15W to 30W. It would be nice to have some Intel choices on the market.

  4. 2 hours ago, Sarex said:

    Did any of the "I'm leaving bioware to make my own game" guys actually make a game?

    Michelle Clough is the writer of Everreach: Project Eden, she used to work at BioWare. I've not played the game, but I have had it described to me as a Poor Man's Mass Effect. That same studio is about to release another game, Soulslinger: Envoy of Death. I don't know if she's still at the studio and involved in that.

    • Thanks 2
  5. 46 minutes ago, Wormerine said:

    It’s perpetually in my “to play” folder. All that tall made me dip into Talos Principle1. Not feeling it right now. I find puzzle games difficult to enjoy. It feels you need to slog through a lot of tutorial before you get to do puzzles (though to defence of Talos they already introduces stars, that seem to require thinking to get!). Still, rather well designed so far. I plan on sticking with it, as I can see it getting great later on. 

    The regular puzzles are relatively straightforward until you get deeper into the game and there are more available tools. There are some devilishly tricky star puzzles. Some of those you won't see until later (provided you can find them). I realize I'm giving you the ol' "it gets better later" argument, which I myself am not a fan of, but it is what it is.

    • Thanks 1
  6. 12 hours ago, uuuhhii said:

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    zero punctuation reborn

    same art style just red background instead of yellow


    I'll have you know that this new and wholly original snarky short form video game review series is legally distinct from Zero Punctuation. For one, there's not a single "Z" in the title. Checkmate atheists.

    • Haha 1
  7. I'm at the point in The Talos Principle 2 where I'm about to start the endgame. I've opened up the 4th and final side of the megastructure and can now go inside for potentially the last time. I'm going to be very careful now and make sure I complete every single other puzzle I can before taking that step because there's no guarantee the game will let me complete the remaining puzzles after I get an ending (presumably there are multiple, like in the first game). I don't want to go through what I went through with The Witness again. I still had a number of unsolved puzzles in The Witness when I finished the game. I didn't even know those were the final puzzles. Once the end credits played I was deposited back at the start of the game and I was like "FFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUU...". That's why I never 100%ed that game. The idea of having to do all those puzzles I had taken months to complete again... I don't know if any of y'all have played The Witness but that game has A LOT of puzzles. That one stings because I care about 100%ing puzzle games, I don't give a $#!! about that in most other game types, but puzzle games are a point of pride. Still, I'm not doing those all those puzzles again, **** that. Anyway, to bring this back to The Talos Principle 2, I'm trying very hard to avoid that scenario. I'm going to make damn sure I solve EVERYTHING before end credits roll.

  8. A hybrid design with both high power and low power, high efficiency cores make so much more sense for laptop chips, especially ones aimed at ultralights and handhelds, then they do for desktops. Especially a gaming-focused desktop, the hybrid design just makes zero sense for that. We've yet to see AMD's implementation of that design, but I imagine the story will be similar.

  9. For me, the digiID I'm already highly suspicious of, however, go ahead and call me a conspiracy theorist, but I strongly suspect that it's a gateway drug. The endgame is CBDCs. If and when they manage to sucker people into CBDCs and make it effectively mandatory (once all major businesses use only CBDCs it effectively becomes mandatory) that's game over for democracy, what little of it we have left.

    • Like 1
  10. The European Union has come to an agreement on digital identities. These DEFINITELY NOT in any way shape or form dystopian digital IDs will be available to member states in the near future. Worry not, these will employ the highest level of security and governments would never dare misuse your data without your consent. Why would you even suggest such a thing? Think of the convenience! Plus it's solving this giant list of important problems (I spoiler tagged the list to keep the post tidy ;)) :


    How long until these become mandatory? 20 years? 10 years? 5 years?

    • Like 1
  11. CeeDee Lamb is an alien. Our redzone offense is still trash, though.

    Edit: Well, it was far from clean, but muh Boys are obliterating Shinebox Tommy and the Giants at the half.

    Edit 2: Can we play the Giants every week?

  12. 20 hours ago, ComradeYellow said:

    Russia annexes 4 oblasts in Ukraine and the new tense border is established for many years to come.

    That is, far and away, the most likely outcome, yes. The biggest question in my mind is does Russia just outright annex these oblasts or do they create an """"""""""independent"""""""""" (I can't possibly put enough quotation marks around that) buffer state?

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