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Everything posted by HumanFlesh+5

  1. pre ordered it ... long before i backed PE
  2. not only between but also plenty of space within City 1 and City 2
  3. seems like we have already hit the 3,5 mark ... but since there is a mysterious castle at the end of the track now, it will be wise to go on. perhaps for 3,7 oder 3,8 .. all is possible!
  4. New Question: Since it is a personal message, will it be allowed to write it to write in your mother tongue?
  5. i thought the same ... please don't rush. 2014 seems to be a bit early.
  6. so at this point we only need 100,000 dollar more to reach the last goal ... and with the 2050 backers we are also very close to the 11th endless path level. great news! We also get another level at 65k backers. That makes 12 levels at least isn't that included already? 3 level from the beginning + 1 from 20k likes + 1 from 52,500 backers + 1 from 55,000 backers + 1 from 57,500 backers + 1 from 60,000 backers + 1 from 62,500 backers + 1 from 65,000 backers (nearly done) + 1 from 67,500 backers ( nearly done with 2050 Paypal included) = 11
  7. so at this point we only need 100,000 dollar more to reach the last goal ... and with the 2050 backers we are also very close to the 11th endless path level. great news!
  8. Legend of Zelda, but with chickens instead
  9. Swoooooooooooosh, and up you go. the thread again has risen like a phoenix
  10. if we will end up with only 3.9, the dog would hunger terribly
  11. My avatar is less childish than you. So I am childish, because my opinion differs from yours? ^^ no, because it differs from all the people in the whole world. .. just kidding ... silly nonsense ;-)
  12. what about beards and cats ... i think 4,000,000 dollar is enough for both of them. and in contrast to cats and dogs, they will tolerate each other! :D
  13. Loranc's statistics and numbers always spread some optimism. LIKE!
  14. same here, caused me already a double post.
  15. Osvir, you might find this topic interesting : http://forums.obsidi...pon-mechanics/. Landsknecht for Eternity ...
  16. what a wonderful pledginess! singing all the time: Come on baby, Tell me what's the pledge, pledge up, up, up Everybody say when you hear the call You got to get it underway, Pledge up, up, up, it's the code word, No matter where you say it, You'll know that you'll be heard.
  17. I never thought about taxes either... here's the thing, in Germany you have to go to the customs and pick up your package. They ask for a receipt/document with the selling price on it to calculate taxes. How are we going to be able to prove the price? Will Obsidian include a receipt or send us one by mail? This could be a bit difficult seeing as it is not a buy/sell transaction really. Does anyone have experience with this? want to know that as well...
  18. that's the right attitude!! added another 17 for the card addon and to get an even number. and because another fun addon has been announced for tomorrow, i will probably spend even more bucks.
  19. what's the problem about continueing (? looks odd) paypal after kickstarter has ended? ...
  20. haha, but i am the one with more love currency
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