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Everything posted by Rubicon

  1. You should definitely be able to change your spec if you aren't happy with the one you have chosen. Maybe through a quest chain or something. But there is no reason to force a new person to just deal with it, because that will turn people away from the game. I am not sure why all these "hardcore" gamers want to take away all the perks for the rest of us. I am aware that some of you want to hardest game imaginable, but that's why there are iron man modes. If you want to keep the same spec for bragging rights or whatever, far be it from me to stop you, but don't try to limit tools in the game for others. It makes you look like an elitist ass.
  2. They are using Unity 4's Mecanim system. http://video.unity3d.com/video/6428539/unity-4-using-mecanim I really think they are going to wow us. It can still be an isometric RPG and still look great. Its coming out in 2014 afterall, not 2002.
  3. Never be afraid of anything smaller than the bottom of your foot. Or something fictional.
  4. What's to doubt? If my character lives from one game to the next, it means i lived past the end of the first game. And when all 17 sequals are released, I would still like to be alive and see my loved onces, country, and coffer grow, as I retire near a beach I have cleared out to drink fictional ****tails with little umbrellas poking out of the top.
  5. All I ask is that if you give me a family, don't make me martyr myself in the end like 99% of RPGs out there. Can't I be the good guy that lives happily ever after? Come on!
  6. I prefer that the characters not in my party level along with me. I think it adds to the freedom of choice to be able to switch NPCs as I like without having to hinder my progression to grind them up in levels. Sometimes I get an NPC in my party and I may not like their attitude or their skill set. I shouldn't be punished for switching up my party every once in a while. If you do decide to ponder this aspect of the game mechanics, might I suggest an option that a person can toggle on and off based on preference?
  7. I know its a long way until April 2014, but I am amazed at how much I miss getting those kickstarter updates and watching the total grow and reading and responding to the kickstarter forum. I liked the 1 feed as oppsed to starting a new thread or hunting for a specific one and hoping to contribute. So... for all of you out there like me.... spam me with things interesting you. I can take it.
  8. Greetings. I have raised my pledge 8 dollars and look forward to joining the order. Here are a few words about myself as best described by the superhero The Tick. Destiny's powerful hand has made the bed of my future, and it's up to me to lie in it. I am destined to be a superhero. To right wrongs, and to pound two-fisted justice into the hearts of evildoers everywhere. And you don't fight destiny. No sir. And, you don't eat crackers in the bed of your future, or you get all... scratchy. I am mighty. I have a glow you cannot see. I have a heart as big as the moon. As warm as bathwater. We are superheroes, men, we don't have time to be charming. The boots of evil were made for walkin'. We're watching the big picture, friend. We know the score. We are a public service, not glamour boys. Not captains of industry. Keep your vulgar moneys. We are a justice sandwich. No toppings necessary. Living rooms of America, do you catch my drift? Do you dig? I don't know the meaning of the word "surrender". I mean, I know it, I'm not dumb... just not in this context. You know, gang, when you're a superhero, you never know where the day will take you. You may find yourself halfway around the world in the shark-infested waters of true-to-life living. Or you may find yourself going down to the store for a lozenge. You can't know, can you? No. You gotta ride that wave, you gotta suck that lozenge. 'Cause if you don't, who will? I'm sure millions of viewers out there are just wondering what it's like to wear the tights of justice. Well, it's tingly and it's uncomfortable, but it gets the job done and, oh, the job of it.
  9. I don't mind not having camera movement, although I think being able to rotate would be sweet. I am glad they are potentially letting us zoom in. Getting closer to my toon feeds my ego. And I do enjoy that.
  10. I didn't see a thread about this, but I was wondering if we would be able to zoom in an out on characters or the environment as we played? I liked the way Dragon Age Origins and even World of Warcraft uses the models, and just allows you too zoom in to really see the action, or to zoom way out to be more tactical. It doesn't have to be be extremely close up, but its just nice to be able to see enemy details or even PC armor up closer. What do you think?
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