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Everything posted by Phyon

  1. I did not think of the uniques from the store have not actually bought any so far. I had a similar problem with restarting but I seen a great thing about it I wanted to play with the companions story but was having a hard time having them fit with my characters. If you split the companions into 2 groups of 4 your first play through only take 4 of them you make 2 custom characters and the rest the games companions but heres the thing. There are only 2 companions that can tank so you ethier go 1 and 1 tank or 2 tanks second bit if you want a healer there is only one priest. So my plan ended up being 1 tank and cipher leaving companion cipher behind taking priest and my second play through will be 1 tank and 1 priest with a custom adventurer. Anyways after accepting that I havnt restarted and making decent progress. Hopefully that helps to nail that down you are not just one char you are 6 and you will play through it as everything!
  2. So mages can learn spells from the grimoires if you open up one from a mage you have killed it will have a little + mark you can click it and it will ask if you want to learn the spell. Mages have two limits a daily amount of spells they can cast per level and the the spells they have selected for that rest. Those are the spells on the right side you can add and remove those spells. The left side are the spells your mage currently knows you can use the arrows to select different level of spell 1-8 I think it is. You left click them to add them to the right side if there is room. If there isn't well just make some by removing a spell. So I think thats about it? You can use more then one Grimoire to create different layouts if you want but it has a cooldown when you switch so I am not sure how useful it really is... But your spells per rest don't change so if you can normally use 4 level 1 spells and you used 2 and, then switch to another grimorie you can still only use the remaining 2 spells. Hope that helps with that. On your second question nooooooo they are stories backers created I think and are only loosly part of the story. I would even suggest don't try to read them all you will just tire yourself out of reading if you do. Past that little blurb of flavor text from the yellow name it will not have any other purpose what so ever.
  3. You really wont run out of money by the end. As I was saying earlier I had just hit defiance bay only level 6 and bought every keep upgrade I could. Level 5 endless paths That really really wont be a problem. Once you get to enemies dropping fine equipment you start making a ton of cash from selling it very easly. I don't have the best guards though so the drain could eventually get higher then what it makes full upgraded so unsure on that you still will probably be swimming in cash by that point though.
  4. I am not sure on gog but I think in steam saves are located in their cloud but you can access them in steam Steam\userdata\Accountnumber\291650 the account number is what ever your account is numbered as. Screenshots again in steam Steam\userdata\Accountnumber\760\remote\291650\screenshots If you are on gog I don't have a clue, and those screenshots are only if you use the f12 command on steam.
  5. The keep money thing really isnt to big a problem I had it fully upgraded by the time I made it to defiance bay there is a enough gold around before you get there. But I am a little disappointed with the keep there should be more to it should feel a bit more alive then it does right now it comes across as a little awkwardly I feel. Other then that one point I wont get into it plays 0 story significance. You get 8 npcs guard that are around and the shop keepers thats it that is as alive the keep gets. Now the endless paths are neat kind of feels like a entire diablo 1 game in their as a dungeon crawler. But even how the stronghold is controlled seems like it takes you out of the game and does gamey stuff. Sorry being quite vague here but hopfully getting that point across. It feels gamey and not like it is a part of the story what so ever.
  6. Why has this discussion deteriorated into this gender nonsense. It doesn't matter a ass hole is a ass hole what ever their junk is, this debate of it is stupid this was about censorship originally and now it is just absolute trash now. I was pissed initially that obsidian would bend over for any one. Now i am getting pissed at people just being pricks. I agree with darkpatrior this is just turned into people doing personal attacks on each other.
  7. So there are two sides to this argument I think most can at least agree on that. On one side you have crazy fanatics like the person on twitter who started all of then. Then on the other side there are people like you and the crazy person from twitter come off very similar. But both are of you are nice little bundles of hatred and should go far far away.
  8. Link? fixed: http://i.imgur.com/2k5C7dV.jpg it might seem to be silly jokes, but it's all like that, and not jokingly Even if I bought into the way it's been framed it is obviously hyperbole to call her a sociopathic monster (and dehumanising). Him. Eric. Don't you get it? They get to decide what her name and gender is. Her identity is their property. aroulet continues to ignore This Aroulet person is really after the fight aspect of this right now spamming quite a few threads. I wonder what obsidian thoughts are on this they have been quite silent since their post earlier though.
  9. He's mentally ill because Gender Dysphoria is in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Milo? Is that you? Arouet you sure to like attacking everyone else how about answering some criticism being tossed your way?I see you posting all over the place. This whole thing though is quite disapointing I want more talk being done about this patch then this things that should be brought up are completly ignored. I was all fired up earlier to whine and cry about things the patch changed and now none of that can be done because of this whole poem thing.
  10. Yeah, I just found that out as well unfortunately there is no fix for the nerfs right now it seems
  11. Nevermind dont use this causes bugs
  12. So on the event tab it shows I have 5 events but when I click on it only two pop up. I took a screen shot of it. I did not notice the problem until getting a message saying I failed a event because I couldn't see the event to send any one it. My stronghold is kinda useless I think without being able to see the events. I am pretty early on in the game I have unlocked quite a bit of the stronghold but I have not made it to defiance bay yet still current mission. http://imgur.com/a/ev4bI If any one knows a work around for this I would appreciate it as this pretty well kills the stronghold atm.
  13. I agree it should be skipable but I don't think it should be a separate menu you need one to help be some one easier for new players to get into the game and tell them the basics of the game. But yeah it being something to skip would be nice.
  14. I think it should be a option not based on easy normal hard but just a option that should be enabled automatically and if some one wants to turn it off let them be able to turn it off. My only thought on having a friendly fire option and why I think it might not work in this kind of game. Some would not want their party being killed by AOE attacks but what about npcs outside your party? If your in a town and you have a friendly fire option off what happens when you cast a fire ball in town with friendly npcs? Do they attack or don't they? If they don't then you have other problems with starting fights when you want to start them. The moments when you want that fireball to hit those people in town. A lot of modern rpgs have it so people in towns can't be attacked or things engaged until they are supposed to be I think adding a friendly fire option could cause problems in that sense outside of just your party being hit by spells. In Baldur's Gate you could go on murder sprees and your game would be screwed. I don't find that a problem. When adding just a friendly fire option it can end up affecting other parts of the game. I am alright with having a friendly fire Toggle that only affects your party and summons nothing else if a feature like this is put in. So that you have a little consideration to the world around you. *Edit as this was posted after alumininiumtroxid I disagree with npcs running that just ends up being annoying having your party enemies spastically running all over the map. Your already trying to do your best to control your ai then to have them decide on their own they want to run in a random direction from where they are standing.
  15. I think something as long as it doesn't take longer then a normal attack is good. I liked seeing people end up turning into giblets from critical strikes. I think it would be nice having different death animations. Like some one mentioned earlier cutting limbs off and being hit with spells should have effects on their death animation. I would prefer that over say a straight up your character doing a finisher. But nothing longer then a attack unless it is a death animation that you don't actually have to sit their watching it or having it interfering with combat.
  16. I think this poll is pretty poorly worded but I of course enjoyed Baldur's Gate. But I think the UI is not that great compared now to modern games from how it functioned. I think something more along the lines of DA:O would be better as I liked it but on the other hand. I can't really judge nwn2 I never was able to beat it I don't think it had much to do with the ui as much as the camera angle in that sense though. I feel the camera angle will have to follow the design of the game though. A system like Baldur's Gate would not exactly work with a UI set up like DA:O. Because there was just to many spells to cast for it to fit into a UI like DA:O. With the spells you had in Baldur's Gate you ended up searching through a lot of spells in the higher levels. If you try to imagine all of the spells a spellcaster had on a toolbar system it would be a little ridiculous. To have that many spells on different bars. So I think while coming up with a UI it is important to see how the actual system is being designed. As the UI will need to fit the game being created.
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