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Everything posted by Crosmando

  1. I asked Obsidian about the viewpoint question the other day on the Kickstarter page. The answer was the backgrounds will be a combination of 2D with 3D objects, and the character models will also be 3D.
  2. The thread that keeps on giving
  3. D&D level 1 has always been miss-miss-miss-miss-hit-die though, in PST TNO is useless at the start of the game and the best bet is just to use Morte
  4. I think you've been had, lad. Just what are you implying.
  5. Not sure if thar be another thread, but here goes: If PE reaches the 1.8 million dollar goal, what do you think the six playable classes in the game should or might be? Obviously it's Obsidian's design choice but that doesn't stop speculations. I'll start off with the traditional ones: Fighter Mage Priest Thief Cleric Bard Rogue
  6. That is as offensive as portraying gays as sickos who want to murder heterosexuals out of revenge. I think that its not only offensive for pedophiles, worse, its unreallistic and it vilifies people. I think that a good-hearted, kind, honest pedophile, not a "Cleric psycho who rapes young boys" would be far more realistic and honest. Trying to include and respect pedophile people is far better than vilify us. Many pedophiles are teens and play videogames just like anyone else, and would like to see a person to who they could identify with. It was a joke
  7. Did the BG2 romances actually give you XP or anything? Can't even remember
  8. What about the option for the local town Cleric in the Temple being a psycho pedophile who rapes sick young boys in exchange for healing them of diseases with magic. You can either white knight him and stop his horrible acts, or sign up as his missionary apprentice and go find sick boys in the countryside who need "healing". Too morally amiguous?
  9. It would depend on the culture of the setting. If the setting is medieval, then definetely not because the moral system reviles homosexuality, that doesn't exclude rich nobles getting away with it because well... they're rich. If the setting is more like a fantasy version of Ancient Greece sure.... but only the men.
  10. I'm pretty sure what Bioware does doesn't even classify as "romance", even stretching the definition. I think it's just pushing a few flashing dialogue buttons to trigger a computer-generated soft-porn scene/
  11. But does it have tastefully done consensual romance with elves?
  12. "retro isometric, text-driven RPG" Made my day, don't worry about fancy voice actors or graphics Tim, just give us a memorable story and we won't complain a bit.
  13. What about the actual story is, this game takes place in the year 8075 in our world, over four thousand years after a nuclear war destroyed the world, but no one knows this. The magic of the medieval setting is actually the long lost remnants of super-advanced technology of humanity in the year 4000, that survived the apocalypse. Oh wait....
  14. Bioware also pays professional (although still terrible) voice actors for every line of dialogue, meaning they don't have the budget to pay for scripting of more choices in dialogue, more quests, a bigger world, more of everything. I think some in Obsidian would even argue that the demand from publishers to voice every line of dialogue to make the game more like a movie, is the major reason for the decline of RPG's. Also, anyone who says romance dialogues are inexpensive has never tried to learn C++ out of a book, I lasted about a month before giving up....
  15. True actually. I think in the historical siege of Leningrad hundreds of thousands of people died of starvation during the siege, yet there were less than a dozen (reported) cases of cannabalism, in a city of over a million.
  16. Magical STD's, they turn you undead or make the woman give birth to horrifying monsters from the nether. Always use protection.... spells
  17. Ever seen a hand-cannon or a arquebus? Okay, full late-medieval.
  18. It really has to do with how Obsidian is going to handle magic in the fluff, or how they are going to limit it. I mean, you can't really have a grim impoverished medieval hellhole if your local Cleric can just go and cast heal on all the diseased villagers. I know it's just a game, but plot holes are plot holes.
  19. Incorrect. Ahhh, that kiss
  20. Actually, Tim Cain said in that interview that he regretted using so much time and money on features like the Tarant newspaper, instead of focusing on core issues like balancing combat and fixing bugs. Arcanum, while a monumental acheivement and possibly the greatest computer RPG ever made, was released in the the most bug-ridden, broken and unfinished states I've ever seen. Even today over 10 years later and much fan-patching, it still has bugs in it.
  21. IWD, BG and Arcanum had multiplayer, and I don't ever remember it ever being popular even back "in the day", though then again we all had 56k modems and my internet was so bad I couldn't have played properly anyway Different audience, seriously there's a million MMO's out there for that crowd, focus on a good offline single-playing storytelling experience.
  22. Seriously? I thought the appeal of AD&D was that fighters could really kick ass, magic was a tool just as relevant as a sword and normal fighters really could beat the crap out of wizards with pure strength. It was 3.5E that made magic seriously OP, more like a "super-power". I mean in a setting where magic is common, it should be as relevant as any other style of combat.
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