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Grimo88 last won the day on October 14 2018

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About Grimo88

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  1. This didn't land for someone outside the Francosphere, had to google
  2. That's a good point, and it probably doesn't help that I don't really play FPS!
  3. One of the reasons I am so disappointed with this game is a lack of the sense of history. Neketaka and the Deadfire oozed with history. But Paradis? I can't find any lore about who founded it. I know the Pargrunen built parts of it, but who the are statues of? Why and when was it founded? Am I missing something?
  4. I like crpgs better because it is cheaper for them to make monsters. I am so. Sick. Of xaurips and bears. Honestly, finding it hard to continue.
  5. Pity thread incoming. Probably would have had a III by now. Nothing scratches the itch - hell, even my yearly Infinity Engine game playthroughs don’t feel right anymore because I enjoy Pillars so much more.
  6. Two years of silence. I wish they’d just give us a heads up - anything! Did they go back to the drawing board, is it cancelled?
  7. If your only requirement for a dungeon is ‘subterranean chamber’ then sure. The Shipwreck graveyard, the imp-cultist place, the archmage’s house, the crypt under the temple of tangaloa, the old city... these are all dungeons.
  8. Is this intended? If a skeleton passes another skeleton in turned base, he will push that skele into another position. I know it isn’t grid based, but it is jarring, and when it happens to your characters it can really mess with positioning.
  9. I just want to express my love for Obsidian here. I’m not even a turn based guy, but I just adore that the work has been put in to provide this to fans. I am playing now, and the slower pace has just let me appreciate every spell, every detail, every crafting option more than RTwP did. Totally new game. Think about this - they have our money already, and they’re putting this much effort into completely changing their game for a portion of their audience a year after release. What other studio would ever do this? I love these guys so much. It’s also so exciting to see a community give so much good beta feedback. These games really are a partnership with the community. Just so good to see.
  10. Short answer: no. PoTD difficulty has not been made easier.
  11. Hated Defiance, loved Neketaka. Had an Athkatla vibe but less overwhelming. Matter of taste, though. More discerning amounts of combat might be a better way of putting it. Varied challenges like SSS but out in the world. Not the same combination of mobs I’ve pulled 3 times already. Think of a good dungeon flow in a good PnP module.
  12. Remove pen system. Ditch stronghold entirely. It has been nothing but tedious busywork in two iterations. Another city like Neketaka. Loved it. Less trash and combat encounters in general. Less monsters with bloated HP that feel like a chore to grind down once you’ve stripped them of their allies and defenses. No sidekicks. I just don’t get it. Back to the old DLC model of one big expansion (pleeeeeeaaaaase). No ****ing romances, please. You had this right the first time.
  13. Hence why I said it was a flawed gem. Most of those problems come from it being rushed. The combat was the best of the 3 Dragon Ages, vs. the plodding combat of DAO and the watered down DAI. Also the best story of the three. If it had been given a year more in development, I think it would be one of the true classics. It ranks right there with Nier as the most underappreciated game of that era, at least for RPGs. The combat was absolutely the best of the three. Very solid, simple system. But it was completely wasted on the same tedious wave-based encounters. I keep a save file just before the Legacy DLC starts so that I can skip the awful base game and go straight to the DLC, which actually makes wonderful use of encounter and dungeon design.
  14. Don't get me wrong - BG1 and 2 will always be my favourite games. But POE1 and 2 have very much replaced them as my go-to CRPG itch to scratch. The combat in particular in BG2 I just found unbearable in my latest play through fresh off the wonderful Forgotten Sanctum.
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