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Everything posted by teknoman2

  1. the only 4 prophesies in the history of the world that are slowly coming true
  2. A few days ago i found that someone has all HP Lovecraft's works in audiobook form on youtube. i've been binge hearing them since In the last 48 hours i only slept for 3 hours and somehow i don't feel sleepy at all. If i lie down and try to, i will probably sleep like a log but i don't really feel any need to do so.
  3. job interviews work like this according to a facebook post to be the CEO you need to be naturally full of **** and by extend you want executives around you that are as full of **** as you are. this trickles down all the way to the average employ who is usually not full of **** by nature but is expected to act the part convincingly... after all, business is 30% work and 70% snake oil sales pitches
  4. in the B-17 the ball turret was separated from the rest of the aircraft and only the intercom allowed the gunner to have any contact with the others. it could not open from the inside during flight and it was too small to fit a parachute so yeah, in case something went wrong the gunner was F'd. in the B-24 the turret could be retracted into the aircraft so even if there was a problem they could retrieve the gunner. it still couldn't open from the inside but worst case scenario, they could release the hydraulics and the weight of the guns would make the turret drop bringing the hatch up so that the others could open it and the gunner could exit into the plane
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