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Everything posted by General_Disarray

  1. I like it when there's a large, WELL-WRITTEN variety of romances. Of any sexual orientation. I find that romances can add to the game, but not if they only serve as a dating-sim style 'tick right flags, have a sex scene.' Done right it can serve to add an interesting extra dynamic to a character, but done wrong it can drag everything down. Oh, but I don't want it to possible to romance everyone as anyone. There's something uncanny, and immersion breaking about everybody in the entire universe being bisexual. That and it screams 'these character's are just here to spread their legs for you,' which I detest. That said, I don't see why they wouldn't have them in the game at all. If you like them, you take them, if you don't, well, it's possible not to take them, surely? It doesn't feel like implementing the option would drastically affect the experience of those who don't wish to follow a romance plot, or am I missing something here? Side note: OP, in your poll what do you mean by 'well behaved'? This phrase carries odd connotations...
  2. I'd vote for the eels. Definitely the eels. I like the idea of an enemy that gets in the way of your attacks too, actually. Not just from a weird standpoint but from a battle dynamic. Like if they were on the enemy side. Maybe even that you can't damage them if you attack directly (within reason, or we could end up with a broken encounter). But as your own spell it's quite cool too. Quite horrific. I LOVE that move. I laugh as well, and I love how it's not just a cool move, but perfectly in-character by the fact it's pure over-kill. See, that would be the perfect time to make someone eat their own scrotum!
  3. Will we finally be able to cast 'a spell that teleports an opponent?s scrotum into his stomach to get digested'? Or, more importantly, will I finally be able to teleport an opponent's scrotum into someone else's stomach? If it actually made it into Planescape Torment, I somehow missed it... As a wider discussion, does anyone want to see any weird and wonderful spells/items in Eternity? If so, what sort of thing? I'm personally up form ever bit of humor they can get into the game, in whatever insane for it takes.
  4. Currently, I'd say they'll defo get 1.6 - 1.8m. Pretty optimistic they'll get to 2.2m and possibly beyond when the next tier of stretch goals are posted. Anymore than 4m I'll be surprised, but I don't think it's impossible in a final donation rush. 5m I'll be speechless.
  5. I'm personally much more adept at Turn-based Systems, but at the same time I don't have an issue with Real Time w/pause. I've found I appreciate the slight 'flexibility' to them that most TB systems don't really have. (Plus it means on easy fights you can let your characters clean up while you grab a drink or something. Though I admit, this has had mixed results...)
  6. On the assumption that this is a 'straight and narrow' high fantasy, I wouldn't mind a gun or two if they were obviously a joke. A late game item you can only get at the end of some ridiculous quest. In that case I'd be well up for mowing down a hoard with an AK. Who knows though, the setting might mean guns work. But overall I'm not keen on the idea.
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