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About Anaeme

  • Rank
    Eminence of the Obsidian Order
    (4) Theurgist


  • Pillars of Eternity Backer Badge
  • Pillars of Eternity Kickstarter Badge
  1. That fight is bloody and deadly... The front line thugs hit very hard and effectively block the path to their back line ranged attackers.
  2. This multi classed Arcane Knight should be compared with the myriad of other multi class builds that one can build focused on defense. I am focused here on addressing the issues with the single classed Paladin
  3. Less than half of the character deflection score is attributable to Paladin defenses.
  4. Does anyone have the same issue I am encountering where saves are simply disappearing? I have encountered this on multiple occasions now and wondering how to resolve
  5. Folks Paladins have been nerfed and nerfed and nerfed to the extent that the class can no longer be recognized for what it should be. Paladins should be a fully standalone martial class with extraordinary defensive capabilities of divine origin. That was why backers specifically demanded the class during the PoE 1 Kickstarter. What we see now is a watered down wannabe priest.. Their base deflection was nerfed beyond recognition. You cant touch sacred immolation unless you want to commit suicide Their exhortation have such a shortened base duration that there is no point using them Players really are better off picking a fighter This is what happens when nerfing is the primary mechanism used to balance a game. Classes get completely hollowed out. I have no idea whose lot at Obsidian it is to carry out this kind of task, but the results are poor indeed. On another note, We backers also have to accept blame for some of these undesired outcomes. There are folks in this community who constantly show up to whine whenever a class features an ability that actually works. For them the game must always be a grind. No room for smart character design, or synergy between abilities in a party. Anything that works is overpowered. It is terrible. As a result these selfish people ruin the game for everyone. The funny thing is when you call these people out on their nonsense, you discover they are not even playing the game...their noise is coming from paper calculations of what they think is happening in the game. The only solution as I see it is for the devs to reduce their reliance on nerfing as a means of balancing the game. The focus should be more on tuning encounters to meet the desired level of challenge
  6. Level up icons continue to flash even after leveling up has been completed
  7. Here is my wish list for PoE 2. (A few updates to my original post...) The Talent System needs to be revamped. PoE featured too many awful talents that made little or no difference after you took them. The worst part of this problem is that some of these talents were then rendered worthless by gear. For instance why take Graceful Retreat (12 disengage defense) when there is in-game gear that will provide way more. PoTD implementation is a problem. PoTD should emphasize more enemy variety per encounter instead of loading up bosses with infinite HP and one-shot damage. This poor implementation led to Dragons that cannot be killed. Can the developers please play the game on PoTD - or at least try. No more random addition of immunities that unbalance the game. If you are going to implement immunities please balance the other talents in the game to accommodate them. Immunities rendered classes like the Barbarian (Threatening presence) and the Rogue weaker than intended in the original game. Immunities were a disaster in PoE Players should be rewarded for designing good character builds. Remove the over dependence of classes on gear to be viable. (Forgemaster Gloves I am looking at you). There is something fundamentally wrong with gear overshadowing good character creation. It takes away the pay-off players get from constructing characters After a trap is detected, there is no reason for companions to run into them. Bonus against traps should increase upon detection A single attribute like Resolve should not dominate when it comes to dialog options. A resolve of 18 in PoE was enough to get the PC through most of the dialog options. Dialog options should be distributed better among the attributes Six party members are too many in my opinion. Others may disagree There should be more opportunities for people to gain attribute points through questing. The three in PoE (heritage hill, Council of Stars, Skaen Temple) were not enough Per rest attribute bonuses are immersion breaking and frustrating. No one should have to trace their way out of a dungeon to reinstate attribute bonuses. Resting should give other benefits, but not attribute bonuses I personally like min maxing. i like to see what I can squeeze out of a build. There are those who do not like to play that way and that is fine as well. PoE 2 should pay off for both types of play style Let us customize companions from the start of the game. Do not give us random stat distribution NPCs to salvage from their miserable attributes (Sorry Pallegina...) Please figure out how I can spend my money as it accumulates. 200,000 pands and nothing to spend it on is insane. All classes should have natural regeneration of health, even if some classes have more than others. Natural regeneration should be upgrade-able with talents Be brave...let us experience some Divine level or epic gameplay. (Motb did just fine) Plan for expansions from the start including the maximum level cap and talents. Scaling an area up because the player's level is too high breaks the flow of the game and really is an odd way to implement an expansion The bounties seemed 'tacked on' to me. the XP gain for those missions did not match overall game balance I would like the level cap removed...but that's just my opinion
  8. Updates to my original post included here for continuity... The Talent System needs to be revamped. PoE featured too many awful talents that made little or no difference after you took them. The worst part of this problem is that some of these talents were then rendered worthless by gear. For instance why take Graceful Retreat (12 disengage defense) when there is in-game gear that will provide way more. PoTD implementation is a problem. PoTD should emphasize more enemy variety per encounter instead of loading up bosses with infinite HP and one-shot damage. This poor implementation led to Dragons that cannot be killed. Can the developers please play the game on PoTD - or at least try. No more random addition of immunities that unbalance the game. If you are going to implement immunities please balance the other talents in the game to accommodate them. Immunities rendered classes like the Barbarian (Threatening presence) and the Rogue weaker than intended in the original game. Immunities were a disaster in PoE Players should be rewarded for designing good character builds. Remove the over dependence of classes on gear to be viable. (Forgemaster Gloves I am looking at you). There is something fundamentally wrong with gear overshadowing good character creation. It takes away the pay-off players get from constructing characters After a trap is detected, there is no reason for companions to run into them. Bonus against traps should increase upon detection A single attribute like Resolve should not dominate when it comes to dialog options. A resolve of 18 in PoE was enough to get the PC through most of the dialog options. Dialog options should be distributed better among the attributes Six party members are too many in my opinion. Others may disagree There should be more opportunities for people to gain attribute points through questing. The three in PoE (heritage hill, Council of Stars, Skaen Temple) were not enough Per rest attribute bonuses are immersion breaking and frustrating. No one should have to trace their way out of a dungeon to reinstate attribute bonuses. Resting should give other benefits, but not attribute bonuses I personally like min maxing. i like to see what I can squeeze out of a build. There are those who do not like to play that way and that is fine as well. PoE 2 should pay off for both types of play style Let us customize companions from the start of the game. Do not give us random stat distribution NPCs to salvage from their miserable attributes (Sorry Pallegina...) Please figure out how I can spend my money as it accumulates. 200,000 pands and nothing to spend it on is insane. All classes should have natural regeneration of health, even if some classes have more than others. Natural regeneration should be upgrade-able with talents Be brave...let us experience some Divine level or epic gameplay. (Motb did just fine) Plan for expansions from the start including the maximum level cap and talents. Scaling an area up because the player's level is too high breaks the flow of the game and really is an odd way to implement an expansion The bounties seemed 'tacked on' to me. the XP gain for those missions did not match overall game balance I would like the level cap removed...but that's just my opinion
  9. Tyranny was absolutely awesome
  10. I am taking a moment from my day to pay tribute to the Epic music Justin Bell laid out for Tyranny... The music at the top of the Mountain Spire was so moving, I stopped playing for a while just to listen. Justin Bell as a composer has indeed bloomed... I salute his work!
  11. I agree with this sentiment. I am sick and tired of the tweaking that adds nothing to the fun in the game...nothing
  12. Did they fix the bug with Kalakoth's minor blights failing to fire if wizard has Lengrath's displaced image on? Infact Kalakoth's minor blights sometimes just does not fire
  13. Can someone create a viable non face-planting rogue? I'd like to know if someone has successfully completed a PoTD run with the class? It is a phenomenally disappointing class
  14. 1. How have we been at communicating with you guys? Sorry, but very poorly...as far as I know only Adam Brennecke bothers to read and reply to communications. I cannot recall the last time Josh showed up on the forums, or even read anything coming out of here. It appears he avoids the forums entirely or is too busy. Whatever the reason, the lack of responsiveness from the director of a kickstarter game has been beyond belief for me. For ages we were pointing out the steep and uneven difficulty curve between levels 1 and 5, we were flagging the dismal performances of the rogue and barbarian, among other issues and nobody was listening. Our concerns did not get addressed while we got stuff like resistances arbitrarily shoved into the game thereby rendering several talents across different classes worthless Many apologies if this feedback sounds harsh, it is only meant to be honest and lead to better outcomes. 2. What did you like about us? You guys did a good job with finishing and releasing the game within a decent time frame. You also provided beefy add-ons to keep players engaged. Obsidian deserves kudos for this. No one can complain of being shortchanged. You have kept your commitment to having a deep narrative in your games. This is good I love the RTWP gameplay in PoE 3. What kind of things would you like to see us improve on? We want all developers to play and tune the game on the hardest difficulty prior to release. If you guys had played PoE on PoTD, I am certain players would not have been tormented by so many balance related issues. (The Adra dragon being a prime example) Gear and equipment has seemed to overwhelm/take away from the satisfaction of proper character construction based on skills and talents. My Barbarian should not have to rely on Forgemaster gloves before I can enjoy the class at its full potential. The power of the class should be in its talents and skills...gear should merely give flavor to the innate build The excessive focus on balance in PoE caused the game to sometimes miss the point that every game at its heart should be fun. If players are enjoying something (overpowered or not) don't nerf it, do something else like improving enemy AI instead. For instance the RDD class in NWN2 added more fun factor to the game Reduce party composition from six to four Please allow players build and customize NPC companions. I would have gotten a lot of use out of reallocating the points Durance had in Resolve 4. What would you like to hear from us in the future? I would like to see divine level game play. We raised this issue with Feargus during the Kickstarter and he said epic level gameplay will be more appropriate in a sequel. I hope he has not forgotten. Upgraded graphics...3D if possible. I want to see my features and gear during gameplay. Remove the level cap. Players should continue to be rewarded What is the hardest fight you had in the game? What were your favorite and least favorite fights? Do you feel that there were any boss fights that were to overwhelming or underwhelming? All responses based on PoTD gameplay: The Adra dragon on PoTD is the absolute worst fight. it was not properly tuned. The White March dragon has a breath weapon that also one shots entire parties Temple of Eothas shades were a tad too difficult for the level 1-5 area in which it is located. Also the stun attack in those fights needs to be tuned The Ogre fights in Cad Nua were too hard for the party level when they are encountered
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