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Posts posted by Justinian

  1. The evidence being brought forth in this thread has NOTHING to do with the majority or minority. It's a FACT that the game gets easier and easier as you progress to the point of triviality regardless of actual difficulty selected. It's not about whether normal is normal or hard is hard. Reverse difficulty is just plain wrong in games, especially when it results in players getting through the later parts by just autoattacking enemies without being damaged.


    I and many others quite like the difficulty of hard/POTD in the first act of the game, it's just later on when it all falls apart.

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  2. The patch didn't fix this for me.  When I first launch the game and it's loading the saved games, it spins now for approximately 15 - 20 seconds before showing "Continue" and "Load".  I've got 8 characters and probably about 35 hours in.  I'm on an Alienware box with dual 780's, 16gigs memory and the game is installed on an SSD with over 150gb's of space left.


    It wasn't meant to fix the delay in showing the "load" and "continue" options in menu, it was to reduce the time required to autosave/quicksave and load games.

  3. I wonder if devs are reading this thread and thinking about some balance fix in the future


    I would certainly hope so. I'm holding off on progressing much more into the game (just reached Defiance Bay) because I don't want to steamroll the last half of the game and not have any fun.


    It would be good to get a dev or Josh to come in and confirm that they are working on fixing the balance of the game as part of the next patch or two so I can have some idea when I can dive back in. The wait is really hard since I've loved every moment of the game so far.


    I reached Cliaban Rilag with a level 10 party


    me -  fighter







    combat is a borefest galore.

    no challange whatsoever on hard mode.

    I litearlly nearly fell asleep because of the routine


    Think I did it at lvl 7 on my playthrough and it was just as bad. First time you find some Animats, "oh they're cool!" "wait they don't seem to be hurting me... :("



    Wow, OK that's a few levels lower and still a cakewalk? Is it just the tanks that are untouchable?

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    Or you know ... fix the broken xp you get from side content and put the levels further apart.



    It can't work when you have people doing very few side quests and others doing every single one before advancing the main plot. Unless you are suggesting to remove all XP rewards from side quests you can't balance the game for every single playstyle. Everybody is playing the game at they own pace.



    Damn right if someone is doing one sidequest they should find the progression extremely hard or near impossible. This is not an open world do whatever you want game like TES - the sidequests should be there to level and strengthen your party so you can complete the critical path. Obviously you don't need to do all of them, but doing more will make your story progression easier and doing less will make it harder.


    The game should be balanced with this in mind first before tuning each difficulty. "Hard" should be relatively hard all the way through the game and PotD should be near impossible except for the most experienced of players. That's not even taking into consideration that a game should get MORE difficult as the game progresses, not stay the same or get easier!


    I agree with everyone who suggests side quest rewards/XP should be minimal. The motivation to do side content should be because you want to explore more or do more combat, not to make the game easier and easier.

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