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Posts posted by Justinian

  1. Definitely some memory leak of some sort if the game starts running worse over a play session. Sensuki, you mentioned earlier that the game runs slower and slower after a few map transitions, so mindswayer might be experiencing the same issue?


    Besides the memory leak issue, there's a couple more instances where the framerate tends to tank:


    1. When many NPCs are on screen - CPU related

    2. When many NPCs are on a map - CPU related

    3. When spells effects are on screen/lots of alpha effects - GPU related.


    I really hope Obsidian continue optimising the game. I agree with the OP that a game like this shouldn't be resource intensive at all.

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  2. I've noticed that frame rate drops in larger areas like Copperlane in Defiance Bay, especially around groups of NPCs. Frame rate returns to the normal 60fps when the game is paused, so it's definitely not a graphics card bottleneck but a CPU one.


    I also get dramatic frame rate drops in combat when certain spells are used. This seems purely a graphics bottleneck, but I feel I shouldn't be getting such poor performance from my reasonably decent hardware. Also, most of the spell effects are WAY too heavy and overblown, obstructing characters in combat more often than not. Perhaps tuning them down will also result in better performance? Two birds with one stone?


    Is this happening to anyone else?


    My system is above the recommended specs:


    i5-2500k 3.3Ghz


    AMD Radeon HD 6950 2GB

  3. I've noticed that frame rate drops in larger areas like Copperlane in Defiance Bay, especially around groups of NPCs. Frame rate returns to the normal 60fps when the game is paused, so it's definitely not a graphics bottleneck.


    Is this happening to anyone else?


    My system is above the recommended specs:


    i5-2500k 3.3Ghz

    AMD Radeon HD6950 2Gb

    8Gb DDR RAM


  4. I'm getting this issue too.


    Really weird since after a few restarts they reappear. Very nasty bug though and I think many people will ragequit the game because of it.


    Edit: I'm finding it tends to happen when clicking the left mouse button to skip the intro screens. When I let it run through it usually detects the save files fine.


    The beta also had issues skipping the intro screen so maybe that's where the issue lies?



    I use my mouse wheel to zoom in.  Didn't have to change any settings it was automatic.  I take it you don't have a scroll wheel in the center of your mouse?

    Everyone have a mouse with scroll >.<. But it makes no difference if you use a mouse or keyboard. I tried both. 


    The problem is that when running the game at high resolution, everything seems small, especially you can't zoom in close. 



    I play at 1920X1080 and I can scroll right up to my group.  Not super close on their head or anything.  What resolution are you guys playing at?  It may only scroll in so far.


    Oh and not all mice have the scroll wheel on top.  :/



    I'm playing at 1920x1080 same as you and I am using the mouse wheel to zoom in. The reason I'm asking is that I can't zoom anywhere near as close to the group as the recent videos from streamers and reviews can.

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