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Posts posted by Justinian

  1. The Escapist:


    Bottom Line: It's the best new, isometric RPG to come out in years.

    Recommendation: While Pillars of Eternity is certainly banking on a nostalgic fan base, it's still an excellent RPG in its own right. It's a game rich with player agency, giving you tons of control to craft your story or explore different solutions to the presented problems. You know, actual roleplaying not simply a game with a leveling and stat system stapled on.



    • Like 1
  2. RPS

    "It’s a triumph. A wonderful, enormous and spellbinding RPG, gloriously created in the image of BioWare’s Infinity classics, but distinctly its own. A classic in every sense."



    "Pillars of Eternity is modern, while evoking the past. It’s accessible, but satisfyingly complex. Its quality is undeniable, and it’s particularly heartening to see Obsidian, the underdog RPG studio with a string of thrown-bones and rough diamonds behind it, pour its sweat and passion into something they obviously love – and utterly nail it."


    PC Gamer

    "Pillars of Eternity is "one of the best RPGs on PC"

    • Like 1
  3. Animations are 30 FPS, the frame rate and animation frame rate are not linked. I get 60-150 FPS in the press version (My **** CPU slows the game down when there's lots of characters on the screen)


    So is the performance better in the press version compared with 480?

  4. I have to say from watching a bit of the streams the game is looking polished. Little things like UI improvements go a long way. They even finally updated the level up screen background which looks much nicer now.


    Plus you can now zoom in really really far, which is fantastic for seeing your characters up close. Should be a better experience for people playing at really high resolutions too.


    Definitely feeling the hype now :dancing:

    • Like 1
  5. Another huge issue which still hasn't been addressed is the overwhelming spell effects.


    When the poor visibility of units in the game practically DEMANDS that you identify them in combat via selection circles and engagement indicators, it's very dissapointing when even those are blocked by spell effects.


    Is this being worked on Obsidian? Can we expect visibility improvements and spell effect tone downs post release?


    Edit: Just figured out what's going on. The lighting layer applied to the grass is blocking out the selection and targetting circles. Perhaps these changes will fix this:


    1) Ensure selection/targeting/engagment UI is ALWAYS sorted above other effects.


    2) Apply a dark edge to UI elements to make them stand out even when surrounded by similar colours.


    3) tone DOWN the spell effects and lighting FOR GOODNESS SAKE! Using spells should be fun and beneficial, not confusing and frustrating!


    • Like 3
  6. Apple displays that have a high pixel density, typically twice more than classic displays.

    For example on my MBP Retina 13", my resolution is virtually 1280x800 but is actually 2560x1600 (which is 1280*2 x 800*2).


    To my knowledge the only "mainstream" computer displays that have a higher density are 4K (and soon 8K) displays.


    the Lenovo Yoga 3 Pro range has 3200x1800 resolution on a 13.3" screen.

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