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Posts posted by Justinian

  1. I picked this up back in the update 79 video.




    It seems like characters are shadowed whenever any part of their 3D model crosses the boundaries of an environmental shadow. The correct implementation would be to shadow a character only when the base of the model crosses a shadow.


    this game gets patched slower than a crippled sloth wading through tar. hay obsidian, when can we play the game your internal ponies get to play?


    Everything good takes time.

    Which is exactly why they should delay the game till next year.


    It's the perception that they aren't iterating/improving fast enough to release an amazing game in less than 3 months that has some people like me worried.

  3. No it is fine.  The only thing to be concerned about is if negative beta tester impression will have an impact on sales.  But I think it will be fairly minimal in this case.  Like Sensuki I want the game to be the best it can be, so I have played the beta and given feedback on my observations.  I have no fear at all of spoiling myself on the game as a whole, after all, this is literally only one tiny area and three quests.  One of the quests doesn't even take but 10 minutes or so tops to complete.  If I am that burned out on the others by launch time I can always just skip them.


    Regarding sales, I doubt the beta will have any impact on sales in the end. The overwhelming majority of the negative impressions only seem to exist here and on RPGCodex - the game is still being seen in a very positive light in the rest of the gaming community.

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  4. Been playing even more. I carelessly walked around a bit and my team was killed by beetles. This game was supposed to be about as hard as BG2, but right now I'd say it's at least twice as difficult. It's going to be hard to enjoy exploration if I can't let my guard down for even a second while trying to explore. Also, I've noticed they changed healing and it's made things even harder. 


    These enemies really need to be toned down.


    Not sure if this is just for the beta, but the areas seem to be even more dense with enemies.



    I agree. Too dense with mobs both in overworld and dungeons. There's little feeling of exploring a "place". Not enough scale or distance between encounters, and therefore little to no pacing. I hope this is just a beta thing, where the've crammed as many enemy types and encounters in as possible to make the most of the maps.

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  5. I ran into a bug fighting the 3 Pwgra guarding the ruins in Stormwall Gorge.


    When a Earth Blight was summoned by the Pwgra I noticed it appeared on my character bar as a blank white portrait and I could control it's movement.


    The other characters could still attack it as if it was an enemy.


    I did not cast any spells/abilities that allowed me to control the enemy.


  6. So I've made some GIFs to demonstrate what has actually changed between builds. In short, minor tweaks that go some way in improving character readability, but still inadequate in my opinion.



    A very slight improvement here in character visibility due to darker character shading/contrast.



    A much more noticeable difference here. It could be partly to do with the chapel lights being on in the middle of the day (a bug in of itself).



    Very slight increase of shading on characters, but still have major contrast issues in relation to the background. What's more interesting to note is the subtle differences in the background image. It seems like sharpness has been toned down slightly, and there are geometry changes which strikes me as weird.

  7. The reality is that 3D models with often huge weapons swinging at each other in close proximity will result in clipping. As long as the weapon swing has a follow through, there is no "sorting" that will prevent this.


    The only way to prevent clipping is to have the collision box around all characters be as large enough in radius to distance the character models as far as the longest weapon reach in the game. This of course will make all shorter weapon swings look detached and silly.


    If they implement a dynamic distancing of character models based on weapon used, this will play all sorts of havok with collision and characters being pushed around in combat.


    So no, I don't believe working to remove weapon clipping is the practical solution here. Better and more varied animation and hit impacts would be the way to go.

  8. Watching the latest bb 271 stream on Twitch, I noticed that the guard on the bridge was far more visible than before. Even accounting for the darker video on the latest stream, it's readily apparent there is a change.








    On the other hand, since the positioning of the model has changed, it's also possible they just replaced the earlier npc with a darker coloured one. I do hope the changes are global though.

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