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Everything posted by Longknife

  1. Wishful thinking much? Not quite: Give that a watch, mind who did the poll, and mind one stat in particular towards the end of his list of numbers. I personally feel like it would be foolish to call this for either side, simply because of how...well, retarded and terrible both sides are. Tomorrow Trump could be leading by 7 points, then he'll say we should suicide bomb Russia using our brown citizens and suddenly he's behind 20. Then when you think Hillary can't screw it up now, oh look, it turns out she murdered a man and a wikileaks email shows that she struck a deal where a cure for cancer is repressed so some pharma lobbyists can make more money (I do hope those examples were obvious enough examples so no one thinks this stuff actually happened), and somehow Trump is now leading by 15. It just goes back and forth, and honestly I think a huge role in who wins will simply be "who does a derp thing just before election day," which could easily be either of them since Trump himself is unpredictable and does a fantastic job of sinking his own ship, whereas for Hillary, Wikileaks could have a number of things up their sleeves.
  2. God damn it I knew someone was gonna bring science up about that part. Ok fine a sfae spontaneously falls on Trump's head like in Looney Tunes.....and inside the safe is some incriminating evidence against Hillary, then she gets indicted.
  3. Best outcome for this election is that Hillary gets indicted and a giant meteor hits Trump.
  4. Don't care, Dubya totally looked like a monkey.
  5. Guys remember when all we had to worry about was the fact that our president was a monkey and a puppet figure being exploited by a corrupt vice and administration for personal gain and potential for corruption, and we didn't have to worry about an idiot without a puppetmaster or a president that was fully mentally capable of greenlighting corruption? Those were the days... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Be6tunbRcs8
  6. Due to a number of issues, from being ditched alone in Germany to being too involved with taking care of getting a prosthetic leg that doesn't cause pain to travels back and forth between countries, etc etc, I had not been to a dentist in 9 years. Kept putting it off or kept being something I couldn't do. Today I went expecting the worst. 15 mins later I was out of there. "Huh. Your teeth look great. Just a little plaque to clean, but otherwise they're in great condition." Completely in shock. Apparently I'm a dental hygiene pro. Won't be waiting that long again, but still wtf.
  7. Produce the link of Strein saying that or it didn't happen, your word alone is not enough to convince me in anyway Took two seconds to find the vid in question and a vid that shows her stance that likely spawned the rather broad and vague stance of "anti-vaxx." I'm not even defending her, I just find any situation where the standard, abridged view of a politician's stance seems to vastly differ from their actual stance to be a rather unfortunate product of politics. From the digging I've done, that does indeed seem to be the case here.
  8. I asked a page ago if someone could source Stein + vaccines, no one did and here we are discussing her anti-vacc status again. I know very very little of Stein, but I HAVE found an interview with her basically responding to a question of "are you against vaccinations" and her answer was akin to "no of course not." I can dig up that interview and link it here, but I'd just rather see a source to the contrary because at this point I find it a tad alarming that I see such constant quick dismissal of a candidate without anyone actually sourcing the claims made against them. I've done some brief googling and what I can find on the issue is that she's voiced criticism of the political power held by the pharmaceutical industry while critiquing the system we currently have for determining which vaccines are neccesary. While it's fine to disagree with her on some of the stuff she's said, I typically see her labeled as an "anti-vaxxer," which gives the impression she thinks vaccines cause autism and the like, which I can find absolutely zero evidence for. Just sitting here a bit perplexed because I get the impression the public got politic'd on this issue and the abridged description of her stance does very very little to convey her actual stance while giving off the impression she harbors a wildly unpopular and silly belief, which I simply find zero evidence for.
  9. Sure there is, buddy. Sure there is. I should've explained what i meant with "gravitas" in order to avoid further pictures of facial gestures as way to retort. I meant it as a sense of responsibility in an earnest way. It can be seen in how his family seems to adore him, even his ex-wife comes out to his defence and how little complaints there are from people previously working within his organization (no complaints should make you really worried tough). The result of this love and admiration is nothing but the consequences of this gravity. It is nothing compared to what it should be in itself, but that's too much to ask in today's society. Responsibility may not be the right word. There's an interesting little story I remember from ages ago where basically, he's infamous for cheating at golf. The story spread because apparently golfing with him is insanely entertaining despite the fact you'll automatically lose due to him cheating (I guess people were less ashamed of making the accusation since they could still praise what a fun time they'd have with him), and it's super obvious his caddies are in on it and get paid generously for it, but yeah, it hardly screams "responsible." Can I get some sources on this? I only ask cause I recall people saying she was against vaccinations but I briefly saw her in an interview where her answer was "of course not" when asked if that were true. I know very little about her but the little I've seen definitely seems to be loaded with conflicting reports.
  10. I will never stop being confused why people perceive the most outlandish and emotionally-charged intentions behind my posts, and surely you must understand that from my perspective, when I ask a question and the response may as well be "lol u mad? calm down bro," then I can't help but wonder if it's an attempt to dodge out of the question. Didn't you say you've been banned at a few other message boards? Perhaps it's the way you write and the tone you give off seems emotionally charged to the reader? Yes, all from the same community and though I didn't post it here, I recently discovered it was indeed for what I suspected: writing a critique that made a corrupt mod buttmad enough to permaban. I think it'd be better to point out how that concrete post I made expressed stress or hostility rather than to reference some event that, quite frankly, you cannot know much about. My end point would be more why do you support her? With all due respect, 99% of your posts are either saying "Trump did a thing" or "Clinton is leading in this new poll." The first does not absolve Clinton of problems, the second is...well, quite frankly I find it rather pointless beyond maybe one statement of "polls from here on out are notoriously more accurate and a recent poll shows Clinton winning, so expect that." I consider it a common flaw amongst people to lack any self-reflection and self-criticism, and in an election where both candidates are wildly unpopular, I find it fascinating that STILL, both Trump and Hillary supporters are STILL eagerly "defending" their candidate in that they only point the finger at the other candidate. No one talks about redeeming qualities of either, yet they'll gladly voice rather vocal support for one or the other. If you truly believe Hillary will win, is it not more productive to focus on her faults? I mean for example TPP is rather unpopular. If people bit down on TPP and expressed disdain for it while still supporting Clinton, this can at the very least hold her feet to the fire and make her promise to avoid it, which if she lied about during her presidency, would undoubtedly garner more attention. Instead even now, I watch as the supporters seem to just turn a blind eye to any problems or controversies, and that really boggles my mind. Gee Bruce you're right. What the hell possessed me to believe you'd be unaware of her flaws? You're always on top of things and up to date with all the latest news and politics and you're always really neutral and non-bias about it too. My mistake.
  11. I will never stop being confused why people perceive the most outlandish and emotionally-charged intentions behind my posts, and surely you must understand that from my perspective, when I ask a question and the response may as well be "lol u mad? calm down bro," then I can't help but wonder if it's an attempt to dodge out of the question.
  12. This is what I really wanna know: Why are so many of you quick to point at Trump and say "btw he's dumb," but so reluctant to scrutinize Hillary? Every day I check newsfeeds, this thread, forums, polls, you name it, and it's always the same: "Trump drowned a kitten today." Ok, cool. As I've come to expect from him at this point.....But Clinton's over there kicking a puppy. Why are we not talking about her kicking puppies? That drowning kittens is worse than kicking puppies is irrelevant to me, because both of those acts are so abhorrent I'd never support either. Most people will point out that drowning kittens is worse though, thus news media cameras are pointed at Trump 24/7 so we can all get live feeds as he drowns kitten after kitten, but no one - and I mean practically NO ONE in the grand scheme of things - is keeping an eye on Clinton. Let's assume that nothing outrageous will happen between then and now (such as wikileaks dropping a bomb) and that Clinton will win the election. Isn't it more vital to educate ourselves on the faults of our would-be president, not focus on the faults of the loser? Calling Trump an idiot is beating a dead horse at this point, but we still have plenty we could look into regarding what Clinton is doing with various suspect acts and organizations. We're essentially putting the fox in charge of the hen house while we all marvel at how ridiculous Trump is, and it boggles my mind that people continue to do this knowing what we know now about the DNC corruption. Several threads ago, I posted "who are you guys voting for, idiot or criminal?" Here I stand months (?) later and the discussion continues to be "hey look how many crayons idiot can fit up his nose" while no one bothers checking in with criminal to see if she's still wearing her prisoner collar or if she's gotten it off and jumped the fence, and no one bothers remembering if they locked their doors and installed their security alarms before coming to watch the latest idiot show.
  13. Right, because conservatives and right wingers don't get their news from Fox, Breitbart, and Newsmax. Pointing the finger does not disprove the allegations that CNN is biased. FOX for example is absolutely bias, I agree, but that doesn't magically make CNN or MSNBC any better. If anything, it's just all the more tragic because dear god the USA needs a non-bias news network. It's little wonder most people prefer to scrounge for information themselves online rather than rely on mainstream news networks. Who's more bias is a rather meaningless discussion when all parties named will willingly lead you to walk off a cliff if it benefits their interests.
  14. redneckdevil warns Bruce the media is currently very bias towards the democrats, Bruce doesn't respond and instead posts a link to a report by CNN, also known as the "Clinton News Network." Classic Bruce.
  15. Oklahoma is #3 on that list and Oklahoma's a god damned hellhole wtf?
  16. I'm aware, but I still find the constant "WE'RE GONNA SECEDE" thing pathetic, because often times people are referencing a history so old it pre-dates any of their own living relatives. Dude when my mom traced my Scottish heritage we were told the earliest records of our family name involve some massive **** that'd lead his family in a charge down some hill to kill their neighbors for sport (Grandma is bonus points?), and on my German side, my grandfather was a Nazi lol. Like legit he could've shot or fought my American grandfather if I were a little less lucky. Doesn't mean I need to be an axe murderer or a Nazi now, so why does EVERY country have "that state" that insists that because they were independent ages ago, it should happen again? Calm it down and realize the benefits of the country you're now a part of. Ironically "that state" in the UK, AKA Scotland, is the only one with a case to be made now since they actually didn't want to secede from the EU and their secession would more or less be an attempt to return to another state they're being forced to secede from. There's just sooooooo many factors that go into a secession and as we can see via the UK, they're often not pretty, initially. Places such as Texas and Quebec in particular are simply not built to be self-sufficient and would immediately suffer from losses in trade if they were to actually secede.
  17. I'm sorry but every country has a Texas. In Canada, it's Quebec. In Germany, it's Bavaria. Every country has "that state" that's convinced their **** don't stink and threatens secession every ~5 years or so and nothing ever comes of it. It's little more than a self ego wank those states need for attention and a feeling of importance, most of the time. Quebec does it cause hot damn truly French Canada is best Canada, Bavaria does it because they think having the (second) best GDP means they're better off without everyone else, and Texas does it because a bunch of drunkards defended the Alamo once upon a time and obviously that means that Texas must always act tough and independent and like they're clearly all as badass as those 12 or so exceptional dudes that ****ing died. Source: Had family in Texas, visited multiple times for extended durations. Lived next door in Oklahoma and had to live through countless dumb****s that moved there introducing themselves as "HI Y'ALL I'M FRUM TEHCKSAS" as they raise their belt buckle real high like you're supposed to be jealous or something, then after a second or two it occurs to them they have a name and perhaps that's more important to mention instead of namedropping Texas. Seriously Texas gtf over yourselves, I as a half-German dual citizen should not be learning what Fremdschämen is thanks to interacting with Texas rather than Germany.
  19. They're looting and polluting; which is not the way. They need to hear what Captain Planet has to say. Captain Planet 2016 At least we know he'd actually do something about climate change instead of just putting it off.
  20. So this is my sort of depressing story about depression. I feel like I've suffered from depression for a long time, finally got to the point where I wanted to stop bottling it up and hiding it. Recently went to a doctor just to get the neccesary paperwork and permission to go to a psychologist. Instead, he sent me to a neurologist. I voiced some concern about that and asked why, he said it was standard and that they'd rather measure my brain for any oddities regarding brain waves or wtf-ever because depression can be detected that way. Typical ****ing Germany, I thought. Better believe they're gonna find a way to avoid talking about problems (or talking at all for that matter) and instead they're gonna make things all factual and reduce the situation to a measure of data. But whatever, when in Rome, and not like the USA (which btw Germany, you taught me is the world leader in psychological research. EVER THINK MEBBE THEY ONTO SOMETHING WITH GOING TO PSYCHOLOGISTS FIRST?) is ever gonna insure me with one leg anyways. I agree and go to the neurologist, though my fears are that he'll show little sympathy and just give me drugs. Was there today and he was actually ready to perscribe drugs before I even told him why I felt depressed. It felt like when I told my story all that did was affect the dosage. The perscription even came before the brain scans. Even after I told him, he offered that I could go to a psychologist but said it wasn't neccesary and that it was optional. When I'll get a psychologist appointment...? We will see. Called around and several already booked for months. What's more, currently on the lookout for a job (screw night shift with the last one, that **** gets old and I wonder if a lack of sun isn't part of my problem), and was considering taking it slow because the last time I felt depressed and went job hunting, it was awful. My confidence was just terrible and yet I had to bull**** people and tell them that I felt great and act like there was nothing wrong while overselling my attitude about various positions. This time I just went to the unemployment office and told them I felt like I lack confidence at the moment and I'd like to see if I'm even in good enough mental health to look for a job before we start with that process. This was a bit hard for me to say because I HATE being a problem, and German culture...? Every second mother****er in Germany is so drunk off workaholism that they'd gladly kill four hookers in cold blood if it meant you'd give them a job. I'm a total fish out of water here in that regard, as is every foreigner ever. I mean good on the Germans for their productivity and happiness with work, it's just frustrating when YOU feel burnt out and you have no one to vent to because the moment you chat up Heinz about it he's like "NONSENSE, EVERY NIGHT WHEN I BANG MY WIFE I'M THINKING 'GOD I CAN'T WAIT TO FILE THAT PAPERWORK TOMORROW SO I CAN STOP PLOWING MY WIFE.'" You ****ers are crazy. So I go there partially in assignment from the unemployment office to deduce if I'm fit to work at the moment or not, and when the time comes for this neurologist to give his input, he says "only you can determine if you feel good enough for it or not." I start explaining why I'm reluctant to say "yeah I'm ready" due to a past experience with searching for work while depressed, he THEN tells me "I hold the stance we should try things first, then later we can take measures neccesary if it's not working out" as he starts nudging me towards not worrying about it until it proves a problem. Yeah dude, let the guy who's feeling god awful find himself in a god awful situation, THEN we can fix it! That's EXACTLY what my fear was: that he was gonna pressure me into trying anyways. It's hard to describe cause it just feels so ****ty. No one likes being unemployed cause you feel worthless; now try it in a society of workaholics where you have to get up the nerve to say "hey I'm not feeling so hot" and their response is "U CAN DO IT" because hot damn working is so important. Every moment not spent working is a moment not lived, right? Maybe this all sounds petty but the way things are done here is just a real turn-off to me. Depression can affect one's brain chemistry, thus medication is often assigned. I get that much. Still, I'm confrontational by nature. I want to resolve the issues that led me to feeling this way. I want to discuss them, I want to be able to walk away from them feeling like they're truly resolved and like I'm at peace with them. I want to hear from a psychologist the exact reasoning why this medication is viewed as a correction to bring me back to my former self rather than "actually we just give these out so people can function in society better lol," because just taking something to change myself to be more functional just sounds gross to me. Taking meds just to **** around with my brain chemistry and make me feel good...? Seems like that masks the problem, in a way. It doesn't really change that some **** went down that really hurt and affected me, and the whole presentation sends an attitude of "I don't care about your problems, take two of these and go away." Writing all this cause I find myself hesitating and debating if I want to take them, at least until I get a psychologist appointment (which sadly could be months, by the looks of things). If the goals were to resolve some problems and buy some time to relax and dwell on it before I'm back to work...? Well clearly I've failed in the latter point so it's not like I'm obligated to take medication for the me-time, and clearly I myself have some reservations about just taking drugs so everything is magically sunshine and rainbow farts. Doesn't help that I looked up the medication I got and it's likewise perscribed for ADHD, and there's this big honking warning that says "oh btw patients often feel more depressed and even suicidal the first three weeks of taking this. If you feel like killing yourself, don't do it lol." Thoughts? This was legit my fear that I was gonna be shoved off to someone that'd prefer scans and drugs to talking and resolving issues while showing a classic "BUT WORK IS IMPORTANT!!!1" view instead of a more relaxed and understanding one, and here I am. Maybe it sounds ignorant or crazy, but a part of me just thinks that if you cannot explain to me why everything is gonna be alright and life moves on, then I question if it's so much a "chemical imbalance" in the brain so much as it is a natural reaction to the stuff you've lived through. I want to take medication only if I'm convinced thanks to explanations I can fully grasp and understand 100%, not just as a "oh ****, citizen #147,238 is having difficulty functioning in society. Let's give him drugs before we see a drop in our GDP!!" Hard to really describe my point without sounding like some nutjob that thinks the government drugs citizens for productivity or something; yeah I'm aware of that tone and understand I'm speaking hyperbolized and don't think that way. I guess it's just more that if this is who I am and if this is my identity: a melancholy guy that struggles to move past hardships I've had to go through, then I still don't know if I want to force a change and be a different person (to a degree) as opposed to trying to find a way to cope with it given the mindset I have naturally.
  21. I just clicked on this thread for the first time in ages and was I drunk when I wrote this or was I actually responding to someone?
  22. Who are you guys voting for? The one that bull****s all the time or the one that never tells the truth?
  23. Teacher giving up independence, sad This is stupid. The independence to sit in traffic? To drive in a straight line on a freeway? Oh noes, my liberty! I love when people try to justify doing menial tasks by calling it independence. I have a dishwasher in my house too, I really give up the freedom to hand wash everything. YOU ARE A SLAVE TO YOUR DISHWASHER, DIRTY EUROTRASH. THE FOUNDING FATHERS WOULD BE LIVID.
  24. Perhaps the left/right-paradigm really is a sham and only power matters. The Hillary camp offers a continuation of such power for those "Republicans", while Trump does not. But what do i know. Yes but Trump winning means we actually need to immortalize his stupid ****ing haircut in the Hall of Presidents, and we simply can't have that. Better to vote Stein or Johnson.
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