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Everything posted by Longknife

  1. Avellone is going to help write that Tsundere-Chan simulator game that keeps popping up in my Youtube recommended list.
  2. They did? I don't remember anything like that. Sec lemme see if I can remember what forum they posted the last one in.
  3. That's rather...curt. Yeah I find it strange that in the past Obsidian has posted to announce past developers leaving and has wished them well, but that's not happening here. I still think the "Sawyer and Avellone don't like each other" claims are completely unfounded and have offered no evidence to back up the claim, but the commentary on Avellone leaving thusfar (or lack thereof) seems strange.
  4. Where exactly do all these Sawyer rumors come from? I've never actually seen anything cited, it's always just been pure speculation. He never even said that.
  5. I would pay a decent sum of money to see Chris Avellone chokeslam Emil in the ring.
  6. How ****ing out of touch with reality are you Bruce, Jesus ****ing Christ... seemed as if bruce were making a funny... which if true makes it seem as if longknife is the one actual divorced from reality. HA! Good Fun! Not blind to the possibility, just hard to tell with someone who's always saying that stuff and always only backpedaling when someone calls him out on it. Makes me question when it's sincere or not. On topic though, I just wonder when we'll get a statement from Obsidian, where he's going and what he'll be doing.
  7. How ****ing out of touch with reality are you Bruce, Jesus ****ing Christ...
  8. How and why would you let him do that?
  9. This is because all of the writers for TES are no longer with the company. When Morrowind came out? Bethesda had all it's writers. Oblivion? Bethesda had only a couple remaining. FO3 and Skyrim? They've all quit. TES is essentially piggybacking off the lore those guys wrote, and even that isn't going so well since they're retconning like crazy. Fallout....? Doesn't look good, gotta be honest.
  10. This is my worst case scenario right here: Who remembers this leak and what the plot looked like according to it?
  11. It would appear Amazon prefers Obsidian's take on Fallout games: http://i.imgur.com/pX0lLuB.png
  12. For the same reason you'd put a laser on a shark. Glad to see this is the kind of thinking constructing the future of Fallout titles.
  13. A friend of mine who isn't a Fallout fan pointed out the trailer reminds him of Bioshock Infinite. That alone has me super worried. The last time Bethesda copied a popular company, it was Apple with Skyrim's UI. I really hope that wasn't what they were going for and that these are merely trailer graphics.
  14. Yeah I'm hoping the cartoony look is just trailer sheen, it mostly looks to be pre-rendered game assets mixed in with actual footage. On the bright side they've gone with the New Vegas aesthetic...though I do hope for at least some vomit green areas. Two other things: -Why does the USS Constitution have rockets attached to it? Especially when the entire thing seems to now be a glorified decoration for a bank? -There's an eyebot. Why? Shouldn't these be dead with the Enclave? Hopefully we get a sense for this at E3 but atm I'm very cautious and skeptical that I'm gonna like what I'll see. The USS Constitution having rocket engines on it screams Todd Howard going "becuz awesome lolz." I meant the door frame and structure resembles the design the Brotherhood used, making me wonder if the Brotherhood is (was) there since the emblem on the door isn't theirs.
  15. Initial thoughts: -The graphics look pretty cartoony compared to before. This is just for the trailer right? -The image at 1:50 looks like FO3's Brotherhood Citadel, but bears a new emblem for a new faction -.....Was that a ****ing airship? Did a double-take when I realized I'm not watching a trailer for Super Mario World 3. -Protagonist pls dun talk. Pls. -Hooray for knowing practically nothing new! \o/
  16. I got €300 on a plot revolving around androids vs. humans, any takers?
  17. Lemme stop you right there cause I refuse to read further: This is so asenine, infantile and counter-intuitive to everything that gets taught about fairness. You are suggesting it is ok to charge me as guilty even without proof. That's exactly what you're doing right now. Grow up. You're just a dime-a-dozen loner on the internet who thinks he's super hip because he's so cynical and critical of others. In reality, it's all you know how to do and the only talent to your name, the end effect being that you make stupid, outrageous statements and stances like this every so often when you're truly limited on stuff to scoff at before stroking your ego about how superior you are for not being like us peons. Yes I'm being a **** right now, no I don't care. You've earned it.
  18. It's not so much that they can't or that they lack offensiveness completely, so much as their offensive style is boring as hell. They autoattack. Autoattacking with consistent damage isn't exactly as thrilling as watching a skill cast wipe a group of enemies.
  19. Gotta be honest, I think this sounds like a terrible idea. I don't think PoE is popular enough to denote a card game. Even though it's hit it's kickstarter goal, the amount of people backing it seems pretty limited. Maybe I'm wrong and maybe I dunno jack about card game markets or something, but I just don't see how this'll turn much of a profit for Obsidian beyond the initial kickstarter profits.
  20. Another fun tangent: Did you know you don't have to comment on a woman's arse and can in fact keep such comments to yourself. I hereby award this post the "Most Useless Post that Contributes Nothing but Pure Grade-A Snark" award. Seeing as I never said men should voice such commentary, never said that I do it myself, how that doesn't really add anything onto the discussion, and quite frankly it just manages to come across as "herpderp I'm too simple-minded to avoid repeatedly responding to the same people with a hostile attitude regardless of what they're actually saying like some pretentious 14 year old child," I can't really think of a better candidate for this award. Congratulations. The issue is that, well, look at the post I linked and other posts within the thread. It's more like it's upvoted to be discussed. But what is the tone of the posts? A lot of "that's what he gets for pandering to them" or "now I feel slightly less guilty about buying New Vegas" and commentary that implies that developers should somehow prove themselves to the likes of GamerGate to receive it's blessing. It's very childish, to me, and that's what alarms me. An example of what that attitude reminds me of? Bare with me a sec while I explain: I played an MMO not long ago and met a guy who....So there was this daily quest where you have to go through this dungeon and complete it and you get some stuff. Some people AFK on certain levels of it since it's safe...-ish. What happened? He AFKed with an alt character. A factionmate who was doing the dungeon with their alt character killed his character because they were just the type of person to kill all characters they didn't know on their way through. She had no idea it was his character, or she wouldn't've done it. He checks his computer, finds out, and what's his reaction to his factionmate and comrade unknowingly killing his alt character with their alt? He reported her alt account and provided them with proof that the account was shared by two people, which is illegal and gets the account permanently banned. That? That's insanity. That's "omg how DARE someone cross my ego, now they must pay for all eternity." That's the most vindictive, childish attitude I've ever seen. And that's kind of what those kinds of people that I linked to remind me of, and that's why it alarms me. They view GamerGate as some crusade on a warpath and all that stand in it's way should PAY!!! You're either with it or against it, as refusing to join it is an INSULT of the HIGHEST ORDER to their outrageous egos, so you should be dealt with swiftly and mercilessly if you don't go along with their agenda. Granted, as both you and I have pointed out, it's not representative of all of GamerGate. It's still a minority. Me personally though, I am not comfortable with the fact that this minority is happily co-existing amongst all other GamerGate supporters and no one slaps them into shape. I've actually tried, and you just get brigaded and downvoted. My issue is basically that, with the current climate of that subreddit, I don't see that minority shrinking, only growing. Hopefully I'm wrong, but I honestly just expect the group think and dogpiling anyone who remotely disagrees to continue. I mean, look at Pakman. Pakman was regarded with high respect one minute, and then the guy does ONE interview with Sommers with a "clickbait" title, a critical tone and most of the context being about feminism, and what happens? Tons of posts about how "he's dead to us now." WTF? Calm the hell down you premadonna little ****s. I didn't see anything clickbait-y, he's always critical, and wtf else does Sommers talk about? Her interest in GG is purely in regards to feminist parallels; she offers nothing beyond that.
  21. And this is why I'm not with GamerGate anymore: http://www.reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/comments/37moxz/people_josh_sawyer_of_obsidian_defends_fallout/crnzbaq Check the comment thread that's minimized for too many downvotes by Sylphied. Why the hell is he downvoted for stating the facts while the idiot doing mental gymnastics to try and guilt Obsidian is upvoted to oblivion? We are all a part of this community. We know in what ways to be disappointed in Obsidian and in what ways they don't deserve blame. We saw it happen and develop as it happened. Seeing **** twisted like that just to continue being angry feels way too similar to the SJWs themselves. 20 people is not representative of the entire movement, but I still find it cause for concern that their narrative is a popular one that isn't being slapped with a truth stick.
  22. Yep, by no means disagreeing with that, was merely stating that I do feel like many men exaggerate the advantage and view it as absolute (aka no amount of workouts will feasibly counteract the advantage men have), which simply isn't true. Having said that, give both genders the exact same training and men will come out superior. And nah with my female friend in particular, I was really surprised. I'm by no means super strong, though another female friend did point out to me that she thinks my body just hides it's muscle tone well because I'm stupidly fast on crutches and support my weight with absolute ease whereas a friend of mine who worked out and found it fun to use my crutches (for whatever reason) would quickly tire when using them. Still, was pretty shocked to get into a play fight with the judo girl to discover I could just blatantly overpower her and GG we're done. I don't think many of us are contesting any of what you're saying, merely that the overwhelming majority of records documenting male fighters, alongside the statistics we have from olympic events etc, would definitely suggest men have superior physical capabilities. Whether this extends to dexterity...? We'd have to look at sports that value dex more and see if the same gap exists between the genders. Aside from that, the extra strength certainly doesn't hurt. Honestly the only thing in your post I'd be quick to contest is that I think medieval warriors would lose against experienced swordfighters of today, simply because things such as diet, health and even height/arm length can play a surprising factor in such things, and in all categories the modern man wins out by a very strong margin.
  23. Qatar just makes it blatantly obvious how bad it is though. We're talking about a country with atrotious slave labor work standards and weather that isn't exactly healthy for a World Cup game. To put things in perspective, controversies with the 2022 bid have their own wikipedia article, and it's pretty sizeable in it's number of issues: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_2022_FIFA_World_Cup_controversies Despite all of this, these people saw fit to make it Qatar? Yeah ok...
  24. Feminism: Make women ugly! Here's a fun tangent: Did you know that when a guy comments on a girl's ass and says she's got a nice ass, he's actually subconciously and completely instinctually recognizing that she's got healthy birthing hips and is more likely to provide a safe and healthy birth? I'm afraid I heard this years ago so I don't have a source on that, but during my google search I did find this: http://elitedaily.com/news/world/scientists-think-women-bigger-butts-produce-smarter-children/916018/ The above link at least attests to the fact that I'm not lying and yes, this is a real science that actual people in actual labcoats investigate. Interesting stuff. Biology is smart. Very smart. And while I'm by no means trying to say that ugly people are universal failures that can't produce anything good, I merely want to highlight that there is a method to the madness of attractiveness, so shaming attractiveness and trying to go against it is a bit counter-intuitive. Not to mention how ideological it is, and therefore horrendously impractical. Case example: the USA does not realize how strong it's capitalism game is. Advertisements in the USA are flawless. Comparatively, German ads are more relaxed. Our models in ads often aren't picture perfect or they have something noticeable like a scar on their cheek or whatever. First, it comes across as more amateur and not to be taken seriously, and secondly, the stuff like scars or squinty eyes or whatever does distract from the ad itself, because at the very least you catch yourself staring and asking "I wonder why they chose this person since here I am now questioning why they chose them because it distracts from the ad, and therefore continues to do so." I would not expect to be shown in an advertisement brandishing my prosthetic on full display so everyone sees my leg is fake because it distracts from the purpose. As such, good luck ever convincing business and marketing to buy into this kind of stuff. EDIT: Derpy me, I linked that source just to make a point and chose to read it once I was done. The article directly references the other study I read years ago, so viola.
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