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Everything posted by Sensuki

  1. It is intentional, yeah. The simplest solution would just to change it's recovery speed so it attacks faster than 2H and shields, IMO.
  2. I think it might have been Chrome auto correcting it or something.
  3. I agree, although I did make an Implement using Rogue and it wasn't terrible. It wasn't great either.
  4. The way in which backgrounds have been assigned bonus skill points is very simulationist, which is a bit strange for this game ... and also very unbalanced in skill coverage. Here are the spreads, listed by skills rather than background. Lore (Aristocrat) Lore (Clergyman) Lore (Philosopher) Lore (Scholar) Lore (Artist) Lore (Mystic) Lore & Survival (Explorer) Lore & Mechanics (Scientist) Lore & Mechanics (Merchant) Survival (Colonist) Stealth & Lore (Dissident) Stealth & Survival (Drifter) Stealth & Survival (Hunter) Stealth & Athletics (Raider) Athletics & Mechanics (Laborer) Athletics & Lore (Mercenary) Athletics & Survival (Slave) There are: 9 ways to get Lore 6 to get Lore +2 4 ways to get Stealth 4 ways to get Survival 2 ways to get Stealth & Survival 3 ways to get Athletics 3 ways to get Mechanics 1 way to get pure Survival No ways to get pure Mechanics No ways to get pure Athletics No ways to get pure Stealth It would be nice if some of these were changed so there were ways of getting pure Mechanics, pure Athletics, pure Stealth and/or some more combinations with less Lore.
  5. Nah it's just bows that are weak. Arquebuses/Arbalests/Blunderbusses are actually quite good. Pistols/Crossbows are okay.
  6. Expected Results: Opening the color picker should have audio feedback Clicking on the color in the inventory should not flicker the Color picker.
  7. Liches used to cast True Sight a fair bit so I always remember that one. The enchantment one I remember in a female voice. But yes, reverb.
  8. 1H style is horrible, don't use it. 2H or Two weapon is far better. Have yet to make a useful 1H single build yet. Let's break it down. 1H style gives you +10 Accuracy, and thus a +10% chance of a +50% increase in damage. 2H style gives you essentially 1H x 1.25 damage (or close enough to), all the time. And that's pretty much the reason why it's bad. They attack at the same speed, so hit for hit - 2H is always better, and benefits more from damage multipliers. However if 1H style were a bit quicker, then it might be better.
  9. Latin truly is an excellent language for incantations
  10. Combusting Wounds VFX and damage linger You can see wurms dying at level load in the Dyrford Crossing Selecting a self-targeting ability does not cancel attack/special attack cursor Fog of War and Dialogue issues You can target yourself with special attacks Issue with save game order and most recent character Issue with selection when currently selected character goes down Minor Sound Design issues with areas with creatures Enemies still have poor targeting AI Ancient Memory (and other friendly spells that 'hit') play hit SFX when they shouldn't qualify for it Engagements can proc from a distance and creatures can still engage when moving sometimes You can pull the bears away from Korgrak
  11. In this video you can see that bears also need an updated targeting loop, but it's a lot faster than Sevis or beetles. It's also possible to pull them away from Korgrak. Korgrak should come out and attack you if you attack the bears IMO.
  12. In this video, I lure Sevis into targeting the BB Priest (all of the other ones do because she's the closest party member). I run the BB Priest behind another character and block the pathing space to the BB Priest. Sevis takes a very long time to target another character. Some of the other characters have the same issue. In this video, you can see that Stone Beetles qualify for target re-acquisition after they burrow (but only if they burrow). Wood Beetles however have horrible targeting AI. The Wood Beetle never stops targeting the first character they saw. It decided to use it's corrode spit twice on the closest character to it at a certain point in time, but then went back to targeting the character it originally saw. You can also see that in this video, engagements are still buggy. Does engagement check for isMoving? Because a) That wood beetle should never have been able to get an engagement on that character, and b) the engagement should have ended as soon as it started moving. Ancient Memory also plays hit SFX when it hits party members, when it shouldn't. I'll bet this happens on other friendly ticking auras as well (Chants, perhaps), and friendly buff spells. I will keep adding videos on this subject, with other bugs I find while I'm doing it
  13. I think it's a 3D directional light that lights up the post-processing fog in the area? They also have different renders to simulate lighting on the 2D image itself.
  14. I'd like to hear some ambient sounds from the creature types in the area like the Wolves in the Dyrford Crossing to give you an idea of what's to come. When you're near beetles, it would be nice to hear the beetle noise in the distance or something - stuff like that.
  15. When a character goes down that you have selected, their selection circle stays selected. This can be confusing if they were knocked out from prone stance, and it looks like you have them selected, and the cursor changes to select over them. Another issue is that when they go down, the game automatically selects the PC. This can lead to issues where if you are confused that a character went down and click their body, it will order the PC to move to their body and potentially suffer disengagement attacks. I would prefer if when a character goes down and you only have them selected that NO ONE is selected, and you can choose who to select next by yourself.
  16. Expected Result: Most recently played character should be brought to the top IMO.
  17. Expected result: should bring up a "quit smoking sign" cursor like trying to attack yourself
  18. Yeah I'll record it for ya. I think the current range is fine tbh, it's just that the enemies can't see you at the same time as you see them.
  19. You can fire any ranged weapon and hit Sevis first. The BB Rogue can hit him from where she's standing in the video.
  20. Expected Result: Sevis should initiate dialogue with me as soon as I can see him. I think the player currently has a larger line of sight than enemies do, which is a bit unfair. I also think that the fog of war edge should be much harder (as in, closer to the black rim), than the current soft edge where characters are obscured by grey fog but still visible.
  21. Expected Result: When I click Frenzy, it should cancel the attack cursor from Barbaric Blow.
  22. Expected Result: Wurms should be already on the ground before the game loads.
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